Vampires Suck-Viago x Reader (What We Do In The Shadows movie)

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(Based on the movie:What We Do In The Shadows from 2014)

I groaned at the sound of my alarm clock and threw it against the wall making it crash down but that didn't stop it from beeping, I groan out loud and lazily get up from my bed and tossed the infernal thing out of the window. It's night time..time to wake the boys up. As I begin to walk down the hallway I hold onto the wall,my eyes still not open enough to see where i'm walking.

I knock heavily on the first door, "Hey! Viago you awake yet?! It's time for you guys to wake up." the door slowly opens and i'm face to face with a scared looking vampire. "I have awoken from my slumber.." i stare at him confused and rub my eyes.

"Make sure to wake Vlad and Deacon up, they have to finish their chores." i yawn once more before walking away and heading for a shower.

These vampires have been living with my family for centuries, and now it's my turn to deal with them. I'm in my mid twenties and I live with four vampires. No one from outside would believe me if i'd say them that.

Vlad is the eldest if the vampire, he dresses up like he claims he did back in medieval times and has a sex dungeon, has long dark hair and a mustache, likes to wear fancy clothing and spends his time talking about 'the beast'

Deacon is the young and rebellious out of them and the most annoying to deal with, he claims to be sexy vampire and can deal with anything,besides he dances horribly.

Viago is the kind and sweet hearted one of them, he lost his love when he traveled and found out she was married, he's the one in charge if everything and tries his best but mostly fails since the others are stubborn.

I still remember clearly the day I met him.


It was Halloween night when I finished trick or treating and decided to enjoy my book near the cemetery, "Pssh." i looked around even more annoyed at whoever was trying to prank me since it's Halloween after all. I gripped onto my book and started to read when someone fell from the bushes scaring me. I let out a tint scream before seeing it was a man, he was cursing and dusting his clothes.

"Hello young lady." he smiled, he was wearing fangs and was dressing funny.

"Hi? Were you spying on me?!" i ask annoyed and the man shakes his head, "I can assure it wasn't me, it was-"

"Me!" another man appears out of no where and tosses his arm around me. I push his hand away and backed away against the tree I was sitting by, "What are you doing?!" another man in a top hat asks the one who touched me.

"That's no way to approach a lady." the man began to lecture him and now they were both fighting. The man who first appeared groaned and took a step closer, "I apologize for them..they can be quite a problem."

"Uh huh? W-Who are you-"

"You're (Y/N) (L/N) right?" the man asks and I nod my head.

The other two five each other before explaining me how my previous family let them live at their house and since I'm the only member alive I should let them continue on living with us. Before agreeing they all introduced each other.

"My name is Viago. The man in the top hat is Vlad and the other one is Deacon and this is Peter..we're vampires!" he happily says and a tall man dressed entirely in black with the palest face i've seen appears, he has long fangs and nails, "Holy shit..n-nice to meet you, what do you mean vampires-"

"What were you reading? Twilight?" Viago asks at the book I let fall when they scared me. I scoff and take the book from him, "Does it look like I read garbage?" he looks taken back. "Of course not! Vampires suck." i angriot tell him.

He gasps, the two other's look hurt and Peter hisses. "Hey lady listen-" "What?! It's the truth. The way they portray your species in the media is cringy."


It was a blast having vampires living with me but soon they began to really get to me, they constantly left my couch and furniture a mess when they invited their victims over. I finished blow drying my hair when I heard them again fighting.

"You haven't done the dishes in five years!"

"Now now we have to make sure to make (Y/N) happy. Let's not disappoint her." Viago tried to reason with his friends who began to hiss at one another and left the dining room. "Wanna go out to the city?" I ask Viago who happily nods and begins following me like a lost puppy.

"Are you sure I look good?" I eye him up and down to see him wearing an 18th century outfit, I shrug and tell him it's okay. Deacon and Vlad tagged along with us and they tried to keep Deacon with us so he wouldn't run away.

Over the years Viago and I got closer as friends since he still remained in love with his probably already deceased girl he had a crush on. It pissed me off at certain times when he wouldn't let go and was so sadly heartbroken cause of it, "So..Viago? What would you like to do?" I ask and see his dark eyes wander around the public area.

"How about to a pub?"

We all agreed to go to one since they are always together, "Viago..would you sometime like to go on a date with me?" i blurt out when we sat down and he nearly choked on his drink, "A date? w-with you?"


"I cannot, you're to young to date." I glare at the centuries year old vampire and fight back, "I'm not that young and you know it, compared to your years I am but that's it, why won't you hang out with me? Each time I do you blow me off."

Viago tried to explain himself on shy he refuses but gives me the same answers every time. "Alright if you won't agree to one date, why don't you turn me into a vampire?" i cross my arms and wait for his answer.

"Being a vampire isn't that easy (Y/N)-"

"Bloody hell! Everything's the same with you, i'm sick and bored of you three treating me like i'm nothing, I agreed to take you all in cause I thought you'd all understand me..guess none of you do..especially you." i look at Viago before running out of the bar and out the chilly night.

"Stupid bloody vampires." i curse to myself as I start making my way towards home, till I saw a bat fly past me and into the window of a car, "Bloody hell!" I see Viago turn back to normal and runs over to me, "(Y/N) wait!"

"Enough Viago! I'm tired of this."

I enter the house with Viago still following me, "I-I love you okay!" he shouts when I start walking up the stairs. I stop and turn to look at him "What..did you say?" i'm sure he would've blushed if he'd have blood .

"I love y-you (Y/N)..Since the moment I met you but i didn't want to forget her so quickly?" he says looking away before extending his hand for me to grab, "Forgive me for denying your feelings every time you ask me."

I smile and took hold of his hand, "I forgive you Viago.."

"I'll turn you into a vampire if you wish on one condition.'

"What is it?" i curiously ask Viago who kisses the back of my hand.

"If you stay with me forever."

I blush and wrap my hand around his neck and rest my forehead against his, "I'll never leave you." smiling i tell Viago before brushing my lips to his.

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