3. The Shifting Stranger

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The group soon departed from the island and flew towards Drago's abandoned fort. Eret had high hopes that that was where they could get the scent of either Kierra or one of the to maybe track them down. He felt joy in his heart for getting to see his own son and Kierra, and he had already thought up of names that he would have wanted to have named his kid.

"We're here!" He announced to the other riders. "It is right-"

"Oh no." Astrid gasped at the sight that layed before them.

The whole place was in ruins. Some areas were charred and some large beams had large scratch marks all over the place, the whole fort looked like a monsterous dragon went full on rage. And the worst thing was, there were bodies that looked like they were fresh.

"Eret I don't think-" Hiccup started but Eret just jumped off Skull Crusher and started checking the bodies.

"They are all men! Drago's men to be exact!" He yelled when he kicked at the bodies.

"Wait how do you know that?" Astrid asked climbing off of Stormfly and walking over to him. Eret showed them the clothing that still clung to the skeletons.

"These clothes belong to Drago's men. I can recognize it from anywhere." He explained. "Not the clothes my crew or girlfriend would wear."

"So, you don't think her body is still here?" Snotlout asked dismounting from Hookfang and poked one of the bodies with his boot.

"Not sure. I need something of hers that Skull Crusher can smell. But nothing here is hers. It was either taken by dragons or..."

"Or she can still be alive and left." Fishlegs said helpfully.

"I wish I knew Fishlegs. I honestly wish I knew what happened here." Eret sighed shaking his head.

"Listen Eret, while we are here, tell us how you met Kierra." Ruffnut suggested. "She sounds like a very interesting gal if you are going through this much trouble in finding them!"

"You seriously want me to tell you how we met?" He asked looking at her surprised.

"Yeah and what is it about her that you had to not tell Drago?" Hiccup added as Toothless blasted a pile of wood to make a fire.

"Alright then, gather around everyone." Eret said motioning them to sit down.

The group gathered around the small fire with their dragons forming a circle around them to keep the humans warm. Once seated, the gang and their dragons gathered around Eret. He got himself comfortable by sitting with his back to Skull Crusher, and told his story.

(This part here is while he is telling the gang what happened, he is thinking about that day.)

It was just another day out on the ocean, getting the next shipment of dragons ready. Eret was pacing on the deck feeling worried. They had been out on the water for almost the entire afternoon, and they haven't even captured ten dragons. He felt as if the gods were toying with him. The last thing he wanted was to be punished by Drago, and his punishments were very harsh. Some resulted in death. He was wondering of what to do to be able to fill their quota when he heard a roar.

"Incoming!" yelled Ivan, one of the crewmen.

The trappers prepared their nets for another dragon. Soon, their target was in sight. A lone Rumblehorn was flying right to them.

"Come on, come on. Get closer." Eret muttered as he aimed his bola at the dragon. It seemed preoccupied with something for it to not notice the boat. Then when it flew right where he wanted, he shot at it. The dragon struggled to remain in the air as it tumbled down and fell onto the deck with a crash.

"Hold it down!" One trapper yelled.

"Keep away from the horns!" Another yelled as the dragon roared and tried to escape.

Once they had wrangled the dragon they shoved it into one of the cages. Eret felt grateful for the newest catch since Drago liked using this breed. "Well done men. We got ourselves another dragon. That's ten down and....two hundred and ninety to go. We still have three months to go. If we keep this up, then we will get more-"

"Uh...Eret..." one of the trappers said pointing at the sky nervously.

Eret turned around looking annoyed. "What-oh."

A large dragon was flying in their direction. It was a large dark blue dragon and it didn't look anything like the ones they had ever caught. It had to be at least ten, twenty feet! And its wings looked enormous!

"Dragon! Get ready to shoot it down! Drago will be pleased with this one." He yelled rushing to the bola and preparing to fire at the dragon.

The dragon flew right in their direction and gave a roar. It managed to evade the nets and landed right on the boat, causing it to rock. When the men had got to their feet and prepared to attack it when the strangest thing happened: it suddenly stood upright on its two back legs and started to shrink.

The tail disappeared and so did the wings, as did the scales started to melt into skin and clothes and then the head shrunk till it was in the form of a girl. She had long dark hair that tumbled down past her waist in waves, a small scar on her cheek and wore strange clothes. She looked at Eret with deep blue eyes that looked very dragon-like.

"P-please, h-help me." She gasped. Then she stumbled a few steps forward and collapsed. Eret rushed quickly to grab her and she fell right into his arms unconscious.

"Get some medical supplies!" He yelled as the crew scrambled to put the Rumblehorn away. Eret adjusted his hold on the girl so he was carrying her bridal style and carried her into the captain's quarters.

"You're going to be okay, you're going to make it." He said softly as he placed her on the pile of furs that acted as a bed. "Just don't die on me."

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