Sweet Dreams-Freddy Krueger x Reader (2010)

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(Based on the movie:Nightmare On Elm Street from 2010)😈 Also unpopular opinion but I prefer the 2010 version of Freddy over the original one. Don't attack me!


I found myself in an abandoned looking warehouse, thing is there were multiple pipes and fire around me and the air felt hot and dense. I felt like someone was watching me...

"Do you remember me, (Y/N)?" Someone in a dark and gritty voice asked. I looked around but saw no one near me.

I slowly walked careful of my surroundings and winced when I heard something hit the metal pipes and heard a loud screech, it sounded like knives against metal.

"W-Who are you?? How do you know my name?!? My hearts began to beat faster and I felt myself growing scared.

"You were always my favorite." The voice sounded close to my ear. I quickly turned around and was pushed against a wall and I tried to scream when a man stood in front of me.

Gripping my neck with his razor sharp knives as gloves. The man was completely burned and donned a stripped sweater and fedora. I looked away and began to cry trying to escape from him.

"Surely you must remember me and all the fun times we had together." I shut my eyes and pushed him away with all I got and I began to run down the corridors.

"Don't run away from me!" He shouted when he appeared in front of me and hit me with his knives. I cried out in pain and held my bloody arm.

I woke up in a sweat and pushed myself off the bed and began to hyperventilate. "(Y/N), What is wrong I heard you screaming?" My mom came into the room.

I felt something running down my skin. I touched my arm and noticed I had a few large scratches and also on my face. "I'll get a towel." Mom dai leaving the room.

My sister pulled her headphones down and rushed over to my side. "It's happening to you too right?"

"Have you spoken with the orhers? Nancy are they having these similar dreams?!" I asked afraid as I looked into her dark eyes.

"I spoke to Jesse and Quentin. They haven't spoken much about it..since Dean passed away." I began to cry remembering the event.

Nancy was working at the diner when Dean was struggling in his sleep and cut up his own throat. He would never do such a thing.

Mom has been acting weird since she heard the news of Dean and other classmates we used to have back in preschool. I don't remember much of those days but people have mysteriously died lately.

"I'll be fine..thanks Nancy." I said and watched her leave my room. I jumped up when I heard someone come into my room.

"(Y/N), its me! Please don't freak out." Jesse was in my room and his shirt was spake in blood. "Jesse?! Why are you all bloody."

"Kris..she's dead!? Please whatever you do don't fall asleep."

"Don't call asleep?! Did you see him too?!"

"I didn't. Kris did and now he killed her."

I looked at Jesse worried and stared up at him. Jesse is Kris' ex and he was mine before her. "Jesse you have to get out and hide before someone suspects you of killing her." I said and watched him begin to cry.

"Just don't fall asleep, (Y/N)." With that Jesse left and it wasn't long till the cops showed up and took him in. "You know who did it." Jesse shouted at Nancy.

She won't admit it to herself but someone is after us. Quentin joined in to help us when e heard the news Jesse got killed in jail by the man in our dreams.

It had been 2 days since it happened and I was weak and tired from not having sleep. I was also growing angry and tired of everyone thinking we were going insane.

"Who is he?" I confronted my mom when she was in the kitchen. She put on a dumb face and turned around so she wasn't looking at me. "Tell me I deserve to know whos tormenting my dreams!" I shouted and threw a glass to the wall.

That made her jump up and stare at me. "His name was Fred Krueger. He used to work at the preschool you were in and he was the gardner there.."

Mom began to tell me the story and that's when I started to remember some things that happened to me and my friends who are all dead.


"How about we play hide and seek next?!" Freddy suggested to us all when we had recess and the teachers were inside having lunch.

Dean, Nancy, Kris, Jesse and the rest of us had finished playing ball when Freddy told us to play some thing else.
We all cheered and ran away while we heard Freddy count to ten. I tried my best to not giggle when I hid behind a bush and knelt down so Freddy wouldn't find me.

I was pretty far from where my friends went to hide. "There you are!" I pouted when I was found. "But this was a good place to hide!" I fought back and pouted at the tall man.

"I've seen you hiding here from time to time. How about we play another game, just the two of us?" He asked lifting my chin up and playfully playing with my hair.

"Okay! Before recess ends!" I cheerfully said. Freddy grabbed my hand and began to show my around someplace dark.

"Whoa what is this place?"

"I only share this place with those I love..and you're a special little girl. Will you be a good girl for me?" I nodded my head and saw Freddy close the door behind him.


Now I understood it all. The marks and bruises that appeared on my skin, how mom found out about it, Nancy had them too and a couple of our other friends. Mom explained to me how I was his favorite and how the parents decided to take action and he got burned.

My hands lower down to my thighs and can still feel the scars and bruises. That motherfucker is gonna pay.

Quentin, Nancy and I got away before our parents could lock us up claiming us to being insane. We arrived at our old abandoned preschool. Quentin would stay awake while Nancy and I would fall asleep and defeat Freddy.

I was back where I started this horrible dream. "I remember who you are. You cant hurt me anymore, Freddy." I taunt while walking with my sister and glancing at our backs.

"You've hurt us kids too much and ruined our childhood, my innocence..with your sick games. You lured us kids in to have your fun with us, well your days of tormenting us are over-"

Freddy appeared in front of me and threw my against the wall and I heard Nancy cry out my name and trying to distract the burnt man but his eyes were focused on me.

"You'll never get rid of me, (Y/N). This is just the start of us both." I looked away and shivered when he grabbed my face and licked the side of my face.

"Get off of my sister!" Nancy crawled up behind him and stabbed his neck. The man screamed in pain and all of the sudden we were back into the preschool but Freddy came back with us.

I got up and shouted Quentin's name when Freddy was behind him and threw him aside. Freddy slashed my neck and dragged me along with him to a dirty bed, where he used to have me.

I screamed in anger and tried getting out of his grip but he pushed me against the bed and ripped my shirt off. "Get off of me!" I shouted and grabbed a needle and stabbed it in his eye.

"You bitch." He growled and when he was about to attack me again. Quentin and Nancy poured something onto us and I recognise the smell. Gasoline.

I grinned and pushed him away and lit up a match and threw it at him. In less than a minute he and the building were caught on fire. Nancy grabbed my hand and pulled me out before I could get caught in the flames

The three of us stood outside the building tiredly and watched it burn.


We were back home. Quentin was sleeping in my room and Nancy and I were downstairs. I had my wounds bandaged up and Nancy had on a cast since she had her arm broken. Everything was finally back to normal and I could live my life without remembering that abusing past.

I still kinda had a grudge on mom since she lied to us all of our lives. "(Y/N). I want to apologize to you and Nancy for lying about you know..everything."

Mom looked at us both and gently smiled. We returned it and accepted her apology. "It's okay mom."

"Yeah, he gone for good." I agree with Nancy. The moment was ruined when all of the sudden the mirror behind mom broke and Freddy's razor sharp knives were gouged into mom's eyes.

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