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na hoaaloha - friends

Water splashes onto Emerson's cheeks as Rhyme jumps off of the small boat and into the water. Wiping it away, Emerson laughs. Looking around, he takes in the clear blue water and the cliffs nearby. The reefs of Lawa' i Beach is apparently a good place for beginner snorkelers which is perfect for him and his friends.

"You going in?" Rosalind asks him with her goggles securely on her face, the snorkel dangling from the side of the strap.

He offers her a small smile. He still hasn't spoken with her about what happened but, as soon as he saw her drive up on her motorcycle, he knew she was in no mood to discuss it. Maybe it's best that they act like it never happened now that she knows he doesn't feel the same way. It might be less humiliating for everyone involved.

"On the count of three?" He asks her and she smirks slightly, nodding. They count to three aloud before leaping off of the side of the boat.

Still, Emerson has to remind himself not to panic every time his skin touches the salt water. Kicking upward, his face is exposed to the humid air and he fights to keep afloat as he coughs, laughing when Rosalind comes up, her goggles filled with water.

"I still can't believe you're doing this. You're a completely different person than the guy who landed here a week and a half ago." She laughs, splashing water his way with a teasing smirk.

"People change." Is all he says before swimming over to the reefs, lowering his goggles from atop his head to over his eyes and nose, placing the mouthpiece between his lips. She follows him but he doesn't look back, feeling hesitant with her flirty behavior. He assumed she got the message considering his feelings but now he supposes he was wrong. Maybe he'll have to speak with her after all.

Diving beneath the clear blue water, he keeps the long snorkel above him as he stares down at the colorful reefs and corals, fish swimming calmly beneath him. When he comes back up, Claire is by his side, her short hair slicked back with water and curtained around her face.

"Isn't this amazing!" She laughs, her eyes squinting as she smiles. The sun has begun to color her cheeks and freckles have begun to form over the bridge of her nose.

Emerson grins, feeling happy with her beside him, seeing the same thing as him and experiencing what he's experiencing. "It is, isn't it? I can't believe I would have missed out on this."

"Sadly, you've missed out on a lot over the years." She says carefully with a sad smile before adding, "But we can make up for lost time when we get home."

"I'm down for that." He replies before diving back under the water, blowing air through his snorkel and waving at Claire who floats a few feet from him. She quickly points to an opening in the cliffs and he shakes his head. Pulling the mouth piece out, she mouths trust me and he finally nods.

Going up for air one more time, he dives under water, kicking with the flippers on his feet as he follows her through the opening and kicks furiously upward as soon as he sees her doing so. Gasping for air, he looks around the small cavern, his arms and legs feeling tired. He barely notices though, his smile wide.

Grabbing onto a small ledge for support, Claire gives him a knowing grin. "Pretty cool, right?"

"Has anyone else seen this?" He asks.

"Nope." She shakes her head, "It'll be our secret. Now come on, let's go back out there before they all think we've drowned." Her laughter pulls a chuckle from him and he nods in agreement.

Once they're back with their friends, everyone agrees that they're starving and it's time for a brief intermission.

"I made everyone some lunch. It's back on the boat so we can eat and chill for a bit before jumping back in. Then after a couple of hours, you can head back to your hotel and relax since I'm guessing you'll be exhausted after today." Rosalind says to the group.

It's weird for Emerson to think of her as their paid tour guide. Sure, she's done a great job in showing everyone a good time but she seems more like a friend doing a favor than a professional tour guide. This is her first time so that probably adds to it.

Everyone agrees and soon they're all back on the boat, eating sandwiches and sipping on homemade lemonade. "You made this?" Alex asks her, taking a drink.

"Yep." Rosalind replies, taking a bite or her ham sandwich, "A secret family recipe." She gives him a wink and he rolls his eyes with a small smile.

"So powdered mix and water?"

"Shut up, no!" Rosalind laughs, shoving him a little bit. Emerson watches as Alex's cheeks redden, a smile spreading over his lips to have gotten a reaction out of her. "It happens to have a very secret ingredient that gives it that different kind of kick."

"Scotch?" Rhyme jokes with mischievous eyes.

"No." Rosalind rolls her eyes, "It's lavender, actually."

"Gross. Like those purple flowers?" Alex snorts, looking into his cup. "Why isn't it purple?"

"Because, doofus, I used a lavender essential oil." She chuckles with an amused expression.

Emerson tunes out as soon as she begins talking about the benefits of oils and a bunch of boring facts about it. Chewing on his lunch, he stares out at sea. The small boat they float on happens to be Rosalind's house which is weird to think about but also pretty cool in his opinion. It's small but it fits everyone on it no problem. The lower cabin isn't exactly suited to fit their whole group though. Maybe three or four people at most.

Gwen lays out at the head of the boat on her lilac colored towel, closing her eyes as she basks in the sun. Emerson snorts when he sees Isaac subtly take a photo of her, grinning down at his phone with admiration. He's probably discovered that taking "Instagram" photos may not be too bad. He watches as Gwen squints up at Isaac with a confused expression, laughing at him as he shows her his phone with an embarrassed smile, his cheeks red as he scratches the back of his neck. Gwen laughs, sitting up to kiss him gently.

Emerson looks away, catching Rosalind looking over at the couple with a frown. Her eyes suddenly catch his and he doesn't look way, feeling too awkward at being caught. It's one of those moments where one would hope the person they happen to be observing doesn't assume they were staring at them for any reason in particular. She gives him a blank expression before looking down, picking at a loose string on the towel wrapped around her waist.

"Hey." Alex speaks, getting her attention. Emerson watches with a small sense of guilt as she places a smile on her face and it doesn't quite reach her eyes.

"Hm?" She hums.

"You wanna go for a swim with me?" He asks hopefully. After a moment of hesitation, she sighs and nods.

"Why not?" She smiles, giving Emerson one last look before taking Alex's hand and discarding her towel, leaping over the side with his friend.

He glances at the two of them splashing one another and racing to the reef before sipping at his lemonade.

"What's with them?" Claire sits beside him, wrapped up in a large white towel.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, they're just being all flirty." Claire snorts in annoyance, "Doesn't that bother you?"

"Why would it bother me?" He replies, his heart stopping. Did she somehow find out about the kiss?

"She's the tour guide. She should probably be acting a little bit more professional." Her jaw ticks.

"I thought you liked Rosalind." Emerson laughs.

His friend shrugs her shoulders, tucking her dark hair behind her ear. It's still wet but it's begun to dry, short pieces falling around her face. "She's nice and all I just...I don't think I could be friends with her. After...well you know."

"Oh." Maybe she does know? Even if she doesn't, maybe he should be the one to tell her before someone else does and it's misinterpreted. "Look...Claire I really need to tell you something."

This peeks her interest, her head turning with furrowed brows. "Sure, what's up?"

"Well this morning - "

"Emerson!" Isaac yells for him, "Come on, get your gear and jump in!" He hollers.

Emerson shakes his head quickly, "No, go ahead without me! I'll be in there in a minute."

"Come on!" Alex grins, knowing very well how annoying they're being.

"In a minute!" Emerson yells louder.

"Are you sure?" Claire asks with a laugh, "Can this wait until later?"

Emerson thinks for a moment, looking between the two brothers staring at him expectantly from the water and the girl sitting in front of him. Grabbing her arm he says, "Come on."

"What is this about?" Claire sighs, pulling her arm away from him as soon as they step down onto Rosalind's staircase, out of sight. She stands on the step above him so that now they are eye to eye.

He sighs, looking past her to make sure no one is within ear shot. "This morning, on my way back from the beach - "

"You went to the beach this morning?"

"Yes now listen." He chuckles, "This morning, when I was walking back to the hotel, I saw Rosalind."

"Okay." Claire speaks slowly, "So what?"

"So..." He sighs, trying his hardest to keep eye contact, "She kind of kissed me."

"She did?" Claire's eyes widen, "So that's why you've been acting so weird."

"Hey I haven't been acting weird." He scoffs. He thought he had been acting pretty normal.

"She kissed you?" She laughs, her eyes lighting up with amusing. His cheeks redden and confusing overwhelms him. This is not the reaction he was expecting. "Awe you look so cute and embarrassed." Her laughter continues until she's leaning over, her shoulders shaking.

"Claire." He sighs, rolling his eyes, "I wasn't exactly expecting you to laugh at me. It wasn't my fault! I was just walking and I saw her and the next thing I know, she's kissing me." He whispers harshly, looking behind her every so often just to be sure no one else is hearing this.

"And just what did you expect, Emerson?" She finally calms down, "For me to cry and feel sorry for myself because I have feelings for you? You're still my one of best friends and I still find this hilarious. Do you like her back?"

"No..." He admits lowly.

She doesn't look very surprised. In fact, there's almost no facial reaction at all, "Well then, I have no reason to feel upset in the least. Thanks for keeping me updated, I appreciate it. And I'm sorry you've been put in this position." Her soft smile pulls a sigh out of him, his tense shoulders relaxing.

"Thanks, Claire." He responds, feeling relieved.

"Come here." Her arms open and he instantly allows her to pull him into a hug. Small arms embrace him, the fabric of her large t shirt against his nose. "It'll be fine just be yourself and be honest. Despite how I feel, I always want you to be happy and to make decisions that will make you happy and feel right to you, okay?"

"Yeah." He agrees, pulling away. "We should probably get back before everyone thinks we're dead."

"Or something." She grins throwing him a cheeky grin.

"Oh shut up." He laughs, "Race you to the water?"

"You're on."


kind of a shorter chapter but i didn't see this chapter going anywhere else and that was a good place to end it. i hope you enjoyed it

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