Drago's Return

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"That was an amazing race!!" Cried Heather, as Eret helped her get off of Skullcrusher.

"Yeah! I can't believe Astrid let us win!" Said Eret,

"Hey, it was Heather's first game, I had to be nice," said Astrid while getting off Stormfly,

"Suurrreeee," said Eret, while looking at Heather, and mouthed, "She's jealous,"

Heather then giggled, while blushing slightly, Eret then smiled and turned his head, towards Astrid, who was giving him her famous death glare.

"Ahhhh, why don't we go, hey Heather? I can give you tour around Berk," Eret said trying not to tremble in fear,

"Ah, sure," Said Heather, she then tripped over a small rock and landed on Eret's chest, "Ahh, I'm so sorry," she said as she quickly took a few steps back, blushing in embarrassment. Astrid did her best not to laugh and keep a straight face.

"No, no, it's okay," Eret while he reached out his hand, Heather smiled and gently took his hand, Skullcrusher followed the two, towards the dragon hanger staring at the two, who were holding hands. Astrid watched the two, she remembered how she and Hiccup walked together holding hands.

"I miss you Hiccup," she said as she stared up at the clouds, Stormfly then nudged her shoulder softly. Astrid then smiled and stroked Stormfly's head.

Just then Valka and Cloudjumper walked up to them, Stromfly then ran to Cloudjumper and the two greeted each other, by doing their secret dragon handshake.

"I miss him too," Valka said as she placed her hand on Astrid's shoulder,who then stared down at the ground.

"He should have been back by now," Astrid said as she looked up at Valka, with a sadness in her eyes, "What if something happened? What Drago-"

"Hey, hey, you don't need to worry about anything, Drago's long gone and let's not forget, as long as Toothless is around nothing will ever harm Hiccup," interrupted Valka, while placing her other hand on Astrid's other shoulder. Astrid then smiled, just as she was about to say something, Stormfly and Cloudjumper started acting weird.

"Stormfly?" Astrid asked,

"Cloudjumper?" Valka asked with a confused look on her face,

Then all of a sudden Stormfly and Cloudjumper had cat like eyes, they flew away from their riders to the horizon.

"Oh no," said Valka and Astrid simultaneously, they then looked up and saw, thousands of dragons flying towards the horizon, all with cat like eyes.

"Hey where are you going?" Asked one viking to her dragon,

"Hey wait!" Shouted another,

"Meatlug!" Cried Fishleggs,

"Hookfang! Where are you going, hey you come back here mister!" Shouted Snotlout,

"Barf!" Shouted Ruffnut,

"Blech!" Shouted Tuffnut,

All the vikings on Berk chased after their dragon, they ran all the way to the edge of the docks, "Valka, what's going on?" Asked Eret, who still holding onto Heather hand.

"They only thing that comes to head is that......a new alpha has been crowned,"

"But that's impossible-" just before Astrid could finish her sentence, Drago and the Bewilderbeast came, causing large waves to crash along the shores of Berk.

"Your chief is dead!" Shouted Drago in a menacing tone,

"NOOO!" Shouted Astrid, while Valka struggled to hold her back,

"Say hello to your new two alpha's!" Drago shouted,

"RRAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHH!!" Roared the Bewilderbeast, he looked up to see thousands of Dragons circling around, be then smiled secretly.

"Bow down before me and no harm will come to you," said Drago, pointing his metal stick to the vikings.

"Never! Hiccup is our chief, that's something, not even the Gods can change!" Shouted Astrid, the other vikings, agreed with her statement, yelled out, "YEAH!!"

Drago then smiled, and turned his head over to the Bewilderbeast, who then stared at Stormfly. She then flew down to Astrid at rapid speed snatching her up, by her shoulders.

"Astrid!" Screamed Valka, she then jumped and hung onto Astrid's legs,

"Valka!" Shouted Gobber,

"No, go back Valka!" Shouted Astrid, but it was too late, Stormfly let go of her shoulders, causing the two fall on the Bweilderbeast's tusk.

"Well, well, this just got a lot more interesting!" Said Drago emphasising 'more',

"What do want Drago?!" Shouted Astrid demanding an answer,

"You, surely haven't changed one bit, the last I saw you," Drago said as he walked towards the two, Valka then gently pulled Astrid back, keeping her safe.

"I demand an answer!" Shouted Astrid clenching her fists in anger, "What did you to with Hiccup!"

"Oh, I'll answer that question right after you drink this!" Drago then pulled the small bottle of Animi Imperio,

"What is that?" Asked Astrid,

"Drink, all your questions will be answered!" Shouted Drago, who was loosing his patience,

"N-no!" Shouted Astrid,

"Fine, then," said Drago, he then looked up at the Bewilderbeast, who then stared at Cloudjumper. He flew down, and snatched Valka by her shoulders and descended down near the water.

"Valka!" Shouted Astrid,

"Drink or watched her die!" Shouted Drago as he handed over the bottle, Astrid stared at it and looked at Valka, just then Cloudjumper dived into the water, drowning Valka.

"Alright! Bring her back up, I'll drink it! please bring her back up!" Pleaded Astrid as she pulled opened the lid. Just then Cloudjumper, busted out of the water, with Valka who gasping for air, he then dropped her onto the Bewilderbeast's tusk. Valka's clothes were all wet and she was shivering uncontrollably.

"Drink, now!" Commanded Drago in a ghostly voice,

"No....Ast...rid," said Valka, struggling to stand up, Astrid ignored her, she placed her lips on the top of the bottom and drank every last drop. Drago smiled deviously.

"That wasn't so bad," said Astrid as she wiped her mouth with her hand, she stood still for a couple of seconds, and dropped the bottle, which landed into the ocean. She then dropped to her knees, closed her eyes and placed her hands on her head, she then started pulling her hair in pain, "ARRGHHHHH!" She screamed, with tears sliding down her cheek, she felt like thousands of axes and swords were impaling her head. Valka could only watch in horror, tears were sliding down her cheek like waterfalls. Astrid then slowly got up to her feet and opened her eyes, they weren't those lovely ocean blue eyes, they were as black as Toothless' scales.

"Yes," hissed Drago, Astrid walked up to him in zombie like way and turned facing Valka, who was in shock.

"What are going to do her?" Valka asked, as finally gained her strength and got to her feet, just then Cloudjumper flew down and pinned her down, letting out a deadly snarl.

Drago then laughed, "Hahaha, take a wild guess,"

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