[R!S!] Hungary, Austria

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·Romance, modern age, school;
·Hungary — man,
Austria — woman

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-I could have gone to another language group. - Turning around in his chair, he stared at the bright computer monitor. The abstract shapes on the wallpaper tormented his eyes, but he had no strength to focus his gaze on anything else. He shook, slipping to his desk. Taking a deep breath, he reached for the book in front of him. He opened up a page dedicated to future times. He had been trying to understand them for several days, extremely determined to do so. He couldn't tell what was stopping him. Was it a scientific language? How about an inability to learn? Whatever it was, Hungary tried to overcome it. But it's hard to fight an enemy you don't know. It was another two hours before he admitted defeat. Blood boiled in the veins. He was angry at himself and at the subject he was studying. He threw the book across the room. He calmed down after a while, and anger was replaced by sadness, disappointment... Maybe he should change his language group? German didn't seem to be for him. This thought so often haunted him that he was surprised to stay in the group. However, it was already too late for such changes; Definitely too late.

He reached for his phone, quickly unlocking the screen. The hour was eight and forty-five. The omnipresent darkness outside confirmed the late hour. He opened the list of contacts and clicked the first one. It seemed as if only then he realized what time it was. He hesitated a little. Austria was a very early sleeper. That's probably why she was always rested and up before dawn. For two minutes, he struggled with himself, not knowing what to do. Finally, he rang, leaning over the machine. He never felt the stress of talking on the phone. Why, that night, did he feel his heart go down his throat? There was no way to ignore the chest squeeze. Hearing the call and the woman's voice, he smiled remarkably. She wasn't sleeping, and she certainly wasn't planning on it for the foreseeable future. She sounded as usual - full of energy.

-Hi. Look, I'm not insisting if you can't or don't want to, but could you help me? I thought the best idea would be to ask a German-speaking country for an explanation of German grammar.

-Of course I'll help! Just wait a minute, I'll sit at my desk, and if you don't mind, I'd like to explain in front of the camera. Somehow I think I'll be more comfortable this way.

- No problem, as you wish.

Her voice is something that captivated him. It was both charming and feminine. He couldn't describe it well, but he thought it was the most beautiful in the world. He could hear it sitting at the bus stop, immersed in his thoughts. It came out of nowhere, it didn't leave so fast. Although, if good music is not turned off, why should it be done with a more beautiful melody than it? A melody that in itself is both a text and an instrument.

- Actually, I'll make up the bed first. In the meantime, tell me what your problem is.

Certainly not her. She was the only person/thing that never bothered him. Any thought about it, when it was not needed, should not be classified as an obstacle. Yes, he had some thoughts, but what did it matter? Small, like none at all.

- Future times. Distinguishing, I guess. I mean... I seem to know how to make them and when to use them, but in the end I can't use the right one. I've been sitting on it for two weeks, and I still can't do it.

He turned on his camera. He'd be uncomfortable if only Austria showed up. Of the two, though, the girl was the one who looked amazing. Formerly beautiful blonde hair, now more colorful, but still perfectly matching her. At the parting, a burgundy purple, occupying a third of the hair, passing through raspberry to coral, peach, to finally appear the tips in a shade of pink blonde. For many, this is the most outstanding element of appearance. Not for Hungary. His memory was most impressed by her eyes, their heads blending blue and steel grey, bluish cyan, cadet and ash green.

- I was kind of expecting it. But we'll manage together, won't we? Do you have any pictures of the sentences you did yourself? It would make it easier for me to examine the ground we're standing on.

-On the most gruesome it can be...

His muttered whisper was answered by a quiet giggle. It made him smile himself. She could have laughed at him, he didn't mind. For that smile he was able to go so far as to deceive himself in any way. He put the phone on the handle when he heard the girl approaching his desk. He stared at the screen until he saw a waving hand and a smiling face, which after a moment was filled with concern.

- Um... Hungary...?... Maybe you should go to sleep? It's always better to study when you're rested.

His heart got warm when he heard her worry about him. But at first he didn't understand it. He stared blankly at the desk, trying to figure out what she meant. It's probably how long it took him to think that made him realize what kind of state he's in. Apparently, a few of the nights he's had a knock-on effect on his appearance.

- No, I have to deal with this, or I'll hardly sleep. Besides, right now, we both don't seem to be incredibly involved in life.

He looked at the girl who had stopped her writing on the piece of paper. He immediately regretted his words, which flowed out of his mouth like the venom of a viper. He was moved by his conscience, which was very sensitive in exceptional situations. Yes, Austria had her hair tied in a braid on her shoulder, which was obviously broken; loose sweater sliding from the shoulders; And before that, you could pick up a piece of sweatpants. Still, she looked beautiful, much better than him.

- Oh, fuck, I'm sorry...! That sounded bad. I didn't mean to offend you. I'm sorry...

Was it already a panic? Possible. He could feel his heart racing. He had the impression that he had just ended all the contact they had, and it was not very extensive. The girl's laughter only made his feelings worse. His breathing wasn't as regular as it used to be.

- Relax, nothing happened. I know I don't look so good. Don't tell me you don't understand life because that's not what I meant. Just... You look very tired. You should get some rest, go to bed. Just like I planned before you called. I will give you a choice. Either we talk tomorrow, and now you're going to bed, or I'm not gonna help you.

Her words only seemingly reassured him. He was still gripped by his conscience for the words he said. The way he received the answer gave him the idea that he should not have any relationship with such good people.

- You wanted to go to bed? In a sweater? It was supposed to tell me. You wouldn't have to talk to me right now. That's why I heard you were getting out of bed. Austria, get back in there. I really ruined your night tonight. Get some sleep tomorrow.

The second question definitely did not belong to those affective seriousness to the current situation. Hungary could not help but ask. But he had the impression that he himself had not paid any attention to that part of his speech. When she was about to go to bed and he stopped her, he felt even worse than before.

- Yeah, in a sweater... I know it's a little unusual, but there's nothing I can do about it. I'm much more comfortable this way. Sweaters are nice, big and most importantly: warm. I'm still cold, so I can't imagine sleeping without them.

She seemed a little overwhelmed by her looks and habits. Maybe not everyone practiced them, but they did interest him. They were unique - just like the rest of her. She spoke with a certain passion, even when it came to ordinary sweaters.

- I mean, about the sleep... Anyway, I was watching a movie, so I could actually sleep. It was my choice not to go. But since you're suggesting, we can talk tomorrow. I'll explain everything to you, so you'll know everything, even Switzerland will be jealous! So what? Are you going to get dressed and sleep, too? Good night, right?

According to him, these were quite ambitious plans. Better than a German-speaking country? Although a little deeper thinking about it, Swiss is difficult to assign to one language. Such excessive expectations were part of Austria's character. He's gotten used to them, even from observation from afar.

- I'm not going to sleep, but good night, sweet dreams.

It gave him great pleasure to say that. He felt like a child who had tried something new and liked it so much that he begged his parents to do it more often. In the case of Hungary, the only being he could ask for this was God. He felt in his heart how much he hoped to repeat those few words the next evening. I wasn't just thinking about another one. He wanted it to happen every day, for a week, a month, a year, years...

-...How come you're not going? You're going. At this moment.

He shook his head, smiling slightly. She was worried about him again. On the one hand, it was charming, and on the other hand, it made him feel worse. He didn't like being the person in need of care. He had become accustomed in recent years to the opposite situation - he was the one who cared for others; not only those closest to him, but all those who were among him.

- No, I can't. I've got to figure it out today, I've got a test tomorrow. If I don't even get enough, I can dream of a red stripe on my certificate. Luckily, I picked up my GPA with some extra assignments or whatever.

-In that case, I'm staying. It's hard, there won't be any more sleep. I'm not going anywhere without you. Besides, aren't the final language exams the day after tomorrow? They are. I'm writing, so you won't lie to me. And you know that every year German and Italian are at the same time. ...And tomorrow you have classes till tonight, and somehow no one thought about letting you go home early. You won't have time, it's the last bell, right?

-...You do not have to. You know about this? I don't want to make you tired tomorrow or make your work worse. I mean, if you're writing the Italian exam, you've got as much time as I have. You don't want to repeat anything?

- I don't have to stay, but I want to. Also... You can't get rid of me right now! About that exam, I think I've already repeated everything. Tomorrow I'll just do the last rehearsal, go to bed early, and the day after tomorrow I'll take one sheet of what's bothering me the most and read it on the corridor for the last time.

Her smile reflected all the satisfaction she felt when she heard arguments. The boy felt defeated. He couldn't stop her from doing something she wanted. He sent a half-smile, still doubting the rightness of her decision. He knew if he saw her sleepless the next day, he'd feel a lot of remorse.

- Okay. You wouldn't be of any use to me tomorrow, however bad it may sound - you're right, in fact you're too right. I'm sitting till 8pm tomorrow, so it's going to be hard with a rehearsal at regular time.

-Even if it sounds bad, it's true. Although I wanted to send you to bed a moment ago and not help. I didn't think about those exams. I'm sorry. But then we can start with a few questions. What is the order of the parts of a sentence in Future Eins tense?

It was natural to answer her questions; like a duty to be fulfilled, but you do it of your own free will. Many people find it difficult to talk to friends and family. It's hard for them to think of something to talk about with the people they care about most. For Hungary, she was the special person whose voice replaced therapy, ensured health and happiness. When she left to fetch a cup of tea, he couldn't help but turn on the browser on his computer. He knew what he was feeling, but he wanted to be sure about it. It's like writing a test: the certainty of your answer conflicts with the need to check it.

"Many people think that adulthood means giving up fun. However, this is not the case - adolescence is full of fun and excitement. Adolescence is a unique period in life in which a person experiences many changes. People often wonder what they will be like as adults; This is because the process of growing up is very interesting. One of the more dramatic changes is the transition from childhood to adulthood. Early adulthood is often referred to as adolescence and is the time when people make important decisions about their lives.
In high school, most students form their first serious relationships. Most people associate childhood with security; but this does not apply to most children. In fact, most children are in a state of insecurity at this stage of life. That's because they're no longer sure what they want out of life. After completing primary school, they are no longer dependent on their parents and can make decisions about their education and social life. At this stage, many people start dating and establish serious relationships with other students or graduates. It's time for them to find out what makes them happy and allows them to be happy in life."

"Acknowledging someone is a big step in building a relationship with that person. People often associate love with pain when they first fall in love. However, this is not the case at all. Your first love is very delightful because it is a momentous event in your life. It's a beautiful moment when you admit you like someone for the first time or kiss someone for the first time. You will remember this moment for many years - it is one of the most important events in your life so far. During these years you will learn so much about yourself; you'll see what interests you and what doesn't. This experience largely shapes your future, influencing what classes you choose and who you date as an adult. Adolescence is a key period in life, as it paves the way for future success or failure."

"It is common knowledge that high school graduates go on to college or university and pursue careers as adults. However, few people understand exactly what this means. College is an exciting time where people can explore their passions and develop new skills for life. After college, people can apply for jobs and careers that best suit them. Many people graduate with degrees in engineering, business, education and more!"

"Life after high school is much more exciting now that people have found a career path for themselves"

"Adolescence is an exciting period in a person's life, characterized by change and development.Most people experience this phase of life around the age of fifteen-sixteen or seventeen.The biggest change involves deciding whether to remain a child or take on the responsibilities of an adult citizen of the world.No one knows what they will be like when they grow up - adolescence is a unique period in their lives where they can discover who they are and what interests them most"

"When you talk to someone you care about, you express your love for that person. this is a great way to show your feelings for other people. Everyone likes to listen to their concerns being discussed and share their thoughts with others. Listening to them makes them feel closer; helps them feel happier and more satisfied with life. Besides, answering their questions helps them get to know the world. so you can all grow together and become better people through each other's company."

He did not read all the articles to the end. More than one turned off practically immediately after loading it and noticing the uselessness of the text. However, they focused (quite a bit) of his attention, so that he did not notice when the Austrian woman sat down at her desk. His attention was drawn to her voice, which had long attracted him like a magnet. Yes, it was the person he fell in love with, who occupied his thoughts day and night, who appeared unexpectedly in his dreams, who kept him from missing school days... And at that moment, he wasn't even surprised, and he was proud of himself. What an amazing person to love was Austria.

- I'm gonna have to repay you somehow. You're really saving me, Tri.

- There's no case. I've been looking for an excuse to talk to someone for a while, but now no one has time. Sometimes I really hope they change the dates of the exams, or at least the way they're organized. Can I say good night now? It's after 2:00 a.m., class starts in five hours, and you have a half-hour drive to school, even though you live downtown.

Seeing her smile widening, he rested his head on his hand. It was the same and only smile that gave his world true colors, despite so many negative emotions around him. As she leaned over in the chair, he felt a gentle prick in his heart. He avoided making hasty decisions, but this time he felt extremely calm, thinking of a fairly fresh idea.

-We start with a block of ethics and religion, I do not go to any, then an hour with the educator, some two random substitutions for the block of mathematics, three times physical education and we end with languages: English, German. Is there anything, anyone I should go for? English for the last week is just educational games, and in German they never taught us anything. ...If you could talk to me tomorrow, I'm sure you could teach me whatever's there tomorrow...?...

He distinguished the last sentence with his intonation so clearly that even Austria could notice it. The girl rarely read between the verses, which she proved more than once to her immediate surroundings. Staring at the screen, he saw only the person he fell in love with without borders; All her mistakes in his eyes only added uniqueness to the Austrian woman and reasons to love her. She left her hopes for another conversation in her heart the next day, as soon as she remembered her schedule. Normally, she'd be happy to have classes so close to each other. How selfish that attitude was; enjoy physical and mental exhaustion, just for a few minutes in one room. He noticed for a long time how devastating this attitude was for him (he got up earlier, only to look better in her presence). However, he could not get rid of it, thinking of the two looks mentioned, sitting opposite each other. It was already the norm for them to sit like this before the first lesson.

-...Oh... So I won't see you tomorrow... But then, good night, get some sleep, you've earned yourself after studying together. And sure, we can talk tomorrow night... Again, good night...

- Austria, wait!

He didn't make it. The girl had already hung up when he panicked and screamed for her. It was no secret for him that she could not hide her emotions in the tone of her voice. But how could he have offended her so much that she sounded sad? Resigned, he drove away in his chair, hiding his face in his hands. He was disappointed in himself, maybe even angry at himself. He phlegmatically reached for his phone and went on Instagram. He was not surprised to see the picture of the Austrian woman as the first on the homepage. He hung his gaze on her, and at the same moment he felt jealous. He didn't consider himself a man to fall for it easily, but everything changed in that one moment. She smiled, she smiled, and not because of him, but because of someone else; someone else gave her a beautiful smile, the same one that could brighten up his worst days. If he only met that person, didn't know what he'd do to her, under his skin, he wanted to punch him, beat him to blood, break his bones. The sound of the alarm was like a proverbial bucket of cold water. He didn't believe what he thought a moment before, how he thought it. A moment of sleep sounded convincing.


-Hungary? What are you doing here? You took your German exam on a completely different street...

- I ran to make it before you left. It's raining heavily and... well... I was worried about you, okay? It's easy for you to get sick if you get wet... The other day, you almost went to the hospital because of...

He couldn't say more. He spread an umbrella over their heads, with the priority of protecting the girl from the rain. He himself no longer knew how to proceed. How much of that is friendship and how much more? He felt the suit slowly soaking, but he did not pay due attention to it. In fact, he was only made aware of this by the hand of Austria, which was clenched on his hand. Taking a step forward, she moved the umbrella to protect them both.

- That's... That's nice of you, very nice. I have a bus in 15 minutes, I doubt I'll get too wet in time. And with this hospital, it wasn't exactly like that. Although, actually, I got wet and it was kind of a problem, but then I had an allergic reaction and it almost killed me.

She gave him a big smile without letting go of his hand. She dared to join their fingers, looking straight into his eyes. Hungary replied with his smile, feeling a gentle burning on his cheeks. Although it wasn't the nicest feeling, he took it as his natural reaction to the Austrian woman's behavior. He didn't think it was bad for his body, after all, such physical reactions were proof that she meant more to him than others.

- So, can I walk you to the bus stop...? Well, unless you don't want to, I don't want to be pushy, or if you just don't feel like--

-Hungary. Calm down. Of course you can walk me, I'd love to walk with you. Don't panic.

All she had to do was say his name, and his negative feelings left him. She said everything with stoic calmness and delicacy, reflecting her persona in the tone of speech. The squeeze of the hand and the slight turn around was a kind of question as to whether they could go already. He nodded and they headed for the bus stop. Despite her presence and close touch, he felt how far apart they were. The silence that surrounded them was not pleasant to him, on the contrary. The lack of her voice affected him negatively. But when he finally started talking, the bad feelings didn't leave him. A few moments before, he thought everything was fine. But her sad tone returned, and worse: he heard she was trying to hide it. He couldn't go on knowing that two days earlier he had said something that moved her so much.

The way people speak is a reflection of their character and personality. It is used to express thoughts and feelings, to make a positive impression on the environment. By using the right words and phrases, you can make sure that the message you want to convey is clear and concise. You can also use speaking as a way of showing respect for others, remembering how to address them. By carefully considering the chosen words, you can be sure that the conversations will remain meaningful and respectful. Revealing values, beliefs, emotions, building relationships... These are all some of the functions of speech. Then why did he hear the sadness that echoed so strongly in his mind? Was it because of the girl's uniqueness, or was it because it was his fault? It made him realize how important it is to pay attention to the words used. Not only should you choose the right words that accurately convey the message, but you should also make sure they are appropriate for the situation. Did he make a mistake here? He stopped and asked Austria to do the same. He stood in front of her, swallowing saliva to finally let go of her hand and fell on his knees, closing his eyes.

- I'm sorry... I don't know for what, but I apologize with all my heart. Please don't be sad because of me, I hear it so clearly and it hurts me so much. What have I done to offend you so? How can I fix this? I don't want to hear that note of sadness in your beautiful voice.

Before he knew it, tears began to flow from his eyes. He could not confuse them with raindrops, though they were already on his face. The warm hands of the Austrian woman were what made him lift his head and finally look at her face. Can crying be an emotion? If so, it is an emotion that can be both incredibly overwhelming and incredibly liberating at the same time. It can be a difficult experience, but it is also one of the most powerful ways to express your feelings. And when you can look into the face of a loved one while crying, it can be an even more powerful experience, bringing a sense of understanding and connection that goes beyond words and language. Looking into someone's eyes while crying is a way to show how important that person is in their existence; is a way of communicating without having to say anything.

- Get up. Get up, get up. Stand straight in front of me. I won't tell you anything if you keep kneeling before me.

Once again, he listened to her. All she had to do was say one word, and he'd do anything for her. And though the word meant so much, he felt it was still not enough to show his love. As he straightened up, he saw the look she had given him. He felt the sting in his heart again when he couldn't tell what that look was saying. The Austrian woman approached him and hugged his wet jacket, dropping her umbrella. Standing in his arms, she was like a delicate flower, though the comparison deserves to be called a commonplace. But that's how Hungary felt - as if it were holding a delicate treasure, its skin had survived so much that it could soon fly away. He tenderly kissed her forehead, placing his right hand on her head and gently massaging her. If only he could kiss her more often, without fear of rejection (which he still had at the moment) and above all: without negative consequences (which could still have happened).

- You're an idiot, a pure fool. How can a sane person stop in the middle of the pavement and first of all: kneel down, which in itself is inadequate to the situation; And two: do it in the rain?

He laughed quietly when he heard her comment on his behavior. He wasn't afraid to admit it, he was a fool and an idiot; Knowing he didn't know what he had done to offend her made it even more clear to him. However, he disagreed with the "inadequacy", what's more: he wanted to kneel again, touching the ground with his face. Austria raised her head, again putting her hands on his cheeks. She waved her thumbs over them, looking for the right words. But would they have any value? She ran away looking at the umbrella, reminding herself of its existence. Despite the rain that had already soaked them both, she did not reach for the object.

- Then, during our conversation... You said you had no business or anyone to come to school for. Maybe you said it differently. I don't remember exactly. I'm sorry. All I remember is the meaning... I know I shouldn't worry about it, but... I guess you didn't think... I'm really sorry that those words hurt me so much! How selfish of me...

She whispered her last words with her face tucked into the fabric of her jacket. She didn't know how she felt; Was it embarrassment or shame? The truth was that she was afraid to even call it "something" as a result of admitting the sadness that had accompanied her for the last few days. The boy put his hand on her chin and lifted it slightly, along with the whole head. As gently as he could, he kissed her on the lips.

- Don't be sorry, I should be. Honestly, I should still be on my knees in front of you and begging for forgiveness. I'm sorry. I didn't think, and it was my mistake. I'm sorry. Just don't be sad, I beg you! I hate the feeling that accompanies me when I see you walking without a smile on your face; or worse, when it is a false smile.

He would have said more, even wanted to keep talking, apologizing to her and begging for forgiveness. He was stopped by the hand of an Austrian woman on his lips, which was soon replaced by her lips. A gentle kiss took away all their thoughts. Kissing is a beautiful act of expressing love and attachment to someone. It can be one of the most magical moments in your life, especially when you are with the person you love the most. They slowly deepened the caress, which finally forced them to move away from each other. They were overwhelmed at the same moment, one and the same feeling that none of them could describe. The mixture of joy, happiness, excitement and passion seemed to be quite abstract. The feeling of being loved and wanted is overwhelming, and it is something that no words can describe.

- What if you miss the bus?

He had asked, while laughing, interrupting another kiss. He did not protest, still feeling that he owed her something for his unintentional words. Was that the reason he let Austria kiss him? Possible. But just as likely was the feeling surrounding him, even overwhelming. He dreamed of this girl more than once, but never imagined how his body would react to delicate lips, making kisses from his mouth, through his cheeks, to his neck. Because the reaction was a desire for more: he slightly twisted his head, giving it more and more places, still not covered with rose lipstick and raindrops. He smiled at himself and the Austrian woman at the same time, and his question remained unanswered.

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