Where's My Mind-The Narrator/Jack Moore x Reader

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Summary: You and your co-worker have an odd relationship. A year after working at the same job as Jack you make your true feelings for him known on a cold winter night when you step into his apartment.

(Decided to write the name of Jack Moore since a still of the The Narrator's id was in the film, and it would've been strange for me to not mention his name. Hope this one shot is good too since I find it hard to write on The Narrator. Do hope it's true to his character. Please let me know if anyone wants a part 2.)

Based on the film 'Fight Club' from 1999.


It's been a while year since I started my new job at the office. Everyday was the same for me, wake up early, stay up till late at work, leave to my house, sleep and repeat the cycle over and over. Work had been extremely difficult especially at a place like this, providing for myself in this city wasn't what I had planned.

The nights would always be the same as well. Lonely and quiet. Sometimes I wish I had someone to stay with me or be in a relationship with someone, but work is impossible but I've tried my very best to balance my work and personal life.

I try to switch things up every now and then. Each week I would see my coworker come by himself and leave by himself. He barely spoke to anyone else, it was hard to get to know him at first when I didn't even know his name. 

Slowly over time we would exchanged small talks, a few "How's your day been?" or any other jokes to try and get through the boring day.

About half a year went by until he would get used to my presence. He was a strange and quiet man keeping mostly everything to himself. Until one night we were one of the few left in the office and I walked up to him.

"It's been a rough day..why don't we go together and have dinner? My treat." 

I boldly said when the man turned to look at me with a pen in his mouth. He said nothing for a moment, looking up and down at me until he agreed with a simple, "Okay."

That night we had dinner together, he barely spoke but was attentive on listening on my life story. I was worried though when it seemed that he was about to pass out from not sleeping at all.

Over time I got used to his odd ways, I would spot him sleeping every now and then. One night I insisted on making him something to eat, something that would make him feel better. The young man was reluctant to let me into his home, but he agreed.

"Your apartment is way nicer than mine." I said eyeing the place around and wondering how on earth he spent so much money on expensive furniture.

I followed him into the kitchen and told him to wait in the living room until I was done preparing food. I started off with s familiar recipe my family would make for me back in the day, I was nearly finished when I spoke his name.

"Jack? dinner's almost already." I called out and I peeked my head out and saw him asleep on the couch.

I stared at him surprised, he looked so peaceful sleeping. Quietly I went to retrieve a blanket and i placed it over him. I went to turn off the lights and switched over to the lamp next to the couch, so he could sleep better without s bright light over his face.

I turned off the stove and let the food cool off. I was wondering wether to leave him or stay until he woke up, I decided on the second option. I remained silent and went over to rest on the other couch next to him.

Jack Moore. Hmm...I couldn't help but stare at him as he slept. I found him kinda cute the first time I had met him, strange and odd but cute in his own way. 

By the time Jack had woken up, he seemed very surprised to see me still in his apartment. He didn't question it, instead he asked if I had slept comfortably. 

Jack was a cold man impossible to reach back then, over time he got used to me and we both formed an odd relationship. 

That same night we slept together....

A sort of friends with benefits kind of relationship happened, whenever we would get stressed we would come over to each other's place. But things took a turn when I saw him talking to a woman once.


I walked over to his area at work and saw his writing something on a notebook before he quickly closed it when he saw me walking closer to him. "Hey, what's up?" He asked looking over at me.

"Seems like you've been avoiding me lately." I muttered looking back into his blue eyes. 

Jack shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know what you mean, (Y/N)."

It's been a while since we've been intimate with each other. Since I was the one that didn't want to continue this since I knew our relationship would turn into a toxic one. Though, I decided to not mention the woman I've seen him talking to.

"I called out last night, and even arrived at your place." I remind him of the many calls I made. I was concerned for his well being since I would see him with bruised knuckles and cuts across his face and lips.

"I must've been sleeping. Surely it's nothing for you to get worried about."

I shook my head now stepping closer to him and grabbing a chair that was close to me. "You need to get some rest, Jack. I know you haven't been sleeping well again."

Jack looked away and shook his head only once. "I'll try to. Though it isn't a promise."


Those words were stuck in my head throughout the entire day. It was night time, it was freezing and it began to rain but I had a few errands to do before heading back to my place, it was Friday and I wanted to have at least a relaxing weekend.

Sleeping to the sound of rain would make this night even better once I'm at my place. The entire day my brain had only been focusing on one thing, one person and it is Jack. 

One of the reasons I stopped sleeping with Jack was because I quickly grew to love him as a partner. But, I know he wouldn't be too committed on a serious relationship. 

I just can't get him out of my mind. I must tell him how I feel today because if I don't then God knows what will happen.

I stopped when I reached Jack's home, I decided to stop by again and when I reached inside the building I knocked on the door. I hug my cost closer to myself trying to warm myself up.

I waited...and nothing.

"Jack?" I knocked again and pressed my ear against the door. 

I heard footsteps approach and I turned around and gasp when I saw Jack all wounded, bloodied and bruised. I raced over to him and helped him up on his feet.

"What are you doing here, (Y/N)?" He said but winced as he held onto his ribs.

"I've been worried sick about you. What's been up with you lately?" I huffed and opened the apartment door as we both stepped inside.

"Stay right there." I demanded when he sat down on the couch and I ran to get anything to help him clean his wounds and patch him up.

I ran over to his side again and sat down by his side and began to clean all the cuts he had on his face, seeing him like this made me panic and be scared for him. He had bloodied lips, his knuckles were sore with blood and purple bruised forming on them. 

"What happened to you? Don't tell me you were robbed." I say staring at Jack. He chuckles as I clean his wounds and pressed an ice pack on the side of his face.

"I met someone, Tyler is his name. That's all I can say."

I tilt my head not fully understanding him. Is he some type of friend? "Well, whoever Tyler is, I don't like him. Did he do this to you?" I insisted but got no answer.

I huff under my breathe and got treat eyes seeing him like this. "Jack..." I grabbed hold of his hand and kissed his sore knuckles and looked into his eyes.

This isn't the Jack I first knew. Is this all my fault somehow? I looked around and noticed how surprisingly clean the apartment was, seems like he hadn't been in here for days.

"There's nothing for you to worry about, (Y/N). Just been getting into some action with Tyler. I've been living with him for a few days now." Even his tone of voice sounds different.

Almost like he's a different person.

"I'm sorry. I don't like seeing you like this.. I'm sorry if it feels like I've left you. Truth us..I care about you Jack, a lot..what I mean to say is that I've fallen in love with you." I whispered to afraid to look at him now 

Instead of hoping for an answer I winced when I felt Jack's other hand grip the back of my head, making me stay in place. 

"This thing that has been happening in my life will change the way we see things, (Y/N). I don't want you to get involved, but you'll soon realize what's to come. You're too good for a man like me."

I was a bit afraid to day the least. i had never seen Jack like this. I felt his grip loosen then this hand went to the back of my neck and to grasp my cheek.

"You met me at a very strange time in my life." He whispered looking at me.

I gasped when Jack reached to grab my face and began to kiss me roughly. I could taste the blood remaining on his lips and could feel how hot and aggressive he was becoming. 

I wasn't planning on stopping by his place and getting it on with him as fast, I wanted this relationship to be slow, but I felt my stomach turn and my core ache when he began to shift closer to me and beginning to undo my coat.

Thought life is too short to be waiting. We never know how long we'll be with the person we love.

"I want you Jack..." I whispered against his lips and saw his eyes dilate. He looked at me with eyes full of lust.

I placed those thoughts aside and I reached up to grab his hair and pulled on it slightly making him lower myself onto the couch and I felt his hands beginning to lower down to my stomach....

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