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SkyFire was working on creating a new spell. One to help connect Caloila to Pritatora. She was communicating with a Vulto mage who was helping her. She was speaking to him in Vulto because she knew more of his language than he knew of hers. The two of them were basically tearing up their Magic studies for the necessary ingredients, though SkyFire's was cleaner.

"Blighted Lizards Tail," SkyFire read the next ingredient needed in this ritual. She darted over to a shelf and pulled out a jar of three of these things. Her snout crinkled in disgust. She placed them in the centre of the ritual circle. She looked at the Vulto mage through the mirror, and watched him almost throw the thing into the centre.

He stepped towards the mirror. "What next," He asked, Fidgeting with his claws. SkyFire looked at her spell book.

"Black Cassia," She read, this was the most common herb that was the base of any spell that had to do with dimensions. Every dimension specialist had it.

They both darted off to find this flower. SkyFire found it first, she stroked the black, velvety petals. There were three petals in total on the flower, each one curved up. The middle of it was a pearl white color.

SkyFire placed it in the centre of the circle with the Lizards tail. She saw the mage through the mirror do the same. He looked to her for confirmation, not wanting to do anything wrong.

She nodded, and looked towards her spell book and started reading the text. "Connect. Create. A line between these two worlds. Solkan, Sarsen," She spoke the ancient dragontounge. The Mage did the same.

A bright light engulfed the rooms on both sides of the mirror. SkyFire shielded her eyes. It worked. Relieved, SkyFire sat down on the floor. The Mage on the other side was happy too.

If this didn't work, He would've died. The connection would've still been there, but it would be unstable. SkyFire shook those grim thoughts away, not needing them at the moment. "I guess this is goodbye for now," SkyFire spoke. She was hinting at her next action of removing the link through the mirror. The Mage nodded.

Soon the mirror was normal again, well almost. It didn't show her reflection, but Turis's. It was because it normally shows another person of equal power to the person looking through. SkyFire's strength was unrivaled by anyone else in the universe. Anyone else but him.

It was days later when SkyFire was making a healing potion did she feel a tug towards Caloila. It was less of a tug than a burning sensation. She tried ignoring it. A few moments later the burning feeling got worse. She dropped the knife she was holding, cutting her wrist in the process.

She looked down and saw a burn mark where the cut was. Her silver blood was burning her. The thought of it made her dizzy. She pressed her fingers to her temples, feeling light headed. This wasn't the thought of blood. There was a magical force acting upon her, she figured.

SkyFire looked up and the world around her started spinning. Everything got darker until she eventually blacked out.

She didn't wake up for what seemed like hours. When she did, she was in a dark alleyway. She knew where she was. Judging by the scent she was in a Vulto village somewhere in Caloila.

SkyFire felt a large magical energy coming from a North-western direction.

"Life, Peace, Health, And bounty
Death, War, Disease, and Famine
One shall rise one shall fall
Find Life with peace
Find Peace in the cold serenity
Find Health in the Southern river
Find Bounty in the tundra's Tiaga
Find the Silver bloods before rivers of blood are carved into the land
Don't let the blood be theirs"

The words came to SkyFire like she spent years reciting it. She noticed that her blood wasn't burning anymore.
She looked in the direction of where she felt the large amount of magic energy. That is my first destination. She agreed with that thought.

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