Valka and her Future Daughter In Law

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It had been three hours since Hiccup left Berk and Valka was getting some rest, when all of a sudden she heard knocking. She got out of her bed and walked down to the door.

"Oh, why hello Astrid!" She said while rubbing her eyes.

"Hello Valka, sorry to wake you, but can please speak to Hiccup?" Astrid replied.

"Oh, I'm sorry dear, but Hiccup's gone to Spiritus Terram." Valka replied.

"Oh right! Damn, I just wanted to show him a new trick I taught Stormfly!" Astrid while looking feeling quite disappointed.

"Hhmmm, well you can show me!" Valka said enthusiastically.

"Oh, are you sure? I mean I don't want to waste your time." Astrid said quietly.

"Nonsense! You're like a daughter to me." Valka said while placing her hand on Astrid's cheek. Astrid smiled, her heart was full of happiness and love. No one had ever said something as heartwarming like this to her. She placed her hand on top of Valka's who then smiled.

"Thank you Valka, but before we go, there's something I need say." Astrid said.

"Anything dear." Valka has she then removed her hand from Astrid's cheek and walked out of her home.

"When I was a little girl, parents, were killed when a dragon set our house on fire. My mum, she......ahhhh, she quickly dragged me out of house. She didn't say anything, she just ran back inside to try and find my dad. I waited and wait but they.......never came back out. Everyday after that, I kept on praying to the Gods to give me back parents, to give me back..........a mother's love." Astrid then turned to Valka who was tearing up, "You're like a mother to me Valka, thank you."

Valka then hugged Astrid tightly with tears of happiness sliding down her cheeks, she then placed her hands on Astrid's shoulders and said, "Come on then, I can't wait to see your new trick!" Astrid then smiled. The two then got on their dragons and flew off into the sky.

"Are you ready?!" Astrid cried. Valka then nodded while smiling at her, Astrid then smiled back. "Okay girl, you ready?" She said while patting her dragon's head. The two then twirled up into the sky, above the clouds. Valka and Cloudjumper followed. Stormfly then shot out a long stream of fire and started to fly circles around it. Valka was amazed by what she saw, Hiccup was right, Astrid is a spectacular dragon rider. Astrid then finished her trick by signalling Stromfly to shoot some of her spines into the air and light them on fire.

"Alright Stormfly!" Astrid cried out victoriously.

Valka then started to clap and cheer, "Woo!!" She shouted while raising her fist in the air. Cloudjumper then shot out a fireball in the air to congratulate Stormfly and her amazing skills.

"MMEERRGGGGFFHHHH!!!" Cried Stromfly.

"Very impressive Astrid!" Shouted Valka full of happiness.

"Thanks!" Astrid said while blushing a little bit. The two then headed back to Berk, when all of a sudden Valka spotted something.

"Astrid." She whispered while pointing something. Astrid then looked to where it Valka was pointing and saw a boat heading straight for Berk.

"Let's take a closer look." Astrid said, as she and Stormfly descended down get closer and closer to the boat.

"Astrid, wait!" Cried Valka as she followed her.

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