Searching For Something Special

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"Soooooo what exactly are we looking for?" Asked Astrid curiously while patting Stormfly, Hiccup just stared into her eyes for a while

"She's so cute and amazing." He said to himself.

"Ahhhh Hiccup." Said Astrid waving her hand in front of his face.

"Ohh, ahhh, sorry, ummm, well we're looking for something special." He said feeling a little embarrassed.

"Oh, for who?" Astrid Asked.

"For yo-my mum, she's needs something special, since well you working with Gobber and all" hiccup replied, fiddling with his hands.

"Okey" Astrid said, in an awkward tone.

As the two were touching and admiring the blue crystals, their hands touched. They then gazed into each other's eyes, and started to move closer.

Stormfly's P.O.V

"What on earth are they doing?" I asked myself, "Shouldn't they searching for something for his mum?" I then started to walk up to them, they then pulled back from each other. "Come on girl, let's see if we can find something over there" Astrid said pointing at and area with tones crystals and feeling a bit awkward. I then nuzzled her, as a sign of saying yes. But as I looked up I was lots unstable rocks with a few specs of crystals, I then tried to warn her, but she just ignored me.

"Relax girl, those rocks aren't gonna come falling down" Astrid said. I still looked at her with troubled eyes,

"Well if it's bothering you so much then, go to Hiccup"

I then started to walk to Hiccup

End of P.O.V

"Oh, hey there." Hiccup said to Stormfly, who then started to nuzzle him. He then started to trying and pull out some of the crystals, but it useless. They were as hard as stone. "Oh, this great! How am suppose find something special for Astrid!" He cried.

Stormfly then twitch her head, as if she was saying "Whhhaaaatttttt?"

"Hehe, can you keep a secret girl? I'm actually trying to find something for Astrid!" Hiccup squealed.

Stormfly, felt so happy, a little too happy because spines shot of her tail, making the ceiling of rock shake.

"Woah, settle down, there! You don't the rocks come crashing down-" Just for Hiccup could finish his sentence, he a pile of rocks ready fall right on top of Astrid. He then started to sprint towards her, "ASTRID!!" He cried.

Before Astrid had the time react, the rocks began to come crashing down, just before the rocks reached her, Hiccup pushed her out of the way. There was a loud thud. Astrid then ran to Hiccup's unconscious body.

"Hiccup!" She shouted, then all of a sudden she heard coughing

"Owwww, aww, man, that was rough." Hiccup said in pain

"My Gods Hiccup you're okey!" Astrid cried in amazement and accidentally punching him, making his fin pop out.

"Oooowwwwwwwahhhhhh" Hiccup cried in even more pain.

"Ohh, sorry" Astrid said while helping him, "Hiccup your bleeding!" She touched his forehead.

"Ahhh, no, no, it's nothing." He lied

"Here." Said Astrid while ripping a bit of the back part of her shirt.

"Astrid, no, it's okey you don't have to" Hiccup said in pain

"No, your hurt." She said, while rapping the cloth around his head, "There" she said placing her hand on his forehead, "Your all better know"

"I know I'll be alright as long as I'm with you." He said placing his hand on top of hers. They then started at each other's eyes and moved in for a kiss when all of sudden.

"HEY, I HEARD SCREAMING, IS SOMETHING WRONG?!?!" Cried Eret. Hiccup and Astrid broke apart, but still looked at each other. They then turned their faces to Eret.

"Yeah, everything fin-AAARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!" Cried Hiccup, he then quickly placed his hands in front of his face, "MAN, PLEASE PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!!!" He shouted in horror.

"What? I'm wearing my knickers, what were expecting? That I'd jump into the river with all my clothes on?" Said Eret.

"I think your missing the point" said Astrid who also had her hands in front of her face.

"Alright fine! I'll put my clothes" said Eret feeling a little agitated and walked back to the river.

"Thank you!" Said Hiccup. He then looked down and saw a diamond, shining amongst all the rocks, he picked it up and looked at Astrid with a smile.

"That's perfect for your mum!" She said in awe.

" sure is." He said looking at her, and he then placed it in his pocket.

Meanwhile, Snotlout was being very flirty with Ruffnut, and it was driving Fishleggs insane and Tuffnut was in even more disgust.

"Baby, was your father a thief, because he stole all stars and put them into your eyes" Snotlout said, in his romantic voice.

"EEERRRGGGHHHHH" said Ruffnut, as pulled her sister away from him. Fishleggs, then started to look for something for Ruffnut.

He remembered what Hiccup said, "Something you can give to a special someone." He then started to pick up lots colourful flower heads. He then got out a very thin piece of cloth, poked a hole into the flower heads and made a lovely flower necklace. He then walked up to Ruffnut and presented it to her.

"Oh, Fishleggs, it's amazing!" She said and gave him a kiss on the cheek, he then started to blush and touched his cheek, feeling very lovestruck.

"You can put it on you know" He said very shyly.

"What are you kidding me? Don't where these kinds of things!" She cried.

"Well what good is it if you don't wear it?" He said very confused.

She then gave him a mischievous stare, "Tuffnut's allegoric, hehehehe, Oh, Tuff" she then stared to walk to him.

"No, get that thing away from me!!" Tuffnut said as he began to ran, with Ruffnut right behind him. As the two twins left Snotlout gave Fishleggs his infamous death glare.

"Jealous" Fishleggs.

"I can get her something better than your stupid necklace!" Snotlout replied and then, he saw a beautiful blue crystal near the river, where Eret was. He immediately ran to it.

Toothless P.O.V

As I was walking back to Hiccup, I was still filled with grief, from remembering my forgotten past. Questions, filled my head, "Why were we such a huge threat?" "Why didn't he just lock us up in cages, wasn't that a better a option?"

I managed to get a hold of myself, before seeing where Snotlout was heading.

"This crystal is perfect!" He said as he reached out his hand to try and rip out a piece.

I immediately ran to him, "MMMMRRRRGHHHHH!" I cried with all my might. He then backed down in shock.

"What!?!" He cried, "Is this some kind of a joke?"

I then went in front of my mother's crystal, and defended it with my tail, "MMMRRRRGHHHHH"

"Are you saying that I'm not allowed touch that crystal!?" He asked angrily. I then shook my head and grunted.

"Fine then, I'll just go and find me another, crystal!" He cried. I then shook my head, "MMMMRRRRRGGGGHHHHAAAAAHHHHHH" I said to him.

"Are you saying, that I can't take any of them?" He asked making his hands into fists. I then nodded my head.

"But-wha-I-just-ARRRGGGHHH!!!" He said in frustration, he then sighed, "Fine." I then walked up to him, and nuzzled him playfully.

"Oh, now your Mr. Nice Guy" he said, I then laughed and walked away, back to Hiccup. But as a turned my head back to him, I see him trying to go for mother's crystal. So I sneaked up behind him, and lit his pants on fire.

"AAARRRGGGHHHHH" he cried and then jumped into the river, "AHHHHHH." He said softly. I then started to laugh even more. That was until he flicked water on to my face, "Hehehehe" he giggled. Just Eret came out from the bushes, fully clothed, "Did miss something?" He asked.

"Nope, just the fact that Toothless burnt my pants" Snotlout getting out water, "Well, I should go back to Ruff, she's probably worried." He then walked off unaware, that his butt, was right out in the open.

"Hahahahaha, yeah you go do that, hehehehe" Eret said trying not to laugh, he then pat me on the head and said, "Good job." I then smiled happily.

End of P.O.V

Suddenly, the ground started to shake, "Ahhhhh, okey gang, it looks like we should go." Hiccup said while getting on Toothless. As they were about to exit, Toothless started to pull back, "Woah, bud, we have to go!" Said Hiccup, but never ignored him.

"Hiccup come one!" Astrid shouted.

"You guys go one ahead, I'll meet you back up there" Hiccup said. The Vikings then flew back to the top the waters surface.

"Bud come on, we have to, I promise you, we'll come back here another" Hiccup said, while scratching the dragons head. Toothless looked one last time at the place where he had found the Night Fury eggs, before flying back to the surface. But as they flew up, the water started closer and closer together, the pair rocketed out just in time just before the water crashed together closing the exit. "Now that was a close one" Hiccup said, "All right gang, let's head back home."

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