Mad World-Donnie Darko x Reader

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  (Based on the movie:Donnie Darko from 2001)  

I glanced over to my friend Donnie who wasn't speaking at all and lazily swinging onto the swings on the park since we decided to come,the whole town was filled with trees with no leafs,houses decorated for Halloween night.

"Donnie." I call his name again. He isn't even on earth right now,we've been dating for a month now but we've never properly gone out on a date.

Donnie has been having a difficult time right now,he just got out from treatment at a mental hospital since he said the end was near and he kept seeing a man in a rabbit suit named Frank.

I know it's been hard for him but I feel the same..I suffer from depression since i was 13 and this isn't helping at all,seeing Donnie so broken breaks my heart.

Kids at my old school would constantly bully me just cause I was different too,I was known as the emo girl and even though i've calmed out a bit from that phase i'm the same,i wear the same clothes and have jet black hair that reaches my shoulders and bangs.

Donnie looked at me like anyone..he didn't consider me a freak and neither do i.

I held Donnie's hand and he finally met my dark brown eyes, "We'll make it out of this."

"I just want to leave this town."

"We time."

I smiled and leaned over to kiss his cheek,last Halloween he kept on telling his ex girlfriend Gretchen to be safe and kept on trying to save her from whatever he thought might kill her,since he had a few visions he came to hate his sister's boyfriend,Frank.

Everything got wild that night that Gretchen ended up dead due to Frank running over her in his car,Donnie shot Frank and he ended up dead with a bullet in his eye,

I helped and visited Donnie every single day in the hospital,due to him suffering from hallucinations and being a psychsofrenic he was set free and under no charge.

Now he's free from that solitary room but the past still haunts him, "Today is Halloween why don't we dress up as something and go on a date?"

"Sounds good." He replied.

He went to his house and I went to mine which was next to his,I dressed up as a witch,black dress with witch boots and stripped tights. I waited for Donnie outside and when he came I saw that he dressed up the same as last year,his skeleton outfit and grey sweater.

"Come on,Donnie."

I held my hand for him to grab and he slowly did,we walked through the crowd of kids with their parents trick or treating. The sun was slowly beginning to disappear and the moon appeared lighting up the night sky.


We decided to have out little date at the local diner. It wasn't anything fancy and I didn't expected it to be,as long as I'm spending time with Donnie makes me happy.  

"You know we should go to the movie theater later,The Rocky Horror Picture Show is on just for tonight."

"Oh,I didn't know,maybe we'll go then.Maybe you should go I don't want to make you feel sad or disappointed of me." Donnie replied staring at the plate with food.

"Donnie Darko. You are the most wonderful guy i've ever known and no matter what you're going through i'll be there for you,just like I did last year. You aren't a burden to me and never will be,i'll take care of you if I have to for the rest of my life cause I love you..and I don't want to lose you."

Donnie stared at me with sadness in his eyes,he reached over my cheek to get rid of a tear that slipt. He stood up and made his way to my side,he took both of my hands and I met his eyes.

"I love you too (Y/N),I swear i'll try my best to change and make you happy,you saved my life after all." He held me tight in his arms and kissed the top of my head.

"How about we head to the movie theater then,I don't want you missing you're favorite movie."

"Okay then after that let's watch Evil Dead?" I suggest. Donnie smiles a bit and nods his head, "Anything for you.." Donnie says and leans down to hug me once more.


  Hey there it's me again! This time since we're entering the Halloween spirits i'll be writing a few one shots from any horror film or suspense also Tim Burton characters are allowed! I'll name a few movie/tv shows you can request on.


A Nightmare On Elm Street

Friday the 13th

American Satan (even if the movie isn't out yet)

Psycho (also the tv show Bates Motel you can decide which one to request)

Donnie Darko

A Clockwork Orange



The Rocky Horror Picture Show

The Lost Boys

Pet Sematary



The Cabinet Of Dr Caligari (dont think anyone knows this movie but i'll write it)


The Addams Family

Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber From Fleet Street

Edward Scissorhands



American Horror Story

The Silence of the Lambs

Crimson Peak


The Boy


and many many more!!

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