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It was incredibly cold and it was getting dark, Hiccup shivering but he ignored it, he reached into his pocket. His heart sank as he remembered that the ring was gone. All that hard work to finally be with the love his life was gone. A tear ran down his face.

"Mmmrrrghh?" Asked Toothless who notice that something was wrong.

Hiccup then sighed, "It's nothing bud," he then wiped away his tear.

"Mmrrrghhhh" Toothless said again, he determined to found out what was wrong with Hiccup.

"Argh, for the love of- I am coward, Toothless, I'm weak, Astrid deserves better. Drago threw the ring to Thor knows where and I fell for an simple trap, just-AARRGGHHHHH!!!!" Hiccup shout angrily, as he laid his on Toothless.

"Mrrgghh," Toothless then looked up at him, Hiccup then sighed, as got back up and and started fiddling with his armour.

"I'm sorry bud, it just that, I worked so hard, trying to make everything perfect. Like trying to make peace with other tribes and their wild dragons, trying to become the perfect chief for my people, trying to become the perfect son for mum, trying to become, the perfect man for Astrid and.....trying to become the perfect.... best friend," said Hiccup sincerely, while placing his hand on the side of Toothless' head, who looked up at him and smiled. Just then. Toothless' eyes went cat like, as something beckoned him up above the clouds, he tried to fly up, "Rreehhhh!"

"Whoa, Toothless, what the matter bud?" Asked Hiccup as flicked his prosthetic leg, allowing Toothless to fly up. Hiccup then leaned in to get a glimpse of Toothless' eyes, "Oh no, no, Toothless you can't give in bud, shout it out!" Pleaded Hiccup, with a worried tone. Just then Toothless' spikes opened, and started to glow, "Toothless, listen to me bud, you've gotta a snap out of it!" Hiccup then reached over and placed his hand on the glowing parts Toothless' head. The two then flew further and further away from the direction that led to Berk.

"Toothless, buddy, come on, don't give in!" Pleaded Hiccup again, but Toothless shows his head, making Hiccup move his hand away from his head. Hiccup looked around, the clouds we're all pink with only a few hints of whit in them, just then the two then saw Mildew, hovering around with Fugus.

"What the-Mildew? But-" just before Hiccup could finish his sentence, Mildew and Fungus disappeared into thin air.

"Ahhhh, Toothless, this is a dream right, bud?" Asked Hiccup in an awkward and frightened tone, but Toothless didn't answer, his eyes were still cat like, "Oh Toothless, please come back to me, please bud," he begged.

Just then Toothless' spikes began to glow, and the clouds around them started to rise, trapping them in. Toothless' eyes went back to normal, "Mrrrgghhhhh?" He said in confusion, "Rhhheeeaaagggghhhhhh!" He roared,

"Whoa, whoa, Toothless it's okay bud, you don't have to be afraid, trust me bud," Hiccup said calming Toothless, who then looked up at him, "Everything's gonna be alright bud, I promise,"

"Mmrgghh," replied Toothless softly.

Just then the clouds started to spin like mad, making the two feel a bit dizzy. Lightening began strike, causing Toothless to close his eyes. The clouds then ripped apart, revealing the night sky, filled with thousands of stars, Toothless opened his eyes and he and Hiccup stared in awe, with the view that greater them, just a large fog started drift to them. As it got closer, it formed it self into the shape of man. (A/N Lion King feels😂😂😂)

Hiccup gasped, "Dad?"

The fog then began to move, closer "Hiccup, my boy, I'm so proud of you!"

"Forgive me, but you are dead?" Hiccup asked still in shock,

"Yes," Stoick replied, "Hiccup, what you've done for Berk over these past two years as chief, is incredible don't give up now, your people need you, your mother needs you.....Astrid needs you,"

"I know, but I can't, I'm not strong enough, and Toothless,.....Toothless isn't the alpha anymore," said Hiccup trying to block the bright light that appeared. Just then the fog then started to spin around revealing Stoick's spirit, his beard was flowing in the wind, and his eyes were white, he didn't have any pupils.

"The pen in stronger than the sword, Hiccup remember that," he said, in low ghostly tone he then tossed the ring to Hiccup who caught it with his left hand, looked down at it and smiled.

"Thank you," he said with a smile,

"My little boy's all grown up," Stoick said softy,

"I'm not that little," Hiccup said with a straight face, Stoick then smiled and as the clouds, began to move away from each other, he then ascended back to Valahla.

"No,please wait! Dad!" Shouted Hiccup, "Don't leave!"

"Mrrrgghhhhh" said Toothless, just then the clouds cleared away, revealing the ocean. Hiccup, energised by his father, flicked his prosthetic leg, allowing Toothless, to fly back to Berk, "Come on bud, let's end this once and for all!"

Toothless then let out a mighty roar,"MRRRRAAAAAGGGHHHHHHHH!!"

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