Chapter Seven

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Hotel Scout
Chapter Seven

Author's Note: WARNING: Attempted non-con/rape + implied physical and emotional abuse. Please read with caution or click out now.

3 Years Ago
"Eren! Get up, we're going to be late!" Mikasa whisper-yelled in my ear as she shook me. "The graduation ceremony is today, our final rehearsal starts at 9, so get your ass up!"

I grumbled as I got up from my bed and gathered casual clothes. Mikasa rolled her eyes and left the room.

"Eren, I'm leaving without you! Text me when you get to the gates." Mikasa's muffled voice said. I shivered and hurriedly scrambled into the shower, praying to whatever god was up there to not let my father wake up.

I did a quick scrub down and threw on my clothes without drying off, grabbed my backpack full of overdue books, and tiptoed downstairs. And to my fucking luck, my father was awake at the table, reading the newspaper and sipping coffee.

I mentally groaned and hoped that maybe he didn't see me. I walked passed the dining room and into the entry way to just grab my shoes and put them on when I was in an okay distance.

But no.

My father's gruff voice yelled, "Eren! Get your ass over here!" I looked at the door and immediately made a run for it. I would so regret this later.

When I arrived at the school gates, I texted Mikasa that I made it in time. I was a little late, as when I got there, the bell already rang. It didn't matter anyway because it was the last day of school. Unfortunately.

School was a way for me to get away from my father. I worked extra hard just so I could stay after class to get credit or assignments done early. But I knew this day would come, so I took the ACT.

I applied for UCLA so I could get as far away from my father as possible. I was crossing my fingers that I got accepted.

I quickly slipped on my sneakers and headed to my homeroom class. My homeroom teacher was chill to me, but he was an asshole to other people. Mr. Shadis only picks a handful of students he likes. The rest he doesn't give a fuck about.

When I walked into the class, Mikasa immediately perked up and pat the seat next to her. Armin, of course, was on the other side of the empty seat.

"I'm glad you made it in time, you lazy ass. He is about to explain our schedule for today." Mikasa said. I shrugged and listened to Mr. Shadis.

When rehearsals came to an end and the school bell rang, I sighed and collapsed on a bench in the school courtyard. Mikasa pet my hair, causing me to flick her hand away.

"Dad is coming to the graduation today. I'm so happy that he actually made time to come...since mom can't..." Mikasa said with a ghost of a smile on her features.

"Yeah, that's great." I mumbled. Mikasa gave me a quizzical look before shrugging and standing up. "I'm going home to go get ready. Are you coming with?"

"Is dad home?"


I fixed my blue tie in the mirror and did a double check on my hair. This was the nicest I looked since my mother's funeral. I sighed and picked up the brown bag containing my cap and gown before knocking on my sister's door.

"Mika! We should hurry!" I said impatiently. I wanted to get going before my dad came home. "Hold your horses, Eren! Why are you in such a hurry anyway?!" Mikasa yanked open the door and her eyes widened.

"Oh, Eren! You look so handsome!" She swooned. I rolled my eyes and let her tamper with my hair and tie before we finally headed out.

As we were walking, Mikasa spoke up, "I'm going out with the girls tonight. I know you're not on good terms with dad, so I figured I could ask them if it was okay if you tagged along."

I didn't want to mess up my friends' night. I could probably endure a few hours of a beating for my sister. "No, Mika. It's fine. I'll just stay in my room and Dad won't bother me."

I gave a convincing smile. Mikasa scanned my face in suspicion, but let it go. "You look beautiful by the way." I said honestly, but hopefully adverting the conversation away from her.

She blushed and covered her face with her red scarf I gave to her so long ago. "Thank you."

Armin greeted us at the gate and waved enthusiastically, "Eren! Mikasa! You guys look gorgeous!" Armin's grandfather was there holding a camera. We took a few pictures before heading to the football stadium where the ceremony was being held.

"Eren, those girls keep staring at you." Armin winked. I looked over and a whole group of girls were giggling and pointing at me. I groaned and rubbed my face.

That specific girl, Hitch, definitely has a thing for me. She is the cheerleading captain. Honestly she was pretty, but her popular group of girls always harassed me during passing period.

Or sometimes in class they would automatically make me their partner. "Are those girls bothering you, Eren?" Mikasa asked as she glared at them.

"No, not now thankfully." I mumbled. Armin already had his graduation cap and gown on, so he led his grandfather to the stands. Mikasa and I stayed behind and quickly slipped everything on behind a building.

Mikasa helped with my cap and I helped with hers. "Feeling good?" Mikasa asked and rubbed my arm. I nervously nodded and got in our designated spots in line.

When the line moved forward, the thousands of people screamed and clapped for their child graduating. Out of all the people I could spot, I saw my father at the closest seat to mine.

My heart raced and I nervously sat down. I could feel his eyes on me. And I knew the minute we got home, I was going to be punished for my actions this morning.

By the time the ceremony was coming to an end, I was sitting down with five paper awards and one plaque. I got the Male Student Athlete, Community Service, Speech & Debate Club, German, and the General Excellence awards. My plaque was for top 5 GPA.

"I would like to present out valedictorians...Mikasa Ackerman, Armin Arlert, Eren Jäger, Jean Kirstein, and Bertholdt Hoover." Everyone clapped and whistled when the five of us walked down the isle.

We held our plaque close to us when we recited our speeches. I teared up when I mentioned my mother, but everyone 'awed' and gave me strength to continue on.

When our principal gave our closing speech, all the kids erupted in horns, confetti, crackers, and ceremony caps.

I gave my friend group a huge hug in congratulations. Unfortunately, all the happiness came to an end when my father showed up in front of us.

Mikasa ran to hug him and he gave her and ruffle of the hair. All our other friends ran off to celebrate with their parents as well. "Eren, I don't get a hug?" He played nicely.

"I'm going to go catch up with the girls. I'll see you guys in a few hours!" Mikasa walked off and I nervously looked at my dress shoes.

My father approached me and hugged me. I grew stiff in his hold. His hand traveled to my backside, gripping the flesh and squeezed.

"D-Dad—" I warned. He gripped my arm and harshly led me to the car. "I'm very disappointed in you. That little runaway this morning isn't going to fly."

I was absolutely terrified on what he was going to do. He pushed me in and immediately sped off.

"Dad please slow down!" I screamed. He almost hit numerous pedestrians and ran several red lights. When we got home, he shoved me in the house and into his bedroom.

My eyes widened. I had dropped all my awards in the hallway, thankfully none of them damaged. I did that purposely so when Mikasa gets home, maybe she'll take the hint that something is the matter.

My dad carefully took the gown off me and admired my body. "You're so well dressed today..." he breathed. I felt my eyes tearing up when he started undoing my belt and working my pants off me.

Surely he wasn't planning on anything more than just looking at me. He sighed and sucked on my neck, licking the curves and crevices of my shoulder.

"D-Dad...please stop..." I whined. He slapped me harshly, leaving a nasty stinging pain in my skin. "I don't take orders from a slut like you!" He yelled and yanked off my underwear.

I gasped and covered up my private parts, hoping he wouldn't see. 'Mika...come home soon...'

My prayers were answered when I heard the click of the door and Mikasa yelling, "Eren! Eren where are you?!"

"Mikasa—" I started screaming, but my dad put a pillow over my face. I quickly realized he was trying to murder me. I kicked his arms, hoping he'd let go.

But my movements were getting weaker without oxygen. I scratched and punched his face, but the man wouldn't let go. One of his hands had let go, but only to replace it at my entrance.

I was too weak to move now. And my vision was going black. Thankfully Mikasa busted down the door in time. The pillow was removed and I gasped, taking in the air. She didn't hesitate to beat the living shit out of my father.

Once she tied him to the bed post with my tie, she immediately called 911 while sitting on the porch steps, stroking my hair. She also was thanking herself a million times over that she forgot her phone at home and came back to come get it.

When the police arrived, they arrested my dad and sentenced him to 4 years in jail. Mikasa went to trial to see if it could be longer and possibly have a restraining order. The court dismissed her saying that since I'm 18, it wasn't attempted child rape.

Mikasa still fumed weeks after that. I found out I didn't get accepted into UCLA, but instead met this kind man named Erwin Smith at a beach organization party with my friends.

"I'm Erwin Smith, you're Eren Jäger, correct?" He said with a charming smile. Mikasa was wary next to me, keeping a close eye on him. "Yes, sir!"

"I was attending the graduation ceremony a few months ago and noticed all your awards. You must be a hard working student. Are you in college?" I shook my head, "No, sir. Not yet anyway. I'm looking into a job before I start thinking of college."

The man's eyes sparkled, "A job?"

It seemed like his tone brought all my friend's attention in. "How would you like to work at Hotel Scout?"

Author's Note: I know everyone might be like, 'Oh that scene wasn't so bad', but I didn't want to make it too graphic and too bad. I think a later chapter explains why Grisha didn't do anything too too drastic to Eren. But then again, I'm not too sure.
Also, as some of you may know (if you follow me on Snapchat: @ ms.grassi) I'm moving back to California in two weeks! Yes, my 8 months in Colorado is now over. But I'm going to AX this year, let me know if you're going and we can become best friends!

Next Update: June 7, 2017

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