Witch Please-Nancy Downs x Reader

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"He is such a fucking jerk." We all look back at Chris Hooker once I muttered those words and laugh at the idiot guy who looked at us weird, me in particular. That asshole.

"God she's right even his last name fits him." Nancy joked along with me and we both laughed. Bonnie and Rochelle joining along but the girl sitting away from me, Sarah, wasn't amused by our behavior..

"Isn't she just great? Whenever (Y/N) is around, she makes me laugh." Nancy told the girls and that made my pale cheeks turn pink especially since she rested her hand on my shoulder.

That didn't mean anything to anyone, else but it did to me. We were at the school cafeteria talking away about plans for later but my eyes were focused on the short haired goth girl sitting by my side. Nancy and I have known each other for over a year and little did anyone know that I am in love with another girl.

If the school knew that about me then it would be a living hell. I don't think Nancy would like that and she could push me away and call me a freak like everyone else did outside our small circle.

"We can always stay at my place and worship Manon." I suggested. "Have a little girls night?" I shrugged thinking that maybe they'll like my plan.

"That's a great idea!" Bonnie said and looked at Rochelle who eagerly clapped her hands. "I'll bring so many treats, I know no one will interrupt our session. You coming?"

Rochelle asked Sarah who seemed surprised but I could tell she wasn't into the whole idea of spending at a randoms stranger home, since I don't exactly get along with her. Sarah is too fixed on Chris and wants to go out with him.

Every girl in school is into him even Nancy was back then until the bastard broke up with her to go with someone else, she's lucky the man dumped her, he doesn't deserve her love.

Chris after a long list of dating girls began to search for me. He would try to hold my hand or touch me but I would always back away quickly and give him some piece of my mind. I am also a goth so he might think could take advantage of me. "Well, I gotta grab some books. I'll see you all later."

"Oh, (Y/N). This coffee shop in town just opened, it looks like a shitty place..wanna come with me after school?" Nancy suggested me and held my hand.

I felt my legs become jelly when she took my hand and gently held it. I can feel that my face might've already turned red at her holding my hand. I looked into her pale green eyes covered with dark makeup and lovingly smiled back.

"I would love to."

With that I left the cafeteria and headed to my locker until someone shoved me to it before I could open it. It was Chris the bastard. "Whoa, where you heading so quick?"

"To fuck your mom but I guess you've stopped me from doing so." I said with a stoic expression on my face. This infuriated him so much, I just had to smirk.

"You think you're so funny, but guess what? I know you're secret." I paid no mind to that and simply rolled my eyes but Chris towered over me and laughed mockingly.

"Of course I know, you're a lesbian." That made my heart stop for a split second. I looked concerned and that made him smile even more, prideful arrogant bastard.

"No wonder you hate and rejected me back then, you have a thing for Nancy Downs." He added laughinf at the last part, almost like he didn't consider Nancy human for being the way she is.

So this is what he wants then, to mock me and for Nancy and I to not be friends anymore. "Tell you what. I'll let this weird love of yours slide if you tell Sarah to hang out with me tonight."

"Sarah isn't a toy for your pleasures." I gave him my answer. He clenched his jaw and glared at me. "I'll tell the whole school about you."

Now that's the thing that made me reconsider his offer.


The clock was ticking and class was ending in less than an hour. We were still in class, Rochelle was almost asleep in her chair, Bonnie was checking her nails, Nancy was sketching something onto the wooden table and Sarah was paying attention to whatever the teacher was saying.

I absentmindedly stared at Nancy who was concentrated sketching a pentagram on the table not minding if the ones sitting next to her looked at her weird. That's my girl. I smirked and decided to not tell Sarah, she's her own person and she can decide on her own wether to date that jackass or not.

The bell rang and everyone ran out of the building but as soon as I walked out, Chris whistled at me which caught everyone's attention. "Everyone! I have an important announcement to make. (Y/N) is a-"

My hands started shaking a bit and I suddenly felt panic in me when I noticed everyone looking at me, just me, about to be attacked verbally by Chris Hooker.

"A great, caring and trust worthy girl, who doesn't give a shit about what anyone thinks of her." Nancy came out saying those words out loud for all to hear.

I felt my eyes watering up when she appeared beside me and winked back and glared at Chris who stared at us back. "Go suck your dad instead, asshole." Nancy shouted while showing him the middle finger and sticking her tongue out.

"Nancy-" I was about to thank her until she grabbed my face and pressed her lips against mine. I opened my eyes wide surprised by this sudden action of hers. Everyone was staring at us gasping.

Ah fuck it. I closed my eyes and kissed her back lovingly. We slowly pulled apart and I laughed at Chris' reaction. "How about we get out of her and have that crappy coffee?" She asked raising an eyebrow and smirking at me.

I nodded my head and felt like a younger schoolgirl in love. Nancy and I held each other's hands and we both laughed when we walked by Chris and flipped him off. My girlfriend is a gothic bad ass witch. What else can I ask for?!

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