Our Last Goodbye...(Part 1)

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Please do not hate me for what happens in this chapter🙏, I want to try and stay true to the books so please, please, please don't hate me!😥😢😓

Toothless' P.O.V

As the viking's congratulated the newly engaged couple, I walked over to the destroyed statue of Stoick, I nuzzled my nose against the broken stones. "Why?," I whined, as a tear slid down my cheek. I turned my head around and saw Ryland standing behind me.

"I'm guessing he was a great man?" He asked,

"Yeah," I sighed,

"These things happen Emeris, you just have to keep moving forward," he said, "The good thing is that peace has finally been restore, and no one can change that,"

I looked at him and sighed, "That's where your wrong Ryland, as much as I hate to believe this, but the thing is there are more men out there, like Drago. Men who could be capable of more destruction....with.....us,"

"What are you saying?" He asked with a serious face,

"I'm saying, that if there aren't any dragons, men like Drago can't conquer the world," I replied, my heart was aching as spoke these words, I didn't want live in a world without Hiccup, a world without my best friend. But it's the right thing to do, I can't put him in danger again, I love him too much for that.

"Are you saying.." He said with small smile coming across his face,

"It looks like you're gonna have couple of visitors... forever," I said,

"You are truly a wise alpha Emeris, I know for a fact, we're in good hands," Ryland said, as he and I walked over to the other Night Furies and explain what was going to happen.

"Are really gonna move back, with us?!" Asked Audrey excitedly, I then nodded my head while smiling,

"We can be family, once more!" Said my mum, who then nuzzled my cheek,

"But wait, what about...Hiccup?" Asked Ryland, my heart sank as he asked me this, I then looked ground to the ground,

"He'll understand," I said avoiding eye contact,

End of P.O.V

Toothless then walked up to the huge crowd of vikings, squeezing through to get to Hiccup who was sharing a kiss with Astrid. He smiled, knowing that his best friend was happy, he nudged Hiccup, who end pulled away from Astrid.

"What is it bud?" He asked,

"Mrrrgggghhh," Toothless replied as his smile faded away, he then avoiding eye contact,

"Hey, bud what's bothering you?" Hiccup said as he gently lifted Toothless' head,

"Mrrroooghhh, mrrooghhh," Toothless replied, pointing his head out to sea

"I sorry, Toothless but I don't understand, what do mean going to the sea?" Hiccup said with a confused look on his face. Toothless when with tears in his eyes walked over to a giant spike of ice. He then walked to the top of it and let out a mighty roar summoning all dragons who then joined him, the sound traveled around the world calling upon every last dragon. Hiccup watched Toothless on the ice, he truly looked like a king.

Toothless glanced over Hiccup, who was smiling and moving his hands, asking him to come back to him. A tear slowly slid down his cheek, as he flicked the lever to his saddle with his paw, so that he could fly by himself. He then jumped off the ice and and flapped his wings, twitching his head out the sea and started to fly away from Berk, the other dragons then started to flap their wings and and began to follow Toothless.

The vikings then began to shout out,






"Barf, Belch!"



"Hey, where you going?"

"Hiccup where is Toothless taking them?" Asked Astrid,

"I don't, know but we've gotta find out, everyone to the boats!" Shouted Hiccup while gesturing his hands to the boats. Once everyone was on the boats, they paddle hard trying to keep up with the dragons, "Come on guys, faster!" Shouted Valka, "Put your back into it!"

"It's easy for you to say...your not doing any work, Val!" Shouted Gobber, "Oh, and by the way, do you have one working hand, huh?"

"Don't you back talk me mister!" Shouted Valka, with bent eyebrows, an offended look came across Gobber's face,

"Guys! We need to keep our cool, alright, look we don't know where these dragons are going but we have to work together to try and bring them back," said Hiccup trying to create some peace.

"Hiccup's right, we need to work as team, come on!" agreed Astrid,

Hiccup then glanced over at the other boats, the vikings on them looked very tired, and they didn't look like they were gonna make it, he walked up to the front of boat with teary eyes. He then felt a warm, soft hand holding onto his, he turned his head and saw Astrid, who kissed him on the forehead, "Don't worry, we'll bring our dragons back home, we'll bring Toothless back home," she said.

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