The Cave Below The Sea

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"So, remind me again why, we're going on this expedition?" Asked Eret, adjusting his saddle, without making it too tight for Skullcrusher, who was already having difficulty flying above the vast ocean.

"Well, I just thought that, maybe we should explore a bit more that's all." Hiccup said with an uncomfortable tone in his voice. What had he gotten himself into, if only he had the courage to just ask Astrid out on a date. He and the rest of the gang would be flying around in the middle of no where.

"So, where exactly are we going anyway?" Asked Astrid.

"Well, we'll just let the wind carry us to a whole new world" replied Hiccup

The others then, looked at him with an awkward and confused look on their faces. "Hehehehe" Hiccup laughed feeling very awkward. "Sooo, keep your eyes peeled, for anything new or interesting" he said.

"I already see something, more precious than gold." said Snotlout romantically to Ruffnut. She then began to blush, "Ergh" said Tuffnut in disgust. Snotlout then turned to Fishleggs, and winked at him, a jealous look came upon him and then pulled Meatlug to a different direction away from them.

"Come on bud, we've gotta find something, interesting" Hiccup said, placing his hand on Toothless' head. Just then the water beneath them started to decrease, forming a huge circle like shape. Toothless' spikes then began to glow without his command. "Ahhhh, guys!" Hiccup cried. Everyone then let out a huge gasp.

"What do you thinks down there?" Asked Astrid curiously.

"Only one way to find out, come on guys!" Hiccup said, getting ready for Toothless to dive down.

"Are you mad?! Who knows what's down there!" Cried Fishleggs

"Oh, come on guys, what if there's something valuable down there, like a new dragon, something you can give to a special someone, or just a simple place that you can go down once and a while, when things get chaotic back on Berk" Hiccup said looking every single one of them while making his points.

"Fine." They all said simultaneously.

The riders and their dragons then dived down, until they reached the ground. They then saw an opening, and walked to it with their dragons behind them. Just as they entered to what seemed to be a cave, their jaws dropped.

"This looks like my mums dragon sanctuary." Hiccup said in awe.

And he was right, plants were growing everywhere, everything was green, there was even a huge river with millions of fish. But the one thing that caught their attention was the blue crystals, shining brightly in the light.

"I still don't get why a cave could stay, under water, and still look incredibly beautiful and dry." Fishleggs said curiously.

"Who cares!, there's crystals!" Cried Snotlout.

"Well gang, we should split up, and see what we can find. Said Hiccup, looking at Astrid, "I've gotta find something special for her." He said to himself.

"I'm gonna go see the river!" Cried Eret, "Come on Skullcrusher!"

"That's great! So Ruff, Tuff, Fishleggs, Snotlout, and Astrid, you guys can go and check out the blue crystals!" Said Hiccup.

"Actually, I was thinking, maybe you and me could you know....." Said Astrid shyly.

"Ummmm, well I was kinda- uhhh okey!" Said Hiccup awkwardly "Great, how I am suppose to get her something now" he said to himself.

Toothless' P.O.V

"Go ahead, bud, see what you can find" Hiccup said. I then started to walk around the cave, there was something about it, it was as if I'd been here before. Just then I saw a apparition, that lasted for only a few seconds, it was another Night Fury, it was protecting something. I started to rub my eyes with my paws, but I saw it again. I then started to run, but the apparition still kept appearing, everywhere I looked. "STOP!" I cried out in my head. Then all of a sudden, I tripped and landed into a large shrub. As I tried to get out of it, I saw something a few meters ahead of me. I twitched my head to the left, curiously as walked to it. A large leaf was covering something, as lifted it up, and moved it out of the way, my jaw dropped and my eyes widen. I couldn't believe my eyes, a nest of Night Fury eggs were right in front of me. I moved my head closer to them and sniffed them.


I was just a hatchling, I came a little too early into the world. As I looked around, I saw my mother, she was protecting me from something. As I got up taking my first steps, I saw, my home, (The Cave) it was being attacked by humans. Just then my mother picked me up and put me back into the nest.

"Stay here and watch over your brothers and sisters" she said to me, and flew off to fight.

I then got out of the nest and looked at the other eggs, there were about ten of them. I then heard, cries of pain outside. I quickly, picked up a huge leaf and placed it on top of the nest, hoping that no one would find them. I then flew to where all the other Night Furies were battling the humans. I was traumatised by what I saw, all of these innocent dragons, were caught in nets. The humans then got out swords and axes, and - I closed my eyes in horror. Tears were sliding down my cheek. Every dead dragon was skinned and was left lying on the ground. But then all of sudden the spines on their dead bodies, started to glow and turned their bodies into beautiful blue crystals that shone brightly. I then looked around for my mother, I then saw her on the ground near the large river. Flew down toward her. Her jet black scales were gone, I softly nuzzled head, hoping for a response, but all of a sudden she turned into a blue crystal. I began to cry, my tears were falling down non stop like a waterfall.

Then one man cried out, "That's all of them! Head back lads!"

I then quickly started to fly above them hoping that they didn't notice me, I watched them exiting the cave, and hopping on their dragons and they flew back up to the waters surface. I followed them, as I got above the water, I saw all the men boarding a boat, one of them was sewing every piece of dragon skin together.

"Are you sure they're all dead?" Asked a large man.

"Yes, Drago, they're all gone!" Replied the man who was sewing the dragon skins, "Oh, and Drago, here" he said presenting him with a cloak of dragon skin.

"Oh, why thank, Felix." Drago said as he wore the cloak, "You're a general now"

Felix's face lit up. Drago then walked to the edge of his ship, "Be ready, once we find the Alpha, you will defeat it. And now since our greatest threat gone. Nothing can stop us!" As he spoke these words he lifted up his metal stick and started to spin it above his head, and screamed, "ARRRAGHHH AAARRRGGGGHHHHHH AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHH!" The boat then began to move.

*End of FlashBack*

I then started to breath heavily with teary eyes I looked at the eggs. "Why didn't they hatch?" I thought to myself, "I mean if they didn't hatch then-" I then hung my head down in sadness and despair, tears slowly sliding down my cheeks. My spikes then began to glow without my commanded again. I just ignored it, I then softly nuzzled each of the eggs.

End of P.O.V

As Toothless did this, some sort of microscopic powder came out of his nose and onto the eggs. The eggs then absorbed this powder, but he never notice, he then covered the eggs with the large leaf and walked away.

"Why were we a huge threat to Drago?" he asked himself.

Once Toothless had left the nest, the eggs began to move.........

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