Our Last Goodbye...(Part 2)

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Toothless' P.O.V

I look behind my wing and see about three boats, "Oh Hiccup, please I'm trying to protect you," I thought to myself. Then turned my head back to face the open waters and continued to guide the others to the cave.

End of P.O.V

Hiccup's P.O.V

As I held Astrid's hand I looked over to the giant cloud of dragons and spot Toothless' tail out in front. "Oh Toothless, please don't fly away, you're my best friend," I thought to myself. I then felt the warmth of Astrid's cheek resting on my shoulder, her eyes were closed, I then gently rested my cheek on her lovely golden hair and closed my eyes. I could sense that she too was also worried.

End of P.O.V

Toothless' P.O.V

"You know Emeris, you don't have to do this, we can always fight off anyone who tries to break the peace between humans and dragons," said my mother as she flew beside me.

"I know, but think about how many dragons or humans that could die in the process. I don't want to endanger anyone, there's something in everyone worth saving," I said wise tone.

"When did you become so wise?" She asked me,

"That, I'm still figuring out," I said,

"Haha, oh Emeris," she laughed as she licked my cheek, I then smiled, but it faded away when I something caught my attention. I turned my head around to see a scuttleclaw loosing altitude and was only a few seconds away from hitting the ocean. I quickly folded my wings and dove down quickly to the struggling baby dragon. I grabbed the dragon with my front paws and bent my head down so that I could see him.

"Thanks mister!" He said, I smiled, showing off my gums which made him laugh,

"Do you think you'll be able to fly?" I asked,

"Oh, yeah don't worry, my brother tricked me into thinking that you could fly with having to flap your wings," he said without feeling a hint of embarrassment. I then let go of him and watched him fly up to his brother who was laughing his head off.

"Kids," I said to myself while shaking my head, I flapped my wings and flew back in front of the others, only to be greeted by Alysha.

"Quite impressive," she said, while trying to flirt with me,

"Hahaha...yeah," I said awkwardly, I glanced over at Stormfly who was looking quite upset, I quickly glided over to her leaving Alysha and her awkward flirting attempts.

"Hey," I said softly,

"Hey," she replied,

"Look, listen I know this must be hard for you but, I can assure you that we're doing this for the good of humans and dragons...we're doing this for the good of Astrid," I said courageously, she then smiled and licked my cheek, I began to blush. I then turned my head over to Alysha, who flew over to Ryland with a jealous look on her face, I watched as she began to flirt with him. I couldn't help but laugh, "Good luck my friend, good luck," I said mouthed to Ryland.

"Hey, Emeris we're here!" Said Audrey cheerfully, I took a deep breath in and then out as joined the other Night Furies by lighting up my spikes.

End of P.O.V

Hiccup's P.O.V

"Hiccup," said Astrid as she lifted her head up away from my shoulder and pointed her finger over to the dragons, I looked up saw the dragons circling around the Night Furies who formed their own little circle.

"They're opening up the entrance to the cave we found a few days a ago!" I Shouted, I looked down over to the ship's sides, the current was pulling us in. It was just like what we saw before, the water was descending down clearing away so that the dragons could enter the cave.

"Everyone, quickly paddle backwards!" I shouted,

"But why?" Asked Gobber,

"Just do it, unless you want to be swallowed by the ocean!" I shouted, I should have worded it a bit differently because everyone started to panic, "Whoa, whoa I was just being sarcastic!" I said trying to clam everyone down, "Now paddle!" Just then the current stopped pulling the boats, "Hold up, we're gonna be alright,"

"Great now could tell us what in Thor's name is going on?!" Shouted Gobber, Valka then slapped him across the face, "Hey!" He cried while rubbing his cheek which was turning red, "What was that for?"

"To try and help you remember your manners," Valka replied while crossing her arms, Astrid and I began to laugh quietly along with the other teenagers.

"Why don't you see for yourself," I said to Gobber while moving my hand towards the giant circle of dragons, he and the other vikings stared in amazement.

End of P.O.V

Toothless' P.O.V

"This...is...it," I thought to myself,

"Emeris!" Shouted Stormfly, as I turned I saw Hiccup and the other vikings, I started to get misty eyes,

"Come on everyone, let's say our...goodbye's," I said as I swept away the tears that slid down my cheek, I watched as the dragons flew down to say their farewells.

End P.O.V

"Meatlug, don't leave please!" Pleaded Fishlegs, hugging onto his dragon,

"Stay strong buddy," said Snotlout trying to hold back the tears while patting Hookfang's snout,

"You'll always be the champion in dragon racing boy," said Eret hugging Skullcrusher with Heather, Skullcrusher then pushed him closer to Heather and smiled,

"Be sure to blow up stuff in your new home guys," said Ruffnut and Tuffnut,

"Oh, give me one last hug grumpy," said Gobber as he reached out his arms, and grump landed on top of him,

"Take care Cloudjumper, thank you for everything," sobbed Valka hugging her dragon, who let out a small whine,

"I'm gonna miss you girl, be sure to take of Toothless," said Astrid hugging Stormfly, her heart was aching, as she cried, Stromfly then licked away her tears, she then smiled slightly,

Toothless then landed on the boat Hiccup was on, he walked up to him and hugged him tightly. A few seconds after he pulled away, "Bud, please come back to Berk, please Toothless," he then pressed his forehead on Toothless', who's nubs on his head started to glow. Just then Hiccup' hair and eyes started glow bright blue and his head was full of Toothless' thoughts. The vikings and dragons watched in awe.

"Whoa, how strong is their bond?" Asked Cloudjumper,

"Enough to do that," replied Madawee,


"Hiccup, you must understand, I'm doing this to protect the peace between humans and dragons," Toothless said telepathically to Hiccup,

"Wh-Toothless is that you?" Asked Hiccup,

"Yes, it is," He replied,

"How is this possible?" Hiccup asked feeling quite frightened,

"It's the bond between us, it's power allows us to do this, I guess," Toothless replied,

"Incredible...but anyway, you don't have to protect the peace alone, we can do it together," Hiccup said seriously,

"No, I don't want to endanger you or anyone else, Hiccup...this is my choice," replied Toothless,


"Hiccup, this is my choice," said Toothless interrupting Hiccup,

"Please bud, come home, came back, come back to me," pleaded Hiccup,

"I...am home," Toothless' heart broke into a thousand pieces once he said that,

"Alright...Toothless is home, Toothless is home," Hiccup said, his heart was aching, "Just remember bud, you will always and forever be my best friend......my best friend,"

"And you were mine Hiccup, thank you for everything you've done," Toothless said while sobbing a bit, "You will always be in my heart,"

"And you in mine," Hiccup replied, the two pulled away from each other's heads and looked into each other's eyes. Toothless then licked him for the very last time, "Aww Toothless...I'm gonna miss this," Hiccup said as reached out his hand, Toothless then pressed his nose against it, remembering the first time he did this.

"Mmmrrrghhhhh," Toothless said as he flapped his wings, back over to the Night Furies, along with other dragons. They looked back and saw all the vikings with tears in their eyes. One bye one they dived down into the cave, after a couple of minutes, Toothless looked over to Hiccup who was waving his hand, tears we're sliding down his cheek but still smiled. Toothless flew up high into the sky and did a backflip while shooting a huge plasma blast into the air, before getting one last look at Hiccup and finally diving down into the cave. The ocean waters then rose up closing the entrance to the cave. Hiccup and the other viking's stared sorrowfully at the ocean.

"Goodbye bud, don't have too much fun without me," Hiccup said to himself.


"And that, Emeris Stoick Haddock, is how your father came to be," said Hiccup who was in his late thirty's pointing to himself with his son on his lap,

"Whoa," said his son hugging onto his stuffed dragon toy that looked like Toothless,

"Oh, wow look it's almost sun down, bed time!" Said Hiccup cheerfully carrying his son to his room that we're filled with drawings of dragons and Toothless' bed, "You know what maybe I should tell one bedtime story next time, not three,"

"Hahaha," laughed Emeris as he got on top of his bed he then pointed to the empty bed next to the window, "So did Toothless used to sleep there?"

"Yeah," replied Hiccup as he tucked his son into bed, "Night, night,"

"But dad, I'm not sleepy," Emeris replied while yawning,

"Hey, as much as I want to stay up so we can mess around, I can't compete with your mother," Hiccup said while smiling,

"But you bet her in dragon training," replied Emeris,

"Hahaha, well that was a one time thing, sleep well," Hiccup said as he walked over to the stairs,

"Hey dad, can I asked you something?" Said Emeris,

Hiccup then turned around, "Anything,"

"Will Toothless and the other dragons ever come back?" Asked Emeris looking down at his stuffed toy,

Hiccup then walked up to his son's bed and kneeled down, "Well that's something that even I don't know, but you can still see them right here," he then pressed his finger softly on Emeris' chest, where his heart was. A smile came across his son's face, "Tell you what, tomorrow I'll tell the story of how I first met Toothless again,"

"Thanks dad, you're the best!" Emeris said as slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep, Hiccup then kissed him on the head and walked down stairs to see Astrid.

"So how did the stories go well?" She asked,

"Yep, he's fast asleep," Hiccup replied,

"Good," she said as she kissed Hiccup on the cheek, just before Hiccup could kiss her back, Eret came barging in with his wife Heather,

"Guys, there's an amazing sunset, you've gotta see this!" They both said excitedly, Hiccup then grabbed Astrid's hand and the followed Eret and Heather to the docks. They then saw the others, along with Valka and Gobber.

"So, how's my little grandson?" Asked Valka,

"He's fine, he's actually fast asleep," Hiccup replied,

"Told him about what life was like with dragons, hey?" Asked Gobber,

"Hehehehe," laughed Hiccup, he then looked over to Snotlout and Fishlegs who were still fighting over Ruffnut, and Tuffnut well he was happy with his mace.

"Wow, that sunset is beautiful," said Astrid,

"Not as beautiful as Ruffnut," said Fishlegs which made Ruffnut blush. Astrid then rested her head on Hiccup's shoulder and he wrapped his hand around her waist. Hiccup then stared at the beautiful ocean remembering the great adventures he had with his best friend, Toothless, the friend who gave him a purpose. He started to get misty eyes like the others.

"There were dragons when I was a boy..."

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