Possible trust?

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Ink's P.O.V:

Class had gone by with no problems but, I couldn't help but think about Error the entire time. After the bell went off I spotted him start walking away so I quickly got around and caught up to him. At first he tried covering himself as if I was going to hurt him. Seeing this I slowed down and kept space between us then told him I wasn't going to hurt him and showed him his id and the pencil he had dropped.

Error relaxed and hesitantly took them from me. He quietly thanked me then ran off again. I really hope he'll be ok unfortunately I can't follow him we're going to opposite ends of the school for our classes. With that I headed to my next class.

Error's P.O.V
"that Ink kid is very nice and I think i may have feelings towards him but, not sure in which way I feel about him." any feelings I go through are usually false hope. Besides would he even consider getting to know me on a one on one basis or would he leave me like everyone else?"

I'm hated by most of my teachers and a target for bullies. I would of stayed away from this stupid school but, nowhere else wanted me because they assumed I would be a trouble child that wouldn't learn. Shows how much they know. Im a straight A student in the classes that do like me and the ones that hate me still have to follow the grade rule but they generally give me A- or B.

I know if they had the chance they would fail me. they already put insults on my papers and call me names under their breath. The teachers wouldn't care if I get low grades that could jeperdize future schooling if I countinue. they would simply laugh at my misery and downgrade me more. Im reaching my limit of tolerance and not sure if I can come back from it.

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