A Mother and Son Talk

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The next day Hiccup, was busy with his chieftain duties, "Alright Gobber ready to make those saddles?"
"You bet! Call out a number" he replied happily. Hiccup then picked up a wooded card with a number engraved on it, he looked at it and started to tear up.

"41, 41!" Cried out Stoick.
*End of FlashBack*

Hiccup then sighed, "41.......41."
"Oh, that's me!" Shouted a Viking, with a brown and very long beard, "Okay, I want one of those high seaters and make sure it has lots of spikes!" He said enthusiastically.
"You got it!" Hiccup replied as began to walk back to Gobber, "One high seater, with lots of spikes."
"Alright" he replied, as he then started to get his equipment. Hiccup then got a pencil, and started to sketch out the design on a large block of wood.
Just then Valka arrived, "Morning boys!"
"Morning Val, where have you been?" Asked Gobber, while making metal spikes and dragon teeth.
"Flying about, with Cloudjumper" she replied, as she also grabbed out a pencil and helped Hiccup sketch the design.
"Hey mum, I need to talk to you." Hiccup said quietly.
"Don't tell me.....Is it Astrid?" She asked.
"Ahhhh, well that's, one part, but I wanted to tell you about, this new cave, that the gang and I came across" He said.
"Oh, did you find any new dragons?" She asked excitedly
"Well it wasn't your typical kind of cave, it was......underwater." He said awkwardly.
Valka all sudden dropped her pencil, and looked at him, "This cave didn't happen to have blue crystals, did it?" She asked him seriously.
"Ahhh, yeah it did, wait....you've been there?" He asked. Valka the closed near eyes and placed her hand of her forehead, and went to sit on a chair.
"Woah, mum, what is?" He asked putting his hand on her shoulder.
"Hiccup, do have any idea on what you've discovered?" She asked opening her eyes. Hiccup then shook his head, still confused.
Valka then sighed, "About 19 years ago, Cloudjumper and I followed Drago and his men flying down, to that every cave. The two of us were traumatised by what we saw, it was the home to many Night Furies."
"What, but what was so traumatising about that?" Hiccup asked still confused.
"Drago, is........the reason why Toothless is the only Night Fury." She said tearing up. Hiccup then gasped, he then turned around a looked at Toothless, who nuzzled him on the hand. Hiccup then, with tears slowly sliding down his cheek hugged Toothless, "Don't worry bud, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you." He said. "Mmmrrrrrrggggghhhhh" Toothless responded, licking him.
"Toothless you know that doesn't wash out!" Hiccup said in laughter.
"Hahahahaha, so your alright?" Valka asked him, "I tried to tell, but-"
"I understand, but it's not a problem, Drago's long gone, he can't hurt Toothless." Hiccup said with a smile.
"So, what is it that you wanted to tell me about Astrid?" She asked curiously. Hiccup then reached into his pocket and pulled out the diamond he found in the cave.
Valka then gasped, "Are you- is for a-is she finally gonna-"
"Yes, yes and yes." Hiccup said with a huge smile on his face. Valka was lost for words, all she could do, was to hug him tightly.
"Mum, difficulty....breathing." Hiccup said as he was gasping for air.
"Sorry." She said as she let her son breath, she then placed her hand on his cheek, "My little boy's growing up."
"Well I'm not that little" Hiccup said, as he began to blush.
"Are you two just gonna talk all day, come on! I've done all the work!" Gobber said angrily as he placed the finished saddle.
"Sorry Gobber." Hiccup said picking up the saddle, "41, 41, your saddle is ready!"
The Viking came up with a huge smile on his face, "Oh, thank you!" He then turned to his Gronkle, "Hey, Buddy, look at what I got for you!" The two then went off back to the stables.
"Alright, that's it for the day everyone, see ya tomorrow!" Gobber said to all the Vikings outside.

"Son, you should start working on that ring" Valka said.
"I'm working on it, I can't wait to see the look her face when-" Hiccup then saw Astrid coming, with something in her hand.
"Hey, Hiccup there's a letter for you!" She said cheerfully.
Hiccup then immediately, stuffed the diamond back into his pocket, "Astrid hey, ahhh hi!" He said awkwardly as he reach out and grabbed the letter and opened it.
"What does it say?" Asked Valka.
Hiccup then read the letter out loud,
"Dear Chief of the Hooligans Tribe,
The chief of the Spiritus Terram Tribe invites you to a gathering of chieftains. We have heard all about you, and your ambition to give the world peace. We would like you to come and share your ambition with us, so that we may also finally gain peace with our dragons.
Albert Tinnhorn"
"That sounds amazing!" Astrid said.
"Yeah, I mean if I can finally show other Vikings that peace is a better option, think of possibilities!" Hiccup said excitedly.
"Yeah, but.....where is Spiritus Terram?" Valka asked.
Hiccup then looked at the back of the letter, "Oh, there's a map, but I'll have to go first thing in the morning, it's a pretty far away, and I've got a few things to do today."
"Well I better get going, I promised StormFly that we'd fly around Berk" Astrid said say began to walk back home.
"Bye!" Hiccup and Valka said simultaneously while waving their hands.
Valka then kissed Hiccup on his forehead, "Make sure that ring looks incredible!" She then walked to Cloudjumper and the two then flew back home.
Hiccup then looked at Toothless and pulled out the diamond, "Come on bud, let's make that ring!" Toothless then twitched his head to the left, and followed Hiccup to the Blacksmith workshop.

After hours of experimenting different types designs for the ring, Hiccup finally settled, with a ring with small balls of diamonds on the outside, and on the top a love heart shape, with a small dragon in the middle, made out of some gold coins which he "borrowed" from Gobber.
"Alright, what do you think bud, is it good enough?" He asked Toothless, who then nodded is head in agreement.
"Why don't I get some practice? You can be Astrid!" He said happily.
Toothless then looked at him in shock, "Mmmmmrrrrrrggggghhhhhh?"
"Come on, bud" Hiccup said getting down on one knee and presented him with the ring, "Will you marry m-"
At that very moment Gobber came in, "Hey Hiccup, have you seen my gold co-" he then looked at Hiccup and then Toothless, the two looked at him awkwardly, "Ahhhh, never mind, I'll find those coins myself, continue what ever it is that you two we're doing......." He said awkwardly as he left the Blacksmith workshop.

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