The Somnambulist-Cesare x Reader (The Cabinet of Dr Caligari. 1920 version)

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(Based on the silent german movie:The Cabinet Of Dr Caligari from 1920) 

"Now rise, Cesare.."

I entered the tent and stared in awe as the older man opened a cabinet revealing a young handsome pale man,dressed entirely in black,sleeping soundly. The mayor was right that that festival would be the best in years, "Open your eyes." the man slowly opened his eyes and people around me gasped and stared at them.

I've never once seen them in town before. "Step right up and ask your questions." the old man says to the audience, one by one people start getting closer. I spotted two of my friends Francis and Alan up ahead, one of them asked "How long will I live?" Alan asked.

The somnambulist known as Cesare steps out of the cabinet almost robot like walks closer and stares down at the man, "Until dawn.." his low voice whispers.

The man stayed paralyzed before his friend grabbed his shoulder and made him leave the tent with him. Worried I look behind and see them disappear into the night , i grab onto my dress and start moving forward, the older man stares at me and smiles "What is your question my dear?"

I have bad vibes from him but I ignore his weird stare "When will I find the man for me?" I know it's a stupid question to ask but my family has been wanting me to finally marry, my family is one of the most richest here in town and want me to finally find someone to share my life with you. My eyes meet Cesare's dark ones and I see his hands twitch.

"You just did tonight." he simply said but before I could ask further questions, i was pushed back by the crowd of people. I kept my eyes on Cesare and he does the same before he looks back to the older man, he wickedly smiles and looks to me. I follow his eyes and see his seeing the item I am wearing.

I touch my sapphire necklace that's been passed down to generations, it's my family's prized possession it is said to control people and heal them from evil.


That same night my friend died mysteriously in the streets, some people were missing and I was becoming even more scared. I secured my doors and told some of my maids to stay in my room until I was asleep, i swore every time i walked the streets I felt someone watching me. Ever since that man came with his cabinet thing's have gotten weird.

Supposedly the police were looking for him and his 'puppet' as people call Cesare. I looked at him and felt him wanting to escape. I was asleep in my bedroom room when I swore I saw a shadow, i hid my face under the sheets and waited a few minutes before I looked back up and saw Cesare holding a knife to my chest.

"Cesare!" mI try pushing him when he tries to stab me, he grabs me and carries me out of my bedroom before I screamed and tainted into his arms.

When I opened my eyes I found myself in an alley and let out a small scream when Cesare was sitting next to me holding his head in his hands, "W-Where am I? Cesare?" i try to reach him but he jumps away and covers his face from me.

"I-I couldn't do it.." he keeps whispering that over and over. I crawled closer to him and slowly grabbed both his hands "Couldn't do what?" his dark eyes looks at mine before he whispered "Kill you.." i let go of his hands and stared at him afraid.

"Why couldn't you kill me then?" i try asking him since he isn't much of talking. "Please tell me Cesare! Is that man using you?" slowly he begins to nod his head, no wonder he looked so eerie and acted so weird. He's been using Cesare to do his bidding.

"Cesare..was he using you to kill me so he's get my necklace?" again he nods and I hear people approaching. "There he is!" I see people with torches and rifles.

"(Y/N) are you okay?!"

"Step away from that monster!"

"He's not a monster! Dr Caligari has been using Cesare to kill and rob people. I love him..he didn't harm me in any way, look this necklace made him wake up from his curse." I stood in front of Cesare protectively till my parents grabbed me,dragging me away from Cesare before shooting him.


I woke up panting heavily and found myself in a white room, people around the area were walking,playing chess or talking to themselves. Panicked by where I am, I started looking around and saw Cesare by a corner picking a flower in his hands, "Cesare!" i smiled wide and ran over wrapping my arms around him.

"Are you okay?!"

I look up to see him looking at me weirdly, "What happened?" i ask when he doesnt respond, he tilts his head and looks back at me "Are you okay (Y/N)?" i frown and stare at him. Weren't y-you shot?!"


I look behind me and see my friend,Francis talking to himself, "I swear I didn't kill him!'

"Where am I?" i ask shaking his shoulder and then looking down at his chest where he was shot but there's no sign of him bleeding or anything through his dark clothes. "What i-is happening?" i look around and finally came to a conclusion, i'm in a mental hospital. "Doctor the patient appears to have woken up, should we sedate her?"

Looking behind me I see Dr Caligari and two nurses with him, "Strap her up." i fall down and begin to crawl over to Cesare and grabbed his arm, "No! Cesare w-why are we locked up!? Help me!" the nurses began to walk closer with the doctor behind them.

"You n-need help (Y/N)." Cesare mutters and gently holds me out to them.

"I-I don't understand what did I do?!"

"You attacked some people out of town and almost stabbed the doctor." a woman nearby tells me, she only stares up ahead without looking at me.

"That's a lie! the d-doctor was using Cesare to kill people."

The nurses grabbed me and strapped me up in a straight jacket, "Noo help!" the doctor began to slowly move to where I was and held a syringe, "Don't worry (Y/N), i'll cure you." Caligari placed the needle in me and in an instant I began to get dizzy.

I looked back at Cesare and fell into his arms, "You'll be f-fine (Y/N)." he gently smiled and held me close to him the second I closed my eyes.

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