Preparing To Fly To Spiritus Terram

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"Wake up, Hiccup!" Shouted Valka, while shaking her son's shoulder.

"Oh, boy, what time is- what the- the sun isn't even out yet?!" Cried Hiccup, while rubbing his eyes.

"I know but, I just wanted make sure that we could talk for a while before you left." Valka said sitting on the edge of his bed. Just then Toothless came and started to lick Hiccup.

"Since when did you wake up this early?" Hiccup said while scratching Toothless' head softly.

"He always wakes up at this time." Valka said.

"Oh, so that's why I always wake up, with wet hair." Hiccup said.

"Hahahaha." Valka giggled, "So anyway, did you finish the ring?" She asked.

"Yeah." Hiccup replied while pulling out the ring from his pocket.

"Oh Hiccup, it's beautiful!" Valka said holding back tears.

"I'm planning on proposing first thing, when I get back. I'll take her to this new land I came across, a few months ago. It was amazing! It had huge elegant trees with Terrible Terrors singing on it, and there were all different kinds of flowers!" Hiccup said, while getting out his map, "It's right there!" He said, pointing to the piece of paper on the far upper left conner.

"Hiccstrid?" Valka asked confused.

"Oh, it's what I named it, you see it's a combination of the first three letters of my name and the last five letters of Astrid's name." Hiccup said with a huge smile on his face.

Valka then hugged him, Toothless then feeling left out tried to squeeze in between them, the two then laughed as they then also hugged Toothless, "Mmmrrrghh." Toothless said sweetly. Just then Cloudjumper appeared, "Meeerrrghhh?" He said feeling quite jealous.

"Oh, come here you!" Valka said as she hugged him, he then stuck his tongue out, teasing Toothless, who twitched his head to the left, he then smiled showing his gums.

"Hehehehehe." Giggled Hiccup, "We should probably get going bud." He said as he put the ring back into his pocket and grabbed the letter which had the map to Spiritus Terram. The four then, went outside, Hiccup gave one last hug to his mum, "See you soon." He whispered, Toothless and Cloudjumper then did their little dragon hand shake. Hiccup then got on Toothless' back and waved to his mum and Cloudjumper, who bowed his head to Toothless.

"Mmmrrrghhhhhh!!" Cried Toothless, as the two then flew off into the rising sun.

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