001 - i become the supreme lord of the bathroom

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"Annabeth, where are we going?" Alayna asks as the other girl pulls her around. "I told you already."

Annabeth seemed annoyed. Alayna didn't know why though. Luke always told her that her accent made her hard to be mad at.

Annabeth pulls Alayna into a cabin, closing the door behind them. She then pulls her to the side of someone's bed, watching them.

"Who is that?" Alayna asks. "I think it's the guy you were telling me about last week. The one you said Grover talked about in your dream. I also think he's the one who will finally get me on a quest." Annabeth explains.

It had started storming outside, not a good sign. It just meant more weird dreams.

The two girls noticed the boy starting to wake up, they both turn to him instantly. "Where am I?" He says as he wakes up.

"You drool when you sleep." Alayna hits Annabeth's arm. "Huh?" He looked very confused. It made the other two want to laugh.

He fell back asleep, the girls leaving after.


The next day, Alayna wakes up to Chiron trying to get everyone's attention. She sits up, trying to pay attention to what he's saying.

"This is Percy Jackson." She makes eye contact with Percy. She then looks over at Luke to see if he heard the same thing.

He was already looking at her, silently asking the same thing. "I trust you will see to whatever he needs." Everyone goes back to what they were doing.

Alayna watches as Luke walks up to Percy, and comes down from her bunk bed. She goes to stand next to Luke, she nudges him to tell him that she's right there.

He had a bad habit of accidentally pushing her because he didnt know she was there. She also has a bad habit of sneaking up on him.

"I'm Luke." He holds his hand out to Percy, which he hesitated to shake. "Percy." He responds. "I'm Alayna." She decides to introduce herself.

He nods in response.


Alayna walks through some fog, seeming to be looking for something. She wasn't sure what she was looking for, but she would know when she saw it.

She sees what looks like a person in the distance. As she got closer, she saw a statue. A stone statue. "Medusa." She mumbles. "What?" She hears not too far ahead of her.

She looks up and sees Percy. He looks at her confused, she knows that he sees something completely different then her.

Everyone in her dreams did. They stand there looking at each other for a moment, then the ground beneath them starts collapsing.

They both look down in shock, and end up jolting awake.


"You ok?" She hears Luke ask Percy. "Super." She hears Percy get up. "We all have them, you know. Intense, recurring nightmares. That's normal here."

"Unless you're Alayna. Then, you would be able to tell the future." She hears another person say. She couldn't tell who it was, but she knew they were trying to be rude.

"Thanks for that." She sarcastically says as she gets up. As she gets down from the too bunk, she hears Luke continue talking to Percy.

A little bit later, she feels a tap on her shoulder. It was Percy. She turns around, facing him. "Yes?" She asks.

"You were in my dream last night, and I heard the comment about your dreams earlier. Any idea what thats about?" It was obvious he was confused.

"Nope." She lies. The last thing she needed was someone else thinking she was bad luck. She decides to joke around a bit though.

"Was my outfit cute?" He shakes his head no. She was a little offended, considering she happened to like her outfit in the dream. "Then it wasnt me." Sje joked, laughing a bit.

He gives her a weird look, then walks out of the cabin with Luke.


Some kid had came up to her for the sixth time today. He kept asking if his mom was worried about him. She kept telling him she didnt know, how was she supposed to?

People assumed that she could predict everything, but she couldnt. She could also only tell what happens in the future, she didnt know what was happening in other places in the present.

She sighs, getting ready to tell this kid she didnt know again, but she heard a thud outside. She walked out of the cabin to see what it was.

It was Clarisse, as always. She scoffed and walked back inside. She could talk to Clarisse later.


Alayna and Annabeth listen as Chiron explains the rules to capture the flag. "Let the games begin!" He shouts.

The two walk over to where Luke and Percy are. "All right. We have twenty minutes before the second conch and game-on. You know what you're doing?" Annabeth asks Luke.

"Yes, ma'am." He responds. He starts to walk off, but she calls him back. "Hey. Today feel like a winning kind of day to you?"

He nods a little. "Ill see you ok the other side." He walks away, pointing the other campers away. "Company! Move out!" He shouts. "Kleos!" They all all shout back.

Percy starts to follow. "Not you, dream boy. You're with us." Alayna nods her head, telling him to follow her and Annabeth.

On the way to their destination, Percy trips. The girls just watch him struggle to get up. "I'm fine, thanks. But I appreciate you, y'know, standing there silently." He says when he sees neither moving to help him up.

They walk off, ignoring him. Alayna walks further ahead than the two of them. She can hear them talking, but decides to ignore it.

She hears the second conch go off, and looks behind her. "Game on." Annabeth tells Percy. She puts on her hat, making her invisible.

"Wait, what?" Percy asks in confusion. She takes the hat back off. "Gift from my mom. Don't worry, you'll do great."

"Do great? Do what great?" Annabeth puts the hat back on and walks away. Percy looks at Alayna, expecting her to tell him what to do.

She sighs, very loudly. "Follow me."


She took him to a place he can chill until Clarisse finds him. She left to find Annabeth after that. She wasn't sure how long she had been walking, but she had gotten lost.

"Shit." She mumbles to herself. Her dream from last week came true. She dreamt that she found a Chrysanthemum in the forest. Meaning loss.

"No!" She hears what sounded like Clarisse in the distance. She follows the scream, finding her way to the end of the forest at about the same time as everyone else. Turns out ahead wasnt as far as she thought she was.

They had gotten the flag. Blue team won. She started to walk over to where Percy was. He was obviously tired.

She didnt see Annabeth anywhere, so she would have to do the next part of their plan.

Annabeth had told her about the while bathroom incident. It made them believe he was the son of Poseidon. How else could he do that to Clarisse?

As she walks up to him, Annabeth takes off her hat. "Were you here the whole time?" He asks. "Yes." Anaabeth responds. "And you?" He looks towards Alayna. She shakes her head no.

He looks back to Annabeth, and Alayna walks closer to him. "You were here the while time and you didnt help me?" Percy questions. "Yes." She answers again.

"Why?" He asks again. Alayna holds her hand out to him. She looks back at Amnabeth, who nods at her. "Percy, i'm sorry." She pushes him into the water.

"What is wrong with you?" He shouts. Everyone was looking at them now.

He stands up, and the girls look at Percy expectantly. All his cuts started to heal. "I dont understand." Annabeth looks above him.

She starts to smile, and Percy looks up too. There was a trident above him. He had been claimed. "Your dads calling." Annabeth said.

mya speaks !
how i feel after turning percabeth moments into perlayna moments: 🤷‍♀️

do we like perlayna or no 😞

anyway !!

ilysm, have a good day, stay healthy, and eat some ice cream 🙏🙏

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