Trouble in Transylvania-Renfield x Reader (Dracula 1931)

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Summary: You and Renfield travel to Transylvania as newlyweds but an unexpected turn to events leads you both to meet the infamous count known as Dracula.

(Based on the 1930's version of Draculaura. Decided to finally finish writing this since the movie Renfield will be released soon and I love Dwight Frye's performance)


I continued resting my head against the window to the carriage, hoping to be able to get some more rest. I had never been much for traveling but this time I decided to join my husband on his trip. We got married early this week and him as a real estate agent was being sent off to Transylvania instead of Jonathan Harker who was much too busy to travel.

I fought the man to take his place since I wanted my husband and I as newlyweds to enjoy our time together. Unfortunately, things turned around for the worse.

We were a bit tight on money so Renfield accepted on going to Transylvania and I refused to leave his side. I closed my eyes and tried my best to fall asleep, though it would be impossible since the rays of sun kept hitting my face. My husband was excited since I decided to come over to Transylvania with him, my father on the other hand was worried but didn't question me any further.

I felt a squeeze on my hand and opened my eyes to see that we had arrived at a village. "We are here, my love." I smiled warmly at my husband as we both watched outside.

Some people were excited to receive us but some I noticed closed their doors and windows. "Did you see that?" I question letting go of my husband's hand when we stepped out of the carriage and he began to grab our belongings.

"Don't think much of it. They are probably shy around newcomers." He plays it off and smiles at a small crowd of people who surrounded us, to greet us.

I look around my surroundings and noticed that very far away from where we are is a castle laying on top of a mountain. That's odd.

My husband was busy talking to another man who was talking in Hungarian. The man seemed anxious, the man next to him seemed relived to see new people around. I continued looking around wanting to also learn more about this place.

I felt my husband looking at me lovingly when he reached to grab my hand and planted a kiss on top of it.

"Ah! I see the look in your eyes. We have a new young married couple." The man cheered looking at us, some speaking in Hungarian.

"Oh, we are not here for our honeymoon." I tried to say.

"We need to head up that castle." Renfield said to them both.

"He's saying that the man is afraid." Another man said showing up behind Renfield and I.

"Why should he be? I noticed people loving up their windows as well. We don't want anymore trouble, we came here for just one job." I insist wanting all of this to be over.

"We're here to meet Count Dracula."

We watched as the man's faces slowly changed to horror. "Count Dracula? Dracula's castle?"

"Yes. That's where we're going."

I noticed the man still looking terrified and a woman nearby praying as soon we we spoke of the Counts name.

One of the men continued to shake his head. "No, you mustn't go there. We people of the mountains believe that castle has vampires. Dracula and his wives."

I stare at him confused, "Wives?" as in plural?

"They take the form of wolves and bats. They leave their coffins at night and feed on blood of the living."

"That must be all superstition, right? How can vampires be a real thing." I said trying to play it off. Oh, I do hope that isn't true.

"Look the sun, that's when they leave their coffins." The man warned us and ran off. My husband and I exchanged looks and deep down we both were terrified of what the man said.

"Come we must come indoors." The man said.

My husband grabbed my hand and we both began to follow the man for more questions surrounding the place, the man didn't convince my husband, he insisted on leaving.

An older woman stopped us before entering the carriage and handing us a small silver cross.


There was a moment of silence between us as we rode the next carriage. It was getting darker and I could feel a strong tension between us, the air felt heavy and cold. I kept glancing back at my lap and outside staring at nothing since it was imposible to make out anything.

"You...Y-You don't think what they said is real?.." I mutter and glanced back at my husband, as I played with the cross the lady back then gave to us, tying it as a necklace around my neck.

His eyes met my dark ones and I could sense him also shivering, and I'm sure it wasn't from the cold.

"There's nothing for you to worry about, (Y/N). We'll just spend the night and first thing tomorrow morning we'll head back home." He said trying to cheer me up and smile.

I was still uncertain about coming to this place at night. Everything seems off and I can feel eyes on us despite being inside the carriage still. I looking down at my lap when I noticed my husband peering to look outside.

The carriage had stopped and my husband was the first to step outside and we noticed that the man driving us up here wasn't present. "It's like a ghost drive us up here." I shiver and reached out to grab Renfield's arm.

Renfield remained silent and we both stepped back when the door to our right creaked. We both exchanged looks and he began to step forward but I remained still.

"We'll just take a quick look, it worn take long." I didn't trust my husband's words but decided to go inside with him than to stay outside.

Once we entered the castle, sound of bats nearby could be heard along with howls of s wolf nearby. "This is..."

I couldn't put into words the castle interior looks, creepy, elegant and expensive.

"I am Dracula. I bid you welcome."

Renfield and I quickly turned to look up at the stairs and saw a tall man, with hair as black as a raven's feathers, pale as the snow, wearing s dark and expensive suit with a long cloak.

I was frightened by his presence, we didn't even hear him coming in. Renfield was surprised by it but didn't show it, immediately going over to introduce himself and I.

He had the papers which were to be given to the Count himself, we followed Dracula who showed us one of the rooms we would be staying it.

"Miss (Y/N). I have prepared a different room, i hope it is to you liking." Count Dracula said, his eyes lingering on me.

Renfield furrowed his eyebrows together while examining a few documents. He also felt uneasy about Dracula, I could tell. I looked away refusing to meet Dracula's eyes.

They seems to be calling to me, his eyes are cold yet alluring.

I forced a smile on my lips but had to face him since it wouldn't be polite look away. "I appreciate you taking the time, count Dracula. But Renfield is my husband, I wouldn't mind sharing the bedroom with him."

I assured him and placed my hand on my husband's shoulder. Renfield placed his other hand on top of my own, the silver ring adorning his finger and showing to Dracula that we are married

I remained stating at the ground and could feel Dracula staring at us, at me. "Excellent. Whatever you wish my dear." The man smiled and began to pour some wine for us on a crystal glass.

He poured two for Renfield and I. I found it off that a man like him would refuse a drink. "Aren't you going to drink some?" I ask wanting to know.

Dracula gave us a small smile and stood back tall. "I don't drink wine. I prefer something a but more sweet, if you will."

I saw the man lowly said with his very Hungarian accent. Renfield took a sip and I knew Dracula wouldn't give up until he would see us drinking, "I-I appreciate the wine, Count Dracula.. but I regret to say that I won't be able to savor the taste."

Now both men stared at me. Renfield s bit confused on why I wouldn't drink the wine. "I understand." Dracula said nodding his head once.

"I will leave you both to rest."

The man stood back tall as ever and elegant. Renfield and I remained silent until we were sure that he had left the room.

I took a deep breath and felt my heart pounding . I reached down and grabbed my husband's hand and examined his wound, as soon as the small cut landed on his skin I saw Dracula looking weird.

"We must leave this place first thing tomorrow mornings." I whisper refusing to leave his side when he stood up, I wrapped my arms around him and felt him hugging me back.

"Now my dear, there is nothing for you to be scared of-" I followed his eyes when we saw three bats outside of our room, the windows were open.

All of a sudden my husband fainted and I was left to run to his side and I felt frightened when I saw the Count all of the sudden appear, now disappearing of his bat form. I sensed something behind me and I turned around to see three woman in white gowns, almost looking like ghosts

My eyes rolled to the back of my head and I also fainted falling over my husband. I felt the world dark and cold, feeling cold hands grabbing me and moving my hair away from my neck.


"Seward's Sanitarium"

The building that was once in front of me read in bold in front of the metal gates. "You are mistaken, doctor. I am not crazy. I k-know what I must say can sound weird but it's true! I was stuffed inside a coffin, found everyone of them dead and was taken out of the box husband..where is he?!"

I exclaimed sitting still and looking at the doctor in hope. The man wrote a few things down and stared at me weirded out. "He's gone mad, Mrs Renfield. He's in our care now. Though it would seem that you are talking nonsense but you are not as insane as him."

Doctor Seward stopped talking when the doors opened and I saw an older man in glasses, looking almost as elegant as Dracula.

"Pleasure to meet you, Miss. My name is Van Helsing. You arrived along with Mr. Renfield, yes?"

The voice of the man made me calm down, seems to be the only one willing to listen to me. "Y-Yes. We came in the boat with the dead passengers."

The man smiled just a little and took a seat next to me. "Your grandparents and I were once friends, I'm sorry to hear that they passed away long ago.. tell me..what do you remember?"

"All I remember is waking up, I hadn't realized I was in a coffin until I heard the voice of my husband. He took me out of the coffin, i didn't see anything strange in him but he did begin to act weird when I heard him talking to someone..Mr. Van Helsing can I see him?" I pleaded hoping he'll let me.

Dr Seward Harker and Van Helsing exchanged looks. "I don't think-"

"I think this could be a great opportunity. Renfield hasn't been communicating with us, maybe he'll explain to you more on what happened." Van Helsing said.

"This woman here isn't insane, Doctor. Let's see what can happen." I nodded thanking the man. I followed Van Helsing close until we reached a room with two men standing guard.

Doctor Seward was just behind us but remained silent. "Try not to anger him, he can get quite violent." He said before I would enter

"I doubt he'll be able to harm me doctor."

"Just know that the man in there may not be the same man you once knew." Van Helsing told me which made me feel upset.

I took a deep breath and entered the room and saw Renfield staring outside the window. "Renfield..dear.." I softly spoke.

Renfield slowly turned and tilted his head to look at me. His eyes seemed different, almost insane like. "(Y/N)?" He sounded surprised to see me.

My lips quivered and without warning I stepped closer to him and wrapped my arms around him. Slowly I felt him wrap an arm around me and rest his head on my shoulder.

I heard the door open again and Renfield quickly stepped back against the wall, insanely staring at Van Helsing and doctor Seward.

"Did they harm you?" I felt Renfield right behind me and staying hidden since I had stepped between the men.

"They didn't. All they've done is help me..did they harm you?" I ask slowly and see his dark eyes look between me and them.

"They won't let me eat spiders anymore."

I furrow my eyebrows together confused and looked at the doctors instead. "He believes that those are sufficient nutrients for him, since he can't feed off of blood." The nurse told me.

"What did Dracula do to you?' I ask glancing behind.

"He seems to stare outside at nights and howls along with the wolves." I heard Van Helsing's tell me. "Renfield has been warning us about Mina's safety."

Mina? I turn and the doctor answered that it is his fiance. He filled me in that women have been dying under strange circumstances, all of them of blood loss. This is definitely Dracula's doing.

"Did the master harm you?" I turn to look back at my husband and I shook my head. Despite him being under control by Dracula, he still worried about me.

"I haven't been harmed in any way. I think the reason why he didn't, is because of the silver cross I have around my neck, I know this isn't the right time..but we have to do something about all of this. Another reasons Dracula mustn't have hurt me, is because I am expecting.."

Renfield furrowed his eyebrows together in confusion until his eyes roamed down to tm stomach. "A child?" He asked surprised and I forced a smile across my face.

"Yes, this is why we have to stop Dracula." I told him as I held his hand and I turned to face the doctors.

"Whatever plan to have, you can count on me to try and stop Count Dracula." I told them, desperate to put and end to this, to have a normal life again here back in England.

Van Helsing nodded once and took slow steps to us. "In the meantime you'll be staying under my care, Miss. I'll have you meet Miss Mina as well, together we'll try out best to stop whatever may be happening."

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