Chapter 2

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Early Pup School Life

Hunter, actually, was rather scared to go to school during his first few weeks. He's beg his parents not to let him go, but they refused and always answered the same things to Hunter, Swift went to the same school so Hunter just stuck with her the whole day. Swift didn't mind, she loves Hunter's company anyway. The school bell rang, and they went to their first classes.

Hunter sat down in front of Swift in the second row of his classroom, their teacher was an adult snow leopard, he wore black glasses, a white tie, a gray tattered cape and gray elf bracelets. He wasn't a very strict teacher, he wasn't a too soft one either, he goes by the name of Sir Xander.

"Good morning, class." He announces to everyone.

"Good morning, sir." Everyone else greeted, Sir Xander nodded and gestured for them to settle down.

"Thank you, for today's lesson, we'll be learning about the Alphas.." Sir Xander started writing in the chalk board, Hunter's tail wagged discreetly, he loved learning about the Alphas and their adventures, he wished to be like them when he grows up. Suddenly, something hit Hunter at the back of his head, and he heard silent laughs from the back, he looked annoyedly at the two snickering animals.

He glared at them, and huffed to himself. Ugh, Victor and Black.. He thought annoyedly and just listened to Sir Xander and his tales of the Alphas, then suddenly, a paper ball hit Hunter's ear and the same two laughs were heard. Hunter growled at them, Swift backed Hunter up and glared at the two bullies.

"Ignore them." Swift whispered, "They're gonna get in trouble anyway." She said, Hunter nodded and went back to listening. He ignored the paper balls being thrown at him, but then, a book was thrown at him, and booming laughter erupted from Victor and Black.

"Hahahahaha!" They both laughed, catching the attention of the class and Sir Xander.

"Victor! Black! What are your reasons for disrupting my class!?" Sir Xander asked, his voice raising. The two bullies stopped laughing.

"Nothing, sir." They both lied. Swift then stood up.

"Sir Xander! They're lying! They've been throwing things at Hunter while you weren't looking!" She yelled, and glared at the two bullies, grabbing the, by the scruff since she was fairly bigger than them. Victor and Black thrashed around but it was no use. Sir Xander shook his head disappointedly.

"Black, Victor, an hour of detention after class." Sir Xander said in a low, strict tone and went back to the lesson. "Please do stop." Sir Xander added tiredly. Some of their classmates snickered, the bullies glared at them, Swift and Hunter.

"You'll pay for this." Victor growled, Swift and Hunter stuck their tongues out. "Why you little-"

"Victor! What did I just say!?" Sir Xander yelled, Victor cowered in his seat, "On second thought, two hours of detention after class." He growled, the class 'ooohed'. Sir Xander shook his head and face pawed. Kids..

Break Time..

"Thanks for saving my fur back there.." Hunter thanked his loving cousin, Swift smiled proudly.

"Anytime Hunter." Swift smiled and patted Hunter's head, Hunter smiled back and they headed to the benches for snacks. "I really hate those bullies, they pick on you everyday." Swift muttered.

"I know, it's really annoying." Hunter agreed, scowling at the thought of Victor and Black. "I'm just glad they get detention every time they get exposed." He laughed, Swift chuckled right after.

"Hehe, yeah.. but you have to stand up for yourself too, you know? I won't always be with you." Swift said, in a concerned voice. Hunter nodded, he had pretty bad self esteem and was really shy, so it was difficult for him to stand up for himself.

"I know.." Hunter trailed, his ears drooping slightly.

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