Take Your Pick-Tom Hanniger x Reader (My Bloody Valentine 1981 version)

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(Based on the film: My bloody Valentine from 1981).

Summary: For the longest of time you've hated Sarah. Tom always favored her over anyone else, now he is back and you are willing to do anything to get his attention.

(A/N: I haven't seen anyone written on Tom Hanniger only about Harry, so I decided to be the first person that i know so far. Consider this as a special Valentine's Day horror one shot❤️also apologies if it's not 100% good, also just before posting this I found out Paul Kelman, the actor who played Tom passed away 4 days ago. I'm sadden by the news, so rest in peace 🙏🏻)


"Are you going to the Valentine's Day dance?!" I was surrounded by many people asking that question daily. Valentine's Day was quickly approaching. I've never been fond of Valentine's Day, maybe because of everyone starts to eat their faces whenever they kiss.

I'll admit it can be a lovely day, a special occasion to share with a loved one, but not me..I had a crush on a guy who never paid attention to me, I was only a friend.

"Of course! Just you wait the dress I'll be wearing." I remained sitting down in my "group of friends", Gretchen, Dave, Hollis, Patty, Sylvia, Howard, Mike, John, Tommy, and Harriet. Sarah, Axel, and the mayor's son T.J. 

Tom Jesse Hanniger is the guy I had a crush on. I mostly remained in the group just to see him, Howard is my cousin but we never were too close. He claimed and so did the rest on how weird i dress or how much is a pessimist i am.

One of the things I liked about T.J is that he usually defended me in own way. We would just share a few smiled and talk for a bit whenever we were away from the group.

We were all sitting down at the bar with the rest of them talking nonsense as always. "Are you really all concerned about this Valentine's Day dance?" I scoffed and felt all eyes on me.

I I'm usually the quiet one in the group so I was certain they were all surprised to hear me talk out loud.

"I think you're just jealous we have dates and you don't." One member of the group said which angered me a lot.

I turned to glare at them, "I have far more important things to worry in life than a dance. Harry Warden is still wandering around too.'

My so-called group of friends groaned when I mentioned that name. "Don't tell you believe in that bullshit." Axel said wrapping his arms around Sarah.

"There's no need to be so mean to, (Y/N)." I turned around and my expression softened when I looked at Tom. I was the only person to call him by his real name.

Everyone rolled their eyes but I saw Tom and Sarah eyeing each other which only made me jealous. T.J placed his drink onto the table i was sitting on and took a seat in front of me.

"Hey, would you mind doing me a favor?" His dark brown eyes seemed to light up when he looked at me.

I nodded my head and smiled shyly. "Sure, anything."

He folded his hands together and smiled looking at me then glancing at Sarah. "Would you mind spending some time with Axel? I kinda want to talk to Sarah without him chasing after her."

My smile slowly disappeared when he said her name again. "Axel? You know I hate him..I can't believe you are still chasing after her."

I bitterly said hoping he'd know that i also dislike Sarah, he dumped her after he disappeared for years and mysteriously came back. "I'll repay it to you later somehow." He shrugged.

"You love horror movies right? We can see a movie together sometime...maybe we can go to the mines."

I glanced back at him and that piqued my interest. T.J works at the mines, the same one where Harry Warden was found eating someone's after he was placed at a mental hospital.

T.J or should I say Tom knows how interested I've been to visit the place. I want to be an author or even a reporter to uncover gruesome tastes, and this would be a great start for me.

Tom smiled and placed his hand on mine. "What do you say, (Y/N)?" I blushed when he said my name. I moved the few strands of black hair across my forehead and slowly nodded.

"I-I'll do my best."

Soon enough we were interrupted when everyone began to retell the story on how everything started with Harry Warden. Every Valentine's Day he would be back.

Killing people and handing out real hearts inside heart shaped boxes. "Sounds romantic to me." I muttered resting my hand on my hand.

I heard a hum and saw a small smirk across T.J's face. He also paid close attention to the storytelling.

Right after that we were outside heading out to our own place. I stayed behind the group slowly walking while the rest chatted away up front, Tom was also behind the rest.

"Do you think she'll accept me again?" All of the sudden he asked.

"Maybe." I shrugged not really caring if she were to decline him.

"You're so cold." T.J chuckled and shook his head. "Everyone's right, but I guess that's what makes you interesting. You don't care what others might say."

I looked up to my right and smiled at him when he looked down at me with a smirk. "Look at those two.

"Someone scoffed and made fun of us, more like me. I ignored them and felt a bit hurt, it's been many years since I've endured all of their awful talks about me.

It's been lonely without being able to talk to someone about how I really feel. My parents were killed long ago and i was shortly adopted when I was a kid.

"Don't mind them, they can be assholes."

We continued walking down the streets until we were close to the parking lot. "I'll talk to Sarah tomorrow..." I coldly said staring up ahead.


"The Valentine's Day dance has been cancelled." I heard many people talk about it. It's not even that important. I continued writing down on my notebooks and hadn't seen any of my "friends" out on the streets.

I can only assume that T.J and Sarah has reconciled in a way.

For as long as I can remember I have loved him, he's only seen me as a friend or sister. I remember all of the stares, kisses, or how his eyes filled with lust whenever he saw Sarah

"Fuck!" I winced in pain and realized I had accidentally stabbed my hand with my own pencil. I grabbed onto the pencil tight and got it out of my flesh.

I quickly ran to my room to wrap my hand up in a white bandage. Why can T.J return his feelings for me? The only time he and I were together was when I shared my first kiss with him many years ago.

"Moping around won't get me anywhere." I muttered and tried to get rid of the dark thoughts in my head.

I left my small apartment and started wandering to find anything to eat. I jumped up when someone tapped my shoulder and i saw that it was Axel.

"What do you want?" We've never spoken to each other alone, so this was very shocking.

"Do you know where Sarah is?!" He sounded desperate and controlling as always.

I continue to walking staring up ahead, "Fuck! She's with T.J, isn't she?"

I stopped walking and glanced at him. "We both knew they would get back together eventually." I truthfully said. It angered me but what else can I do

"Don't you think it's suspicious how he suddenly showed up again?" He turned to look at me while he ran his hands over his blonde hair.

"Don't play stupid you know I'm right. You've always loved that idiot while he's too enamoured over my girl."

I remained silent and slowly nodded. "Alright! You're right. I would've done anything for him but he doesn't love me."

Axel scoffed and began to bitterly laugh. "It must suck..knowing you'll never be loved by the one you've liked."

All of the sudden he reached and held onto my arm tightly.

"Fuck you, Axel."

I got out of his grip and started walking away, I turned back and saw Axel glaring at me as I walked far from him.


It was Valentine's Day and we were all outside the mines. Just like T.J promised me, he would give me a tour..with Sarah of course. I rolled my eyes when he said that and I knew that he has catching up that i do not like her.

Everybody on our group of friends were drinking and talking about stupid things, I was far away from them minding my own business when I heard T.J coming up to me.

"What are you doing here on your own?" He asked after taking another drink of his beer.

I crossed my arms over my chest and tried to not get emotional. "I just don't like Valentine's Day.."

This must have peaked his interest because he stared at me, wanting a good explanation. I took a deep breath when I stared into his eyes and felt all these emotions again.

"My parents were murdered on Valentine's Day. I don't remember much but I do remember seeing a black silhouette, I hated the person who killed them...but I actually enjoyed seeing all that blood."

I finally admitted. I felt sick and disgusted by myself, it feels like all of that blood and screams woke something deep in me. "How did you get this?" T.J gently grabbed my hand and examined it.

It was still wrapped up with a bit of blood. "Axel is going to kick your ass later for hooking up with Sarah again." I reminded him.

"Why do you hate her?" he asked instead now getting a bit irritated at my dislike for her.

"Tom.. I have known you for many years, this might sound dumb but that kiss we shared back in middle school it still means something to me. You are the only person who always treated me nicely, looking past my looks to see someone who has cared for you. Sarah, doesn't deserve you. As soon as you left she went after Axel..." I finished saying.

T.J stared down at me I reached up to kiss him, until I was stopped. I opened my eyes and saw his expression completely change.

"I-I'm sorry, (Y/N)." Tom said nothing more and simply walked away leaving me heartbroken.

His friends ran past me an into the mines. "Come on, (Y/N)." One of them called probably drunk by now.

Without saying a single word I slowly followed everyone into the mines, my felt as though my heart had broken into millions of pieces..I felt completely empty, deep down i guess I never wanted to admit that i wouldn't have a chance to be with him.

I began to aimlessly walk around the dark empty mines with a single flashlight, everyone went their separate ways and no way did I want to be by Tom's side now. I silently began to cry until I fell to my knees and tried ignoring my dark thoughts once again.

I stuck by his side, always helped him when he needed my help and now I'm lonely again.

Screams soon filled the dark mine. Quickly I got up and aimed my flashlight up, someone was thrown on the ground, I squinted my eyes and saw a tall guy covered in black with a mask and an ace in hand.

I silently cursed and began to run as fast as j could away from the figure. Is that Harry Warden?!

Was he the one who killed my parents?... immediately I stopped when I found a hiding place and I began to make up a plan.

Right next to where I was hiding, there were a couple of rocks and sharp objects, one of them being a single hammer. I held it in my hands and was ready to attack, I held a deep breathe when Harry Warden walked past me and deeper into the mine.

I shortly followed remaining to stay silent. I saw him chasing and fighting Tom with Sarah, quickly I appeared behind him when he was distracted and I hit him back as hard as I could. The figure turned around to attack me, he held his hands up to my neck, choking me.

Tom appeared behind him with Sarah who attacked him. Harry Warden fell to his knees and the three of us began to run, I hear more footsteps approaching which I assume is the police.

But as soon as I began to get closer a couple of rocks fell blocking me from getting over to Tom. "Tom!" I shouted his name desperately trying to get to him through the rubble.

I knew he, Sarah and everyone else were on the other side. "You need to get out!" I hear him shout. My blood ran cold when I realized that it wasn't Harry behind the mask but Axel.

Tom stole Sarah from him..so he'll take me. I screamed but as soon as I did, Axel got up and covered my mouth, making me follow him deeper into the mines to never be seen again.

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