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Rane rushed out into the living room to see what was wrong. There was a much bigger bone speared through his little TV and Killer seemed to be having some sort of panic attack near the couch. "nononononogetawaygetawaygetawaygetaway!! your dead- i- this isn't real, it can't be real! get away!" Well, Rane wasn't going to do that. In fact, he did the polar opposite of that, trying to stay out of the little guys field of vision so Killer (potentially) wouldn't hurt him in his panicked state. But Rane was a big guy, Killer definitely noticed. "don't-" Killer's sockets widened as Rane caught his arm, pulling him closer to hug him. Killer's breath hitched, eyelight flickering wildly in his socket. "Sh, sh it's ok Killer. It's ok. You're ok Killer, I'm sorry.." His grip tightened on Rane's shirt. "why... why are you apologizing..? i hurt you, not to other way around." Rane looked down at the gash in his side. "I shouldn't have left you alone with something triggering. That makes this incident my fault." Despite his wound, Rane lifted Killer up with ease and sat himself on the couch with the small Skeleton in his lap.


They sat there until Killer had fully calmed down, or in the very least, calmed down enough to focus on more important matters. "you should really be taking care of yourself rather than me." Killer murmured, trying to hide the shakiness in his voice. He had been covering the wound so Rane wouldn't lose too much blood, he was trying to puzzle out why Rane wouldn't just take care of himself first, it was obviously more important than Killer's stupid fit. "It's not in my nature to leave someone who needs my help. Even if I should be taking care of myself." Killer inhaled sharply, disbelief written all over his face. "hold this." As soon as Rane pressed his hand to the wound, Killer walked down the hall and to the bathroom and searched the the place for bandages, peroxide, maybe even a sewing kit because that would had felt pretty deep. Soon he was back, removing Rane's hand and looking the gash over. "I'm assuming you've done this before?"
"skeletons are easier than humans." Killer replied as he started to fix up the wound, deep regret eating at his soul. First his brother, now his only friend in Undertale.


"Don't blame yourself." Killer froze as he looked up from his position, wrapping the sterilized and stitched wound. Rane was looking down at him with a understanding expression. "I know that look all to well, you're not the one at fault." Killer huffed. "you don't even know me, what i've done." Rane chuckled, leaning back against the couch. "True, but your name suggests a lot. I'm not gonna ask, but this specifically, this was more my fault than yours. Approaching a potentially deadly Skeleton isn't a very smart thing to do." Killer raised a bonebrow. "will you be telling classic?" Rane sat up, wincing. "Oh right, Classic. I've got to drop you off soon." Killer blinked. "you didn't answer the question." Rane got up, though Killer frowned. "your stitches.." Rane shook his head, laughing lightly. "Who knew you were such a worry wart? Don't worry, I'm not telling Classic and I'll be keeping my movement limited, just give me a second." The human went down the hall to his bedroom, the Skeleton following reluctantly behind. Rane proceeded to dig through his closet. "what are you-" A rabbit plush was presented, further confusing Killer. "If you ever feel panicked again, hold tight to this, it's calmed me down plenty in the past."

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