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Chiều cao dòng Berk, for generations this gigantic heap of rock packs more than a few surprises. Now that Toothless and I reunited dragons for good, nothing's in our way!

"Come on Eret, is that the best you can do?!" Shouted Snotlout, riding a Monstrous Nighmare who he calls Hookfang,

"Snotlout! That sheep was mine!" Eret screamed back in fury, riding a rumblehorn named Skullcrusher,

"Come and get me if you can-"

"I'll take that!" Shouted a voice, before ramming into Hookfang. Snotlout regained his balance and saw a gronkle, which could mean only one thing,

"FISHLEGS!" He screamed,

"Hahaha," Fishlegs laughed, "Here you go Ruffnut!"

"Yes!" Scream a girl riding on a zippleback called Barf and Belch, with her twin brother, Tuffnut,

"Eeewww," Tuffnut said with a disgusted look, the two then flew down the goals. Just before they could throw it in. Another rider snatched it out of their hands. The twins punched the horns of their dragon in anger,

"ASTRID!" Ruffnut screamed. Just then the rider, known as Astrid threw the sheep into her basket,

"Good job girl!" She said to her Deadly Nadder, who she calls Stormfly. She turned her head over to Berk's chief, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third. He was cheering his head off,

"WOOHOOO! That's 7 for Astrid, the twins lag with 5, and Fishlegs, Snotlout and Eret trail with none!" He shouted,

"Mmrgghhh," said a voice, he turned around to see his best friend Toothless who was a night fury and the Alpha. Just then a women known as Valka, Hiccup's mum, started to walk up to the stand of which Hiccup and Toothless were standing on,

"Hey, sweetie, how's your day?" She asked,

"It's great! Astrid's in lead mum!" He replied,

"Hahaha, why is it that every time I asked you something you always talk about Astrid?" She asked. Hiccup blushed a bit, he walked up a man, known as Gobber,

"Last lap Gobber," he whispered,

"Right, Last Lap!" Gobber shouted singling a viking far away standing next to a large horn. He took a deep breath and blew into it,


"The black sheep! Come on Skullcrusher lets put an end to Astrid's winning streak," Eret said encouragingly,

"Mmrrghhh," Skullcrusher replied grinning,

"Let's go!" Eret shouted. The two then flew over to where the black was usually tossed,

"Yeah!" Shouted Snotlout,

"Woohoowoo," Whooped Fishlegs,

"All right!" Tuffnut screamed.

Meanwhile, Gobber pushed the tosser closer and closer to the black sheep. He picked him up and placed him in the tosser's basket,

"Goodluck!" Gobber shouted as he pulled the lever, sending the sheep flying up to the sky,

"Bbbaaaa," said the sheep in terror as the talons of Skullcrusher grabbed him,

"Yeh-ah!" Shouted Eret,

"No!" Shouted Astrid,

"Have you forgotten who your racing with? I'm the greatest dragon racers in the entire archipelago!" Eret bragged, "Your winning days are over Hofferson!"

"Bad choice of words Eret...." Hiccup said to himself in the distance,

"Oh-ho! We'll see about that!" Astrid thought, "Come on Stormfly, it's time..."

Eret and Skullcrusher were metres away from throwing the sheep into their basket,

"Come on girl," Astrid whispered. She then got up to her feet ready to jump, "Now," just then Stormfly then lunched a row of spikes over to Skullcrusher, who reacted just in time,

"Whoa!" Eret screamed as they did a barrel roll. Astrid then jumped off of Stormfly and did a cartwheel in air and grabbed the black sheep. She smiled in victory but that only lasted a few seconds as she realised that Stormfly was no where to be found,

"Oh no..." She said to herself as she fell to her death,

"ASTRID!" Hiccup yelled jumping onto Toothless but just before they could fly off to save her. The water beneath Astrid started to bubble and out bursted Stormfly catching her,

"Woohoo! We did it! Finally!" Astrid screamed,

"Come on Skullcrusher! We've got to win!" Eret shouted,

"Mmrrghhh," Skullcrusher said, they both knew there was no point, they helplessly as Astrid and Stormfly made their way to the basket,

"Alright Stormfly go to the left," Astrid said looking back at Eret,

"Rrwwaakk?" Stormfly replied confused,

"Come on," Astrid said patting Stormfly's head, who did what she was told. Astrid then bravely dumped the sheep into Eret's basket. The crowd stayed silent, every racer froze in shock, was it a mistake? "Everyone! We have a new champion!" Eret looked over at the crowd who then started to cheer, he never really did have that much love from the villagers of Berk, he savoured the moment as he raised his hands up into the air, he mouth 'Thank you' over to Astrid who cheered with the crowd,

"Astrid really something eh?" Valka said placing her arm around Hiccup's shoulder,

"Yeah," he replied, he watched as Astrid and the other racers headed down to the stables,

"Oh I have an idea," Valka said cheerfully she then made her way down to the stables. Hiccup and Toothless looked at each other confused and followed,

"Astrid!" Called out Valka from the distance,

"Oh hey," she replied while removing the blue and orange war paint from her face,

"That was quite a brave thing you did there," Valka said,

"Thanks," Astrid replied, her eyes were locked on Hiccup as he walked over to them

"Mum..whatcha doing?" He asked in a dorky voice,

"Oh just acknowledging Astrid and her brave move," Valka said with a grin on her face, "You know what? Astrid would you like to come over for dinner tonight?"

"Yeah...wait wha?" Hiccup said in shock,

"Sure I would love to," Astrid said happily

"Fantastic!" Valka said, "I better go and start cooking," Hiccup stood still in horror, his mum's cooking wasn't exactly the best. To be honest he didn't even think that it was even classified as cooking,

"Sooo," Astrid said playing with her hair,

"Quite a surprising choice you made there..." Hiccup said looking down,

"Awwww, you jealous?" Astrid asked in a baby voice,

"N-No, hahah," Hiccup said in denial kicking his foot against the dust,

"Right..." Astrid said while nodding her head, she then hugged Hiccup's shoulder, "You know, you're my one and only! Dorkcup"

"Hahahaha," Hiccup laughed sarcastically, he then turned around, grabbed her waist pulling her in a little closer and the two shared a passionate kiss. The then pulled apart and Hiccup whispered into her ear, "See you tonight," He then ran off with Toothless. Astrid then started to blush madly, she felt a slight nudge in her shoulder and saw Stormfly who was giving her a cheeky look,

"A-Ah-What are you looking at?" She asked in embarrassed.

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