The Cult-Isaac Chroner x Reader

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(Based on the film:Children Of The Corn from 1984)

I stayed quiet and stood behind Isaac as he began to act like a preacher to the younger kids. Malachi who was by my side glared at each of them since he suspected of them, that they might betray us and run away to try and contact any of the adults outside.

It's been three years since they massacred the adults the small community of Gaitlin felt quieter and more lonelier without them. Isaac, Malachi and I have known each other for years. I'm 13, a year older than Isaac and Malachi who is 18. I've decided to stay on my best behavior or they might kill me.

I always avoided Isaac back then, he's always been distant and cold to everyone but me. My parents weren't fond of that so they were one of the first to be eliminated by Isaac.

Many children began to fear him and I couldn't blame them for it. I would follow instructions and do whatever Isaac would tell me to do. Also I have to stay calm and calculated since Malachi has a keen eye and knows who might be planning things like betraying and helping the small children.

Isaac would constantly talk about an entity, "He Who Walks Behind The Rows" claiming that the entity spoke to him and ordered him to kill the adults in order to make a ritual for the entity to be summoned.

We are surrounded by now full grown cornfields. The older kids fascinated by Isaac' s now cult and the smaller fearing him. I excused myself to go the bathroom but really I was running up ahead trying to find Sarah and Job. I've come to realize that Sarah has visions which she portrays through her many drawings.

I spotted them up ahead trying to go to the main road and pulled them away before any of the older kids would find them. Anyone past 19 years of age are to be executed. "What do you think you're doing? I warned you two to be careful. If anyone finds out about this we'll be killed." I angrily warned the kids as I gripped their shoulders.

I took a shaky breathe and stared down at them. "I'm scared like you both but we need to play along, I'll continue to protect you but you need to obey me."

Sarah looks at her older brother for reassurance and he nodded. "Okay..." I nodded and smiled at them both tiredly.

"We need to stay safe, I know this'll all be over soon." I whisper to them. We heard movements behind the corn of fields and I saw Malachi.

He looked at us with a cold look and looked at us disgusted. "They were planning to run away. I came here on time and stopped them." I tell him and stood up straight.

Malachi swung his hand and slapped Job and then looked at me. "Lock them up and make sure to get back to Isaac." He warns me and have us one last look as he left.

I glanced back and frowned when I saw Job holding his cheek. "I'm sorry..come on I'll give you some ice." I held them both and began making it into their home.

After I was done I headed back to the fields and saw the majority of the older kids talking. "About time you showed up." Malachi smirked but Isaac only glared at him.

"There's no need to be mean to (Y/N), Malachi. I heard that you took care of things between the children, correct?" Isaac said turning to look at me with a doll made of straw in hand while the other he caressed my cheek

I remained quiet and nodded my head. "When I ask a question I like to be responded correctly." I frowned and looked at him now, "I took care of everything, they won't be a problem anymore."

Malachi hummed and stepped away from me. "If they do, you know what will happen." Malachi smirked at this and held one of his weapon. I know that look of his.

I nodded again, "I understand, Isaac." I started walking away till I was stopped and felt his hand grab my wrist.

"You're not going anywhere. I want you here. Now sit." He demanded with a strict voice. I had no other choice but to do as he told.


"There is no way they'll make it out alive." I angrily told myself and gripped my hair out of frustration. Two adults named Vicky and Burt arrived and now the whole place seemed like a ghost town.

Isaac heard of the news so now everyone had a plan to attack them and possibly kill them too for being intruders. Job and Sarah were gone and I had no idea where they were while Malachi, Isaac and I were in one spot at the church.

"I have to find them." I muttered to myself and tapped my foot against the wooden floor. "No you will not. The others are searching for them so you will stay here, what if those two see you? They'll certainly kill you."

I glared at Isaac but he see me unfazed by it since he knows how stubborn I can get. "I can do this on my own without your help. I'm older than you remember that."

Isaac seemed to get more annoyed by me. "But I'm the one with the rules here. He Who Walks Behind The Rows won't be impressed with how you've been acting and disobeying me."

He gripped the back of my dress and pulled me back down to sit. "Better obey him." Malachi leaned down and whispered to me when he past down the aisle.

"We'll be right back." Isaac told me and stood up. I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest when he leaned down and kissed my cheek and left.

I glanced back when they were gone and I began to run down but realized he locked me up. "Fuck." I muttered and began looking around to escape and saw a window.

I pushed the desk closer to the wall and threw a rock against the window and broke it. I flinched when pieces of glass were stuck to my skin, I peeled them off ignoring the pain and began running to find the adult couple.

I can't believe I agreed to this back then. The first year when this all started I was on Isaac's side and did everything he told me to do, we sorta were a couple but I couldn't handle things anymore. The killings and every parents death are his fault and the rest go believing in this entity.

"There you are!" I gasped when I heard Malachi behind me. "You were helping them all along you traitor! I'm the oldest one here so I'm in charge."

The red headed boy began running to me and I tried my best to run faster by he easily caught me. I began trashing in his arms and bit of his arm but he wouldn't let go, some other two guys grabbed me and took me deeper into the cornfield.

There I saw Vicky tied to a cross to be sacrificed. "Tie her up as well " Malachi shouted at fhe rest.

I screamed and tried to hit them but they easily got me up and tied me to the other cross that as beside Vicky. "(Y/N)? I was looking all over for you. Burt went to find the kids." Vicky told me.

So they'll know we are here meaning they'll save us! "I thought I told you two to escape! Not that I don't mind you helping me, but we'll probably be killed." I shout back at her.

It started getting darker and Isaac arrived. He was furious when he saw me tied to the cross. "What is the meaning of this? Malachi answer me!" He shouted at the red head.

"Your little girlfriend has been betraying us. I'm tired of your preaching so the deal is done. I'm taking over, you'll be sacrificed instead. Who do you choose to be replaced by you?"

Malachi smiled wickedly and looked up at me. "Malachi is right! I've been helping them all along, what you've been doing to this town is messed up! You killed our parents just to take control but all you've done is fail."

I look up at the dark sky and feel some tears running down my face. I felt something touch my tied up legs and saw Malachi cutting the rope. "What are you doing?" I mostly asked myself and realized that Isaac chose to be tied up instead of me.

"You idiot do you have any idea what you've done." I angrily shouted back and felt myself shaking from the cold and fear.

Out of no where Burt came and untied Vicky and pulled me away when I heard Isaac warning that the entity was angered because of this, of what Malachi is doing. He wants to sacrifice Malachi for his betrayal.

Why wouldn't it want me? Burt easily carried me away with Sarah and Job while Vicky held onto us tight but he quickly went forward attacking Malachi and began threatening the kids to back off as they held up torches. "Any religion without compassion is false!" He was attacked by Malachi but Burt being older easily tossed Malachi to the ground.

"Malachi!" A sinister voice called out. I turned around and gasped when I saw Isaac, he wasn't tied up anymore, slightly burned and with a deeper demonic voice.

Malachi stared at him now frightened. "He wants you too, Malachi."

A storm began appearing over the cornfield. Vicky held onto Job Sarah's hands. I stared back at them both and saw everyone else running away, Isaac began to slowly get closer to Malachi who was on the ground.

"Come on we have to leave!" Burt came running back and hoisted me up on his shoulder. I reached out but no words fell out of my mouth. All I saw was Malchi going limb and the storm not stopping.

Burt handed me over to his girlfriend and began pouring gasoline over the cornfield and threw a molotov to put a stop to the false god and this town. The place was quickly burning up and we were all inside their now restored car. I stare outside the window as Burt began driving faster. Gaitlin now disappearing from my sight and hopefully I'll forget of Isaac and the many awful things he did.

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