First Date

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Your boyfriend had something different in mind. Darkrai shyly came up to you and pulled out a cresent moon necklace

You gasp in surprise as you took it gently turning it around in your hand, "Darkrai, it's beautiful!"

Darkrai smiled as he quickly pecked your cheek, "Thank you~ and it helps you from nightmares from now on~"

You smiled as you fell asleep in Darkrai's arms as you both dreamed of your dreamed filled adventures. Darkrai was glad you were happy on the first dreamy date.


Diagla came and took your hand into his, "(y/n), I know a perfect place for are first date~"

"Really? Where?"

Dialga just smiled at you as blue energy wavered around you both. Images passed by as you opened your eyes to see you weren't in your house anymore, but on a hill were beautiful flowers were around a tiny picnic area

"This is the place~ I just had enough time to set it up~"

He scooped you up bridal style as you both enjoyed the time well spent picnic.


It was game night. But Victini wasn't anywhere to be. This ticked you off as it was around midnight.

"Where the hell is he?!"

"Right here my love~"

The front door opened with Victini coming in with all your favorite foods and your favorite movie.

A grin spread across your face you dived right into Victini's arm peppering his face in kisses.


This month had the clearest skys yet, so it was a perfect day to go flying.

You rode on Latios instead as he zoomed with you across the whole sky.

This was your gift. To fly fast and be the wind once in your life.

"This is a awesome gift!"

"Glad you liked it! Here is where are date js going to be at!" Latios yelled at you through the air as he land on a island just for the both of you.


Lucario was gone all day and this upset you. You wanted your warm boyfriend to cuddle with.

You fell asleep on the couch waiting for Lucario, until the door opened with Lucario entering through it.

You just ignored him and closed your eyes. Lucario looked at your sleeping figure and smiled. He sunggled with you on the couch kissing your lips quickly.

You opened your eyes to see food and tickets for you somewhere. But it could wait in the morning.


Yveltal had been avoiding you all day. This made you suspicious as you followed close behind him at a distance.

He walked into a cave which surprised you. You enter it slowly, then yelped as a pair of arms wrapped around your waist

"(y/n) calm down. It's only me."

You recognized the voice and sighed in relief. You looked around and gasped as the cave was full of shining crystals changing colors

"I thought this was the best place for a first date my little spy~"

You chuckled and hugged him as he hugged you back kissing your forhead, "Yes it is~"


Taking you hand Xerneas took you into a part of the forest was new. This one was one you've never seen or be to before.

Xerneas smiled as he lead you into an opened as you looked up at the big tree shining with color all around the top to the roots below

"Xerneas... this place is beautiful..."

Xerneas smiled with glee, "I'm glad you think so. Because this is the tree of life, I'm the tree of life."

He explained more to you as the lead you up the tree to a tree roof ment for the two of you.


You smiled in bliss as Palkia rested you in his arms while you both looked up at the stars.

"I love this Palkia~"

Palkia smiled as he kissed the top of your head, "But I love you more than space it's self~"

You smiled and turned around kissing Palkia as a shooting star when over the both of you, blessing your wish of a happy life together.


Hoopa took you to the greatest baking shop in all of the regions.

It was faster to travel through hoop as you agreed to it. It was the coolest thing you've ever seen.

Hoopa lead you to the shop and kissed your cheek while entering. You blushed as everyone looked at you as Hoopa smirked in victory having everyone know you were his.


You were sleeping as Arceus gently pick you up in his arms.

You woke up slowly to Arceus kissing you awake.

"Wake up~ your missing are date~"

You rubbed the sleepiness out of your eyes, "Date...?"

Arceus just smiled as he showed you an place with fancy like with gold everywhere.

"Welcome to my castle~"

You blushed as he picked you up and took you around the place and into the gardens where the real date was at.


You laughed as Giratina took you to his reverse world. Everything was backwards as you jumped around the place.

"This is a awesome first date!"

"I know right!"

Giratina yelled back as he ran around the place with you. Finally happy he had someone to share his lonely world with.


Umbreon took you to an fancy restaurant, then the park, and lastly took you somewhere blind folded.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Somewhere where the night lights up everything dark into sometime beautiful~"

You question his answer until he stopped.

"Here we are~"

He undid the blind fold as you smiled. He took you where you could see the moon just clearly on the big hill.

Umbreon's rings were glowing as he kissed you under the moon as you gladly kissed back enjoying the midnight date.


It was electrifying in the air as thunder and lighting lightened up the sky.

"Z-Zekrom... I don't like this... how is this even a date...?"

Zekrom stroked your hair as he sunggle with you on the front porch, "Just watch and see."

You turn around to the lighting and smiled as the lighting flashed in the sky beautifully. You've never seen a beautiful sight. Your fear of lighting slowly faded away with the flashing lights.

I don't know if this was even good or not, I just came up with all of these on the top of my head. I need request of scenarios now people!

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