A Reunion?

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This chapter is dedicated to all my friends, thank you so much for always being there for me, and for putting up with my HTTYD obsession or at least trying to. 😂

Toothless' unconscious body drift through the water, after a few hours his spikes began to glow and the cave he and the others found earlier opened. The current swiftly pulled him through the entrance and into the actual cave. He laid still as a rock, just then a brush started to rattle, and then all of a sudden, one by one ten baby Night Furies came jumping out. They circled around Toothless and stared nudging him, trying to wake him up. Then Toothless' spikes started to glow brighter than sun, the light traveled all around the cave, reaching every last crystal. The babies then started to back away from Toothless, they were all scared.

They watched as every last crystal exploded, leaving behind a cloud of blue smoke. Then from all that smoke, thousands of adult Night Furies emerged. They babies then ran towards them, and stared nuzzling them, the adults then lowered down their heads and nuzzled them back.

"Awww," said one of the adults, known as Alysha.

"Alysha, as cute as the babies are, we need to help our visitor, after all he is one of us," said another adult, known as Jacinta.

"Yeah, Jacinta's right come on!" Said another adult, known as Audrey.

The three of them, then gather the other Night Furies, they then circled around Toothless, who's spikes started to dim down.

"What do think happen to him?" Asked an adult, known as Mia.

"He must nave been attacked, I mean look at all those wounds!" Cried out an adult, known as Alessia. Just then an old, majestic adult walked closer to Toothless and stared at him for a while, "That's-my-my-SON!!!" She cried.

"What! That can't be Emeris!" Said another Night Fury known as Chelsea.

"Are you sure, Madawee?" Asked Audrey, twitching her ears to the left.

Yes! A mother never forgets," Madawee replied, with a tear sliding down her cheek.

"Well what are waiting for, come on!" Shouted Jacinta, as she got out her double spikes and made them glow. The others did the same. They opened their mouths and let a stream of light blue smoke over Toothless' body, healing ever last wound.

Toothless then slowly opened his eyes and lifted his head, his vision was incredibly blurry , "Ow, where am...I?"

"Oh, Emeris," said Madawee softly to her son.

"What?" Toothless asked confused, his vision then cleared up, his jaw dropped. He then weakly got up and faced the other dragons. He could not believe his, thousands not hundreds, but thousands of Night Furies surrounded him.

"Welcome home Emeris!" They shouted full of happiness.

"Wh-what? My name's Toothless not.....Emeris," He replied feeling very confused.

"No, your name Emeris, it always has been, son," said Madawee as she walked to him.

"Son? Wait, you're my mother?!" He cried in glee as nuzzled her nose, "Forgive me, but you are dead..right?"

The other looked at him confused and a bit offended, "No,no, I didn't ,mean I like, it's just, well.....I guess that makes me dead..." He then hung his head down in sorrow, "Hiccup, I'm sorry,"

"Emeris, you're not dead!" Cried Alysha, "We're not dead,"

"What? Then how are you here? Didn't Drago attack this place?" Asked Toothless staring at his paws making sure he wasn't transparent.

"You called us," said Jacinta.

"I did what?" Asked Toothless.

"You lit up your spikes calling for help, so the powers from your spikes must have resurrected us, in order to save you, " said Alysha.

"Incredible," Toothless said as he stared at his spikes in awe, "Wait a minute, Hiccup! We can all go and save him together!"

"What?" Asked Mia, shifting her head to the right.

"He's my best friend and rider, see," Toothless then showed them his saddle, the others then gasp, with disappointed faces, "Wh-what is it?"

"Your telling me you spent your life with a....h-human!?" Shouted another adult who emerged from the crowd and was known as Ryland.

"I'm, sorry ah, who are you?" Toothless asked.

"My name is Ryland, the leader of our group," He said with his chest up high.

"Look alright I don't see you point, humans aren't as bad as you think," said Toothless.

"Ha! Well why don't you explain this!" Ryland grabbed Toothless' tail showing everyone his mechanic tail.

"Emeris, did, this...Hiccup do that?" Asked Madawee in a worried tone. Toothless then looked down to the ground, not saying a word.

"You see, he's the reason why you can't fly by yourself! Some friend," scoffed Ryland. After hearing these words Toothless' eyes narrowed, he then lifted his head glaring at Ryland.

"First of all, if he shot me down, why didn't he kill me then?"

Ryland stayed quite, Toothless then walked around the other Night Furies, "If he shot me down, why do you think, he went through all this trouble making this tail?" The cave was silent as can be, Toothless then walked to his original spot and stared at every last dragon, "There's more to these people than you think, I spent the past seven years of my life with these Vikings. They want, what we want.....peace, but it's threatened by Drago."

Shivers went up the dragons spines when Toothless said Drago's name, "If we join together with the Vikings and the other dragons, we have a chance of defeating him, and restore peace, please......help me save Hiccup."

Ryland then stood up, "Why don't we take a vote, all those in favour of saving, humans who are selfish creatures without a care in the world say I!"

No one said a single word, "Well it looks likes, it's a no Emeris," He said with a smug look on his face.

"Fine! Stay here and be afraid, all your life, live lives full of hatred," Toothless said madly, he used his paw and pulled down the lever, so that he could fly on his own.

"Emeris please don't go," said Madawee softly, Toothless avoided eye contact and flew away exiting the cave, he burst out of the water with tears in eyes. He then pulled himself together, and stared at the horizon, he growled viciously and flew at lightning speed determined to rescue his best friend.

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