Chapter 2 A farewell kiss

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I know it's annoying when something that is mentioned in the summary doesn't happen in the story and you have to wait on that but here's the kiss as the title shows.

Ever since Will had told him the news that he would be leaving Nico had felt heartsick, he spent so long trying to come up with some way to stop Will from having to move away with his dad. Maybe Will could move in with them, but he knew that wouldn't work since they didn't have the room. No matter how hard he thought about it he still couldn't think of any way to stop this from happening and already a few days had gone by, Will would be leaving tomorrow and he's probably never see him again.

It was now or never, he hadn't seen Will in the past few days and he hadn't responded to any of Nico's texts but maybe he'd at least let him say goodbye. So with that Nico sent Will one more text in hopes that he'd actually show.

Nico: Meet me at the usual spot at 10:30.

After sending the text Nico got up from his bed and threw on his favorite jacket and headed for the door and put on his boots before headed out to his and Will's special spot.


Nico sat in front of his favorite tree at the small park where he and Will used to play as children, it was where they had first become friends and because it was about halfway between their houses they often snuck out in the evening or at night just like this to meet up here to talk whenever they needed someone to talk to about something that they could only trust the other with knowing, someone they knew would always be there to listen.

Nico's heart felt like it was being crushed because he knew that this could very well be the last time they ever met here and shared their thoughts, feelings, or secrets and he intended to do exactly that, he just hoped that Will came so that he could.

Nico glanced at his phone to check the time, Will was running late by a couple of minutes but he wasn't ready to give up hope that he's still come tonight because almost nothing could stop them from meeting up here, that had been their agreement since long ago so he stuck it out and waited, Will would show.


Nico had sat and waited in their spot for over half an hour now refusing to believe that he wouldn't get the chance to at least say goodbye to Will in person, not get the chance to tell him everything before he left.

The night air had grown colder and Nico drew his jacket tighter around himself for warmth and wondered if it was going to start raining soon, the day had been dark and gloomy just like he felt inside his heart but still he refused to budge until he saw Will.


Another ten minutes had passed and it had just started drizzling but still Nico sat huddled under the tree with his jacket covering his head to stop the drops that fell from the branches above from hitting him.

By now he was feeling like maybe he had been wrong and that Will wouldn't be coming and that he had missed his last chance to tell him everything, his chest felt tight at the thought of it but before he could give up completely and head home before the weather got any worse someone stood in front of him and held out a hand to help him stand up.

"You know it's kind of dumb to try and block the rain if you're just going to sit in the mud."

Nico looked up at Will for a second; he really had come after all. After the second it took for his mind to catch up Nico reached up and let Will help him to his feet and they stood together under the umbrella that he held in his left hand.

Nico didn't know exactly how long they just stood there together but he wished that he could freeze time right now and hold onto this moment forever because otherwise he would have to let Will go and he didn't want to.

Will must have realized that they had still been holding hands because he gently let his drop and Nico immediately missed the warmth of the other but didn't say anything just yet.

"Sorry I'm so late, I couldn't find my charger for the longest time and my phone had been dead for a while, by the time I got your text I came right away," he motioned to the umbrella, "thought I should bring this knowing you never keep one with you." he smiled.

That was one of the things Nico admired most about Will, he was so kind hearted and tried to always take care of others, Nico especially and he really appreciated it.

"Sorry I couldn't come sooner." There was pain in his voice and eyes and Nico just thought that it was because of everything going on at home right now; he couldn't stand to see Will in any sort of pain.

"It's okay, you've got a lot going on right now." Nico said but even though he tried to reassure his friend his words sounded hollow even to him. He took a deep breath and readied himself for the reason that he had asked the blond here in the first place. "Listen Will, I know that you have to go and that nothing I say or do could change that despite how much I wish otherwise, I just wanted to tell you one last thing before you left." He looked him right in the eye seeing the questions there and maybe worry? But he couldn't concern himself with that now; this was his one change to get everything out in the open at long last.

So with one last breath for courage he closed his eyes and leaned in closer and pulled Will forward by the front of his jacket and kissed him with everything he had, he tried to put every thought, every emotion he had into the kiss in hopes that Will would understand.

When he pulled back both of their faces were red and they were both breathing heavily.

"I've loved you for a long time now but I could never tell you and then I was going to lose you and any chance that we might have had given time, and I couldn't let you leave without telling you or saying goodbye or how much I'd miss you and no text could ever covey what I'm feeling and no phone call would let me show you how much you mean to me and even video messages wouldn't be the same as you standing right here with me like this so I just needed to see you one... last time."

By the end Nico was in tears and he could barely get his words out without stumbling over his own tongue, but the floodgates were open and there was no stopping the torrent of words that he had kept locked inside for so long.

He couldn't even bring himself to look at Will now and he knew that everything would be different between them and it was all because of him and his selfishness.

"I'm sorry..." he choked out before turning and running back home without looking back and without ever seeing the different emotions that played across the blond boy's face the entire time and the heartbreak that it had finally settled on as he watched the running figure get farther and farther away in the falling rain.

Well there's the kiss I promised.

This is supposed to be sad and angsty and drama filled but like I've said before I don't like sad endings so eventually things will turn out for the best, but until then I hope you guys don't hate me too much for splitting our guys up like this and continue to follow the story until we reach the happy ending whenever that may be.

Next up Will's thoughts on what just happened.

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