Trapped-Lawrence Talbot x Reader

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  (Based on the movie:The Wolfman from 2010)  

"We have arrived miss."

I took a deep breathe and looked up ahead at the Blackmoor estate, the mansion I used to come every single day to play with my best friends Ben and Lawrence Talbot. Two young cheerful boys who once loved to play and explore the house but after their mother died Lawrence became distant and changed. A year after their mother passed I moved in with them because my parents died in a fire, I don't believe in that story. Even after years of ting to find out if they were murdered I was still the same, i became more open to my surroundings and wouldn't trust just anyone.

I stepped out of the carriage and stared at the mansion just a few steps away from me, the same familiar smell and gloomy clouds above the estate.The man beside me placed my luggage next to me and I saw a familiar old man up ahead coming out of his home.

"(Y/N), my sweet child, it's been many years since i last saw you." Lawrence's father John Talbot welcomed me. I walked closer and smiled at the older man who grabbed my hand and kissed it "It's a pleasure having you back." "It is indeed." I stared around and we began to walk inside the house. Stepping inside I saw the same worn out walls,paintings and decor. 

This place hasn't changed at all. John showed me to the room I would be staying which was just two doors down to the room where Lawrence,Ben and I used to play. From what i've heard Lawrence has been acting in various places around and hasn't come since, I hope i can see him soon.

That's one of the reasons I came back after all.

Next I stepped in the living room and saw a bottle of wine on the table next to the fireplace and above it was a painting of Lawrences mother. I still remember her vividly she would often spend her time with my parents and once heard that she wanted Lawrence to marry me once we reached eighteen but that never happened. "(Y/N) i've prepared dinner for tonight, please come sit." we spent that night catching up and he asked me about what i've been up to all these years, i told him a few things because i noticed that he was acting strange.

That night I was laying in my bed when i heard footsteps behind my door, footsteps like if their were children running around. Quickly i made my way over the door and opened it, there was nothing when I looked back at the empty hall. The candles lightly guiding down the dark halls. That night i couldn't sleep in thinking that something was off in this mansion. Right when I woke up I heard horses right outside my window and I looked down to see a man with John. I squinted my eyes and saw that it was Lawrence, quickly i grabbed my robe and placed it on and began to run down the stairs and right when I reached down I saw him.

Lawrence Talbot the man i love was there just a few steps from me. Lawrences dark eyes focused on me slightly smiled, "Hello (Y/N)." my eyes became watery,nothing came out of my mouth so I ran towards him and wrapped my arms around his torso "I miss you so much." he muttered resting his head on top of mine.

"I did too."


After and awkward dinner with John and Lawrence barely talking we were finally alone when he came into my room, he stared down at his hands and I reached for them, his dark eyes meeting mines, "Lawrence what brought you here?" hesitant at first he remained silent till he looked back at me "I came to find what happened to my brother." i stared at him shocked at the news. Ben disappeared? "His fianceé Gwen came over to my work and asked me if i knew anything about him.

Gwen Conliffe. I remember her she used to come here all the time but i never thought she was going to marry Ben. I looked to my right and saw Lawrence about to cry so I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head against his chest, listening to his heart and mine beating faster every second. "I'll help you,Lawrence, if you need anything i'll be there to help."


Next morning we woke up and found Ben's body mutilated at a slaughterhouse. Lawrence became enraged and went to the local pub, I went back to the mansion since he said he wanted to me to stay and that's when I look up ahead and saw Gwens back towards me.

"(Y/N) i never knew you were here." she says realizing i'm behind her.

"I can say the same thing." she turned around and looked at me. Gwen and I never liked each other "What even brings you here?" i ask knowing well why she came but made it seem like i didnt know. She took a deep breathe "I came to find my fiancé." I saw her eyes lighten up when she stared back at whoever was behind me.


My heart stopped when she said his name and how she changed her voice too. I felt jealousy rising when Lawrence walked over to Gwen and she hugged him. I realized later after she and Lawrence had dinner I snuck up to the room she was staying and read her diary, ever since she was little she had a crush on Lawrence instead of Ben. I don't want to lose him again. I didn't go down to have dinner and instead stayed in the room and changed into my gown and placed on my robe too.

Right when i was about to head to bed a knock came on the door "Come in." i said adjusting my robe and Lawrence popped up and smiled a little when he saw me "You didn't have dinner, I came to check if you weren't sick." he said taking a seat on the edge of e bed and placed his head on my forehead to check my temperature,my heart again started to beat faster and felt my cheeks heat up.

"I can assure you that i'm not sick." sighing he retrieved his hand.

"I was worried there for a second. Now if you'll excuse me i'll go and check on Gwen." he began to stand up and quickly I grabbed his hand and he stared back down at me. If i don't say this i'll lose him. "I-I..don't" "(Y/N) i must check on Gwen." he was about to leave when my grasp tightened.

Standing up i glared at him "You want to know the reason why I came back? I came back for you Lawrence,.I want to be with you, i want to marry you and have children,raise a family both of us, together." blushing i stared at him and realized i said that out loud, "You came back for me?' he asks in disbelief . I nod my head and he looks away "I'm not a perfect man, i don't even have my own house and you want to stay with me?" i nod my head once more and he turned his back to me and stayed like that for a minute.

"You don't want ti be with me (Y/N),you're too good for me." I stepped in front of him and grabbed both his hands "But i do Lawrence, even if you don't have money or lost your brother and seems like theres no other way, i still want to be with you." he looks down at me and placed his hand on my cheek and I leaned in and kissed his lips, i pushed him down onto the bed and climbed on top of him attacking his neck while his hands were wrapped around my waist and started to take off my robe.

I finally have Lawrence.


"Let him go!" I cried pounding onto the now closed door as I saw two men strapping Lawrence onto a chair,claiming that he's the werewolf that's been killing everyone in town. I don't believe any of that, Lawrence is innocent. "We have to kill him."

"He's the beast that's been killing innocent men."

The room was filled with these idiot men speaking nonsense about my Lawrence, those bastards have no heart they locked him up in this asylum and Gwen hasn't said a word to me so we can help him escape. "We have to help him. He would do the same thing to us." i said to her but nothing. I barged into the room "Lawrence! I'll get you out." scared he stared back at me and right when I was about to loosen those restraints Aberline the ScotlandYard police inspector that's been hunting down Lawrence grabs me.

"Let go of me you bastard!" I shout and scratched his cheek, i looked back and saw him raise his hand and slapped me, I fell down to the floor and next thing I heard was growling. I opened my eyes and saw everybody trying to get out and saw a beast in front of me.


The werewolf howled and began to kill a few men in here but never once did he attack me, I stood up and the werewolf stared down at me and was raising it's claws when Aberline shot him and the werewolf broke free. "No!" i shouted and began to run out of the asylum and began to follow Lawrence till I lost sight of him. I stayed up all night trying to find Lawrence and saw him up ahead beneath a bridge, hiding from the locals.I raced down trying to not fall cause of my dress and saw Lawrence asleep.

"Lawrence!" I knelt down and wrapped my arms around him till I heard him wake up and he shoved me back. "Don't touch me!" he said covering his eyes and stared down at the ground afraid "I'm a monster..a beast! That should be feared. I'll be trapped in that hideous body." breathing heavily he stayed like that and I got even closer to him again and grabbed his hands, and stared down at mine, the ring in my left hand twinkling in the moon light.

"You are not a beast Lawrence, someone did this to you..i won't leave you..ever." i tell him and he smiled for a second and wrapped his strong arms around me. "Don't ever leave me." he whispered and felt his tears hitting onto my bare skin.


"Gwen let go of me." I tell her with tears pouring down my cheeks and she shakes her head, her grasp on my wrist tightens so I won't run inside the mansion. It was midnight and Lawrence was fighting with his father turns out the werewolf who bit Lawrence was John all alone and along the way also found out that John killed my parents. I was about to race in and shoot John with a few silver bullet I found but if I did Lawrence might attack me. Gwen and I looked back when the mansion began to burn up and we saw up ahead the villagers approaching with their torches.

We heard a howl and we heard a window break, "Run!" Gwen shouts and the both of us began to run into the Blackmoor woods when I looked back and I saw a werewolf following me. I can't tell if that's John or Lawrence. My pace fastened until I tripped on a branch and was careful to not hit the ground, when I turned back the werewolf has it's arms on either sides preventing me from escaping when he growled.

I looked into it's eyes and saw the familiar brown ones I love, "Lawrence! I know that's you, listen to my voice. This is not the real you." I whispered loud enough for him to hear "You must listen to my it for me it for our child." i say placing my free hand on my stomach. Those brown eyes looked down and he took a step back and i saw Lawrence beginning to turn back as a human.

He fell down and I saw him bleeding, "Dear no no." I placed my head on top of where his heart is and heard his heart beat. I began to lightly shake him "Please open your eyes Lawrence." I stared looking down to him and he gasped and stared up at me.

"(Y/N)? are you safe? Did i harm you?!" he stands up not caring about the pain he's in. I nod my head repeatedly and wrap my arms around him and he does the same "We're safe." i tell him and he looks down to my stomach. He smiles looking down knowing what I meant and again wraps his arms around me and kisses my lips, "I promise i'll be a better man." when I was about to kiss him again I heard the towns people approaching.

"Find that werewolf!"

I heard growling behind me and saw Lawrence transformed in a wolf again and growled when we saw the people approaching. I pushed him away and stared back at him, he looked down at me and I saw his tired eyes, "Run..i can't afford to lose you to them." Lawrence in his werewolf form growled again and with tears in my eyes i pushed him again.


He looked down at me then ran off further into the woods, "Where is he?!" still crying I look back at Aberline. "He's gone.."He died.." i lie and the man scoffs. "You're lying!" "You don't believe me?" i lean down and grab a dismembered hand and hold it up. "I killed him myself..he sunk down in the river, you can take a look if you want." I say looking back. Aberline stayed silent and a minute later I saw all of them leaving.


"You sure you're fine going on your own? At this hour?"

i smile looking up at my friend who stares at me from the door with her arms crossed across her chest. "I'll be fine on my own Gwen, you should know that by now." i reassure her and she smiles. "Don't stay out too long or you'll catch a cold." i turn my back and start to walk away from the cabin. It's been four years since I last saw him and to be away from all the people who hated him,Gwen and me. I decided to live by the woods and built a cabin away from society. I wrapped my dark cloak around me preventing me from getting colder, the light snow begins to fall when I begin to pick a few berries from the bushes and trees and place them in my basket.

I walk a bit further and hear growling, looking around I see nothing till later the growling stops and I hear footsteps approaching to where I am standing. I set the basket down and look at the bushes moving and saw a werewolf.


I smile at the sight of him,carefully I uncover the arm i've been hiding behind my cloak and show him our baby resting on my arm,the baby looks back at me then at Lawrence.We're going to be a family once more...

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