The Rescue

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Hiccup was in utter pain, he couldn't move at all, he was covered in bruises and he had lost a lot blood.

"Hehehe, enjoying the pain?" Asked Albert, but Hiccup didn't respond, he just stared down, thinking about Toothless, his mum and Astrid.

"Aww, what's wrong miss ya BFF? Or ya girlfriend?" Asked Albert in a mocking tone. He grabbed Hiccup's hair and pulled his head up, so that he was facing him, "Don't worry, you'll be joining your BFF soon, and as for your girlfriend, well just be glad you won't there to see her suffer."

As Albert spoke these words, Hiccup glared at him and tried to free his hands so that he could strangle him to death.

"Try all you want, your too weak to break those ropes," Albert said as he released his grip, just then two men came up to him, "Fellas, throw him overboard, I think we should put him out of his misery."

The two then grabbed Hiccup's arms tightly and dragged him over to the edge of boat, Hiccup tried to break free from their grips using the last remaining strength that he had, but he was no match for these hunky men. Just as they were about to throw him off the boat, they all heard a high pitched sound closing in on them, a smile came a across Hiccup's face when he saw saw Toothless, who blasted a huge fireball, to the ship causing everyone to loose their balance. Toothless then landed on the boat, "RROOOAAAAHHHHHHH!" He roared, he then ran over to Hiccup and started licking him.

"Toothless, you that doesn't wash out!" Hiccup while laughing. Toothless then cut the ropes, freeing Hiccup's hands. Just before Hiccup got on Toothless back, Drago's henchmen started running towards them, with sharp swords and axes. Toothless then let out another plasma blast, which caused half of them to pass out. Toothless started to nudge Hiccup.

"What is it bud?" He asked, Toothless then pointed to lever on his saddle, Hiccup's jaw dropped slightly, but he then smiled, as he pulled the lever and got on his best friend's back. The remain henchmen charged at them, but the two flew off just in time before any swords or axes got to them.

"Okay, Toothless, why don't we get even with them," Hiccup said while he scratched Toothless' head. The two then flew up high to the sky and then dived back down towards the ship, with a high pitch sound following them. Toothless opened his mouth and let out a deadly plasma bast, causing the ship explode and sink.

"Yeah!" Shouted Hiccup as he raised his fist in the air.

"RROOOAAAGGHHHH!!!" Roared Toothless as they did a black flip in the air. Hiccup then looked back at the ship and saw the men struggling to keep themselves above the water. Guilt ran through his veins, he then sighed, "Toothless, wait," he then made Toothless turn around back to the men. "We can't just leave them like that, come on bud," Toothless then looked up at him, and realised that Hiccup was right, he then shot out a plasma blast, to a near by ice berg causing it break apart into small pieces. He then flapped his wings, making the broken parts of the ice berg drift over to the men, who then frantically got on top of them. They look at Hiccup and Toothless with confused looks on their faces.

"Why," thought Albert, as rested his head on the ice.

"Come on bud, Berk needs us," said Hiccup as he flicked his prosthetic leg, allowing Toothless to fly in the direction where Berk was.

"Mmrrghhhh," said Toothless.

"I hope everyone's okay, especially Astrid and mum," Hiccup thought to himself.

In the distance six black figures were standing on a cliff dumbfounded by the scene at just unraveled before their eyes.

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