Walking Astrid Home

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As Hiccup and Astrid walked back to her home, there was awkward silence.

"Soooo," Hiccup prompted.

"Sooooo." Astrid replied.

"Thanks for coming over tonight my mum really appreciates it."

"Your mum?" Astrid asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, and me too I guess." Hiccup mumbled.

"I guess?"

"Uuummmm... Don't do that..." Hiccup finally exclaimed.

Astrid laughed, "Fine." She replied punching him on the arm.

"Hahahahaha," Hiccup laughed sarcastically, "That never gets old, does it?" Asrid chuckled before walking along in a comfortable silence. "So," said Hiccup, "Do you want to...maybe sometime...uuumm." He then stared into Astrid's deep, blue eyes.

"Yes Hiccup?" Astrid inquired,

Hiccup gulped, "Would you like to go on a...uumm... aaahhh."

"Continue?" Astrid encouraged.

"Would you like to go on a ddaaa-expedition with me....... and the gang!.. sometime" He asked.

"Uumm yeah! Sure! Expedition it is!" Astrid accepted.

"Yeah, cool." Hiccup replied. Entering a confortable silence as they continued their way.

"Well, this is it, home, sweet home." Hiccup said stopping in front of her house.

"Yeah, thanks Hiccup and good night." They both moved to kiss each other on the cheek.

Hiccup's eyes widened as he felt something soft against his lips. He opened his eyes and saw Astrid's eyes fluttering closed, her eyelashes brushing his cheek. He reached out an arm and wrapped it around her waist, bringing her closer.

Finally she pulled away and with one last kiss to the cheek, ran away into her house, "Thanks Hiccup." She called as she closed the door behind her.

"Yeah, good night." Hiccup whispered as he watched her go, covering his lips. Then all of a sudden, he ran up the street, kicking his feet together as he fist pumped the air. "Yeah!"

Everything was perfect, or so he thought........

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