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heleʻaneʻa - adventure

As it turns out, Randy and Peter aren't the professional rock climbers they made themselves out to be because when they return to the bottom of the steep incline, they're covered head to toe in scrapes and forming bruises.

"Stumbled a couple of times?" Rosalind smirks slyly at Peter as he touches a bleeding wound with a hiss. He ignores her question and simply throws her a glare.

"You know," She speaks again, "I happen to have been trained to hike and climb. Not to mention I'm smaller and lighter than both of you. I could have made the trip in half the time." Emerson's brows shoot up at her cocky remark.

Peter's face reddens with anger before he rolls his eyes. Randy speaks before he can, "We managed to contact the airport and they're sending a helicopter right now to give us a ride back. It'll just be a few minutes."

"Thanks guys." Emerson gives them an awkward smile, shooting Rosalind a confused look to which she replies nonchalantly with a careless shrug.

Not even fifteen minutes pass before a helicopter lands in a clearing twenty feet from them. Emerson's throat clenches at the thought of being up in the air but, for the first time in almost four years, he pushes the thought away and trudges ahead towards the helicopter, releasing a low breath.

His mind goes back to Rosalind's question. Why is it that he didn't freak out more being up in that plane strapped to Peter's front? Maybe because he didn't have the time to think about it?

"Emerson." Randy nudges him, bringing him out of his stupor, "You first."

His eyes find Rosalind waiting patiently behind him before he nods and hoists himself through the door and onto the far seat. The pilot instructs him over the wind to fasten his seatbelt and put on a head set.

When Rosalind slides in next to him, a hesitant smile slips onto his lips. "Ready?" He speaks into the mouthpiece, her nod assuring him that she's okay.

Once they're off the ground, Emerson's eyes close and his fists instinctively clench atop his thighs. Up in that plane, he had no time to think about the height. Only the thought of jumping and the fear of landing like a pancake inhabited his thoughts. Now, however, he has plenty of time to think about the space that is gaining between his feet and the level ground.

His palms begin to sweat and his stomach churns. He tries to tell himself it's okay and that this is perfectly safe but his mind keeps flashing back to that moment before freshman year. The image of his feet positioned at the end of the cliff. The water swirling angrily as his friends laugh off to the side distractedly.

A hand placed on his clenched fists brings his eyes open, the waves crashing against the windows of his mind stilling suddenly. Looking over, he sees Rosalind staring straight ahead and he looks at her curiously. Wordlessly, she slides her fingers into the comfortable slots in between his, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.

Nothing about this action feels like a romantic gesture. Only a comforting connection between two friends. Not that Emerson would object to holding Rosalind's hand under other circumstances but in this moment her hand in his is like having his feet on the ground.

As soon as they land it's like a herd of mumbles and fluttering figures surround him with apologies. Claire even springs a few tears, hugging Emerson tightly. He smiles a little and hugs her back, her small figure tucking easily into his side before she pulls away.

"We thought you were going to die!" Alex exclaims, earning an elbow to the ribs from Claire who wears a stern expression. Alex doubles over with a sharp intake of breath.

A hand clamps down with a soft pat and Emerson smiles in Rhyme's direction. "We're glad you two are okay."

"Me too, man."

"Oh my gosh you look terrible!" Gwen says with a pity filled frown, surging forward to hug the both of them before Isaac pulls her away, her arms squeezing us just a little too firmly.

"Why thank you, Gwen." Rosalind grins, "Now who's up for our next adventure?" The twinkle in her eye almost frightens Emerson. Not in the horror movie kind of way but more in a "you must be insane" kind of way. He is beyond exhausted and in no mood to go out.

Of course Alex throws an arm over her thin shoulder and smiles. "I will go wherever you go, Rosie."

Rosalind looks like she's about to argue with the nickname for the millionth time but she weakly sighs before using the last of her strength to push gun away. "Alright well let's head back to the hotel and shower first. We can't be smelling like death where we're going."

"And where is that?" Claire asks her, now practically glued to Emerson's side wether it's just by standing next to him or asking if he's okay every five seconds. A small grin pulls at his lips, feeling a warmth and appreciation for her as she continues to silently obsess over each of his wounds.

Rosalind answers but Emerson doesn't hear what she's saying, a laugh emitting from his lips as Claire pokes at a bruise for the second time, asking him if it hurts.

"What?" He asks, looking up with a laugh.

Rosalind gives him a hesitant look, glancing between him and his best friend. "I said I hope you all know how to dance."

"Oh boy." Isaac sighs, closing his eyes as Gwen squeals excitedly, holding tightly to his hand.

"We're going dancing?" Rhyme scratches the back of his neck nervously as the Uber pulls up to the front or the building.

Rosalind doesn't answer his question, pulling the door to the van open and gesturing them inside.

Emerson zones out in the backseat, Claire seated next to him and typing away speedily on on her cell phone. His eyes stare blankly out the window, watching the light shine through the trees as they pass. The windows are open, the vehicle having no cool air to lessen the torture of the sticky heat. Not that he's not used to it by now.

Walking back up to their hotel room, he feels odd. Almost like he's been turned inside out, his mind not feeling like his own. His stomach tingles as he recalls the falling sensation after leaping from the plane only hours before.

Glancing out the window of the room, he watches the sun begin it's decent from the sky, sinking further down as the minutes pass. He somehow manages to get dressed, nodding along half heartedly as Alex fixes his hair in the mirror, rambling on about how many girls he can get to agree to a dance with him even though Emerson knows he's speaking of only one girl in particular.

He can't even seem to pay attention when Rosalind, Claire and Gwen waltz out of their room and into his, Claire giving him a questioning look. He throws her a reassuring smile as Rosalind begins explaining the game plan.

"Alright so I'm thinking we should have a buddy system." She begins, "Everyone pick a partner. You are responsible for the other person for the entirety of the night, no acceptions."

"Where are we going?" Rhyme asks her, looking slightly worried.

"Nowhere dangerous, don't worry." She grins in his direction, "I just think it'd be best if everyone felt accounted for and safe."

"Makes sense." Alex throws an arm over her shoulder swiftly, "I pick Rosie." He miss towards her with a smirk. She rolls her eyes but sighs in defeat.

"Alright it might actually best that I keep an eye on you." Her chuckle brings a smile to Emerson's lips.

"Want to be buddies?" Claire gives him a tiny smile, looking up at him hopefully.

He grins at this, nodding. "Of course."

"Okay." She stands next to him, linking their arms together.

Walking next to his best friend Emerson feels a little more grounded. Like this is a part of himself that he's sure of. That his friends care for him just as he cares for them. He doesn't know what it is about this trip that seems to be shaking him up but every small moment spent here makes him doubt everything he believes about himself. Expect for how appreciative he is of those around him in this moment.

Not to mention Claire is the most consistent person he's ever known. When he was in the hospital, she seemed to be there more often than anyone. Always cracking jokes and bringing his favorite foods and movies. Always making it a little more bearable.

"I think it's a little bit on the wild side that we're going out right after you and Rosalind were stranded on an island for most of the day." Claire whispers to him as the rest of the group chatters on ahead of them about who knows what.

Emerson shrugs. "It almost feels like it never happened. We really weren't there that long. I expected to see some locals but Randy and Peter rushed us off before they saw us. No doubt at least some of them noticed the helicopter." He laughs lowly.

"Randy and Peter? Were they the guys who were with you?"

"Yeah Peter and I kind of knocked Randy and Rosalind off course. Randy kind of blamed him and it was kind of a mess. You should have been there." He hesitates, "Okay actually I'm glad you weren't there." He says once he realizes the severity of the situation.

Claire looks down at her feet with a small smile. "Why, because you and Rosalind got some alone time?"

His cheeks redden at her tone, her almond shaped eyes meeting his making him feel quick to defend himself. "What? No that's not it at all. I only meant that it was dangerous and - "

"Don't worry about it. Rosalind is cool, I like her." She tells him before looking away quickly and clearing her throat. When she looks back there's a bright smile on her face, "Ready to be demolished on the dance floor?"

He's wary of the sudden subject change. "Of course, you know I can't dance." He replies with raised brows.

Claire laughs, tucking her short dark hair behind her ear. "Don't worry, I'll take it easy on you."

"Much appreciated."

Walking through the door, music immediately invades Emerson's ears at a very uncomfortable volume.

"Alright everyone have fun!" Rosalind hollers as she is pulled away by Alex, his hand clutching hers, "Meet back here at eleven!" As they bounce off and into the crowd, the rest of them stand there awkwardly.

Gwen and Isaac soon shuffle off to attempt to dance and Rhyme sits at the bar, ordering a club soda. Emerson realizes Rhyme is the only one without a buddy and is about to offer him a spot with he and Claire but, before he can suggest it, Claire is pulling him towards the swarm of bodies.

The music practically pulses the floor like a heartbeat, the rhythm almost confusing his own. Claire holds his hands, dancing carelessly into other people and clearly not caring. Emerson looks at them apologetically but none of them seem to notice.

"Come on. Dance!" Claire insists with a laugh, his arms dangling freely as she moves about, shaking her hair dramatically. He laughs at her behavior, stepping from side to side for her sake.

Rolling her eyes, she throws her arms over his shoulders, standing on her tippy toes and guides him in a slow cha cha, a fast paced latin song placing on the speakers as everyone hoots and hollers around them, spinning their dance partners excitedly. A laugh emits from his lips when he spots Rosalind swatting Alex's hands away as she laughs.

Emerson finds himself moving along freely with Claire, a pleasantly surprised expression sliding onto her face, her olive skin illuminated under the low lights above. Holding her fingertips, he watches as she spins around once before he pulls her into his side with a laugh when she trips, recovering quickly with a glare.

When a slower song begins to play overhead, everyone around them seems to partner up. Looking at Claire, he can't help but think of how cliche this is. Someone like himself finally getting comfortable only to have his footing ripped out from underneath him.

Claire, however, doesn't even blink twice before stepping forward, gently placing his hands on her hips and throwing her arms over his shoulders with a reassuring smile. Sighing with relief, all awkwardness that had lingered for a moment is now gone.

He fixes his hold so his arms rest comfortably around her as she steps from side to side, clearly guessing that this is all he can handle. She assumes correctly.

"So did anything else happen on that island?" Claire asks him suddenly.

Brows furrowing he replies, "Meaning what exactly?"

"I don't know. Just...anything interesting?" Her eyes aren't meeting his as she speaks and he quickly notices her fingers fidgeting at the back of his neck.

"No, nothing interesting. I'm pretty sure I told you everything about it...well anything mildly interesting that is." He chuckles, "I don't think you'd find hours of walking very invigorating to recall in explicit detail." He jokes with a laugh.

She laughs, nodding, "Okay fine, I see what you mean."

He pauses for a moment, peering down at her small frame, unfamiliar with her behavior. "Why do you ask?"

She closes her eyes as she breathes out sharply, opening them as she presses her lips together, contemplating. "Are you interested in Rosalind?" She asks him.

The question is so abrupt that he doesn't reply right away, heat rushing to the back of his neck. "What?"

Her dark eyes meet his. "You know...like - do you like her." It sounds like more of a statement than a question.

"I barely know her."

"That's not the question." Her voice breaks slightly as if she thinks she's had the answer.

Emerson feels panic rise in his stomach, feeling as if he's some something wrong but he doesn't know what it is. "Well I don't know, Claire."

"How can you not know?" She laughs darkly.

"I just don't!" He doesn't know what to do. "Why are you asking me anyway?" He voice raises slightly and he feels as if there are eyes on them, realizing how loud they're speaking compared to the music.

She looks at her feet, a single year escaping her eye before looking back up, sheer confusion written all over his face and a look of pity crosses her own.

"Because I'm in love with you, you idiot." She practically whispers the words but they cut through him deep. He hears them loud and clear, though he wishes he hadn't.

He doesn't say anything, his mouth opening and closing as he tries to say something - anything. "I- "

A sad smile slides onto her lips, another tear running down her face. Standing on the balls of her feet, she gives him a soft kiss on his cheek before walking away. His hand clutches at her hand but she pulls away, shaking her head.

"Claire." He tries, his throat closing, but it's too late. She's out of sight before he can stop her.

Standing in the middle of the floor, he stares off in the direction she left, feeling a wave of confusion mix around in his heart and mind. Claire has been his best friend, the only person he can truly count on, for what seems like forever. Not once did he ever suspect that she - that she would feel...you know.

"Emerson?" Someone's hand is placed on his arm and he jumps slightly, looking over with a lost expression at Rosalind who wears a look of concern.

He doesn't speak, only pulls his arm away and quickly presses through the crowd, chest moving up and down as his breath becomes more shallow. He can sense her behind him so he keeps walking. He's well aware of how unfair it is to blame Rosalind but somehow she's the last person he wants to see.

"Emerson!" She calls just before he pushes through the door, stepping outside and breathing in the humid night air. "What's wrong?" She asks him, coming to stand next to him.

He doesn't answer, just focusing on breathing. Everything in him wants to let the small cry out that's building in his chest, his eyes swimming with tears. Most of all, he's in shock.

Sucking back his emotions, he turns to her. "I'm fine."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No." He answers immediately.

Rosalind watches him, contemplating what to say. The faint beat of the music vibrates through the walls and the mumbling of peoples' conversations can be heard from across the street at a small pub, vehicles crowding the parking lot.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." His voice cracks and he sighs, turning so his face is obscured from view by the darkness.

When he hears her step closer his eyes close, feeling annoyed. He doesn't want to talk to anyone, he just needs time. Time to figure out what just happened and how he can fix it.

"I...I saw you and Claire talking. What did she say?" Her voice is small and unsure, leading him to believe that she knows exactly what Claire said to him.

"Nothing. I mean...it doesn't matter." He regrets the words as soon as they come out.

Rosalind grabs his arm, turning him around with a stern expression. "Emerson." She demands, "You can't seriously expect me to believe that you had no idea about how she felt."

He feels as if he's been punched in the chest. "I didn't." His mind rings with confusion. What is she saying? That he's the only blind one here? Surely Alex and Isaac must be as clueless as he. Certainly Rhyme hasn't known about this.

"I'm sorry, I figured you already knew." She sighs, running a hand through her hair.

He watches the action, feeling helpless and lost in a sea of something he couldn't possibly ever understand. "Well I didn't."

"Right." She replies.

They stand there in an awkward silence until Emerson finally releases a groan. "I'm sorry, I can't deal with this. I need to go. Tell the others that I'll be back at the hotel."

"Do you want me to come with you?" She offers, walking after him.

"What? No, of course not." He doesn't mean to snap at her but once he does he can't take it back.

She stops in her tracks. "Why do I get the feeling that you're not too happy with me?" He doesn't say anything. His jaw ticks as she laughs darkly, "And just what did I do exactly?" Still silence, "Emerson." His name coming from her mouth forms as a rebuke.

"Before she told me, she kept asking about you, okay?" He says, fisting his hair, squeezing at the roots.

"Asking about me how?" Her voice gets smaller.

He pauses before replying, "She...she kept asking if I'm interested in you."

She laughs a little too nervously for it to be genuine. "That's ridiculous."

"I know." He says, staring her down. "You didn't say anything to her, did you?" He asks her suddenly.

Rosalind looks down at her feet, biting her bottom lip. "I - I didn't mean for this to happen. I was just confiding in a friend. I didn't think the feelings she so obviously had were that serious. I swear." Her voice cracks a little.

Breathing out his mouth slowly, he calms his heart beat. "What did you say?"

She waits, looking off in the distance across the street at stumbling girls and laughing men, all oblivious to his problems. "I just...I told her that I think you're a really great guy and that - " She stares down at her shoes before meeting his eyes, "and that I may be interested."

His throat closes. "In me?" He asks in disbelief.

"Yes, in you." She laughs before walking slowly toward him, stopping in front of him, "I was just wanting to clear things up considering my intentions. I didn't want her to be surprised and hurt."

"Well its a little too late for that." He says weakly.

Rosalind licks her lips, looking up at him with a hopeful expression. "Look, I know your shocked but...just try to consider your own feelings okay?"

"What do you mean?" He answers lowly, his judgment clouded by too much information.

Looking him in the eye as if searching did something specific she obtains a slightly disappointed demeanor, stepping away slowly. "I'll uh...see you tomorrow. I'll tell everyone you left."


On the way back to the hotel he stares straight ahead. Feeling great stricken as he wonders if Claire will ever speak to him again.

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