Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 - Follow

I stared as Anti stormed down the hall to Glitchs room. I don't know why he was acting this way, may be Google knows?

I turned towards Google and he was glaring down the hall towards Glitchs room.

"Is everything ok between you two?" I asked Google and he turned and sighed.

"Well I guess not, he's still being a whiny b$*!# about something that happened years ago." Google said and rolled his eyes.

I was so confused about what had happened between them but it was positive they did not want to talk about it.

I sighed and walked towards Glitchs room, but Anti rushed out and stopped in front of me.

He looked at me then glanced at Google.

He whispered to me. "Do you really want to do this?" I nodded and was about to say something but Anti just smiled at me and walked to Google.

"Where to then?" He asked him and Google gave him a look but rolled his eyes.

"Well Anti it seems like you are coming back to your senses, and of course we need to head towards the underworld." Google said and smiled at me.

"I just don't know how she will get there, I've never traveled with an Angel." He said and looked back at Anti.

I don't know but something about his voice and looks didn't feel right to me, like he was trying to push Anti or me.

Anti glared at Google but smiled. "Don't worry about her, ill deal with her, you just lead the way." Anti said in a very demanding voice.

Google just shrugged and smiled, he was happy about something but I couldn't tell what.

"Fine, then follow me..." Google said but it sounded off, very dark.

Suddenly Google started to slowly disappear right before my eyes. Right before he was all gone I saw him smile at me.

A/n Hey guys welcome back hope you enjoyed this chapter but I have a question, do you guys like my writing? Not just like my fanfics but like my other books as well?? I'm just wondering so I can make everyone happy when they come back to my books!


P.S. You Are Loved ❤

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