Earth land as a 8 year old ??!?!?!?!?!!???

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Pic is of kiba the wolf.

Remember to




That night i got zero sleep last night because of an over exasided puppy. Jadie was up all night bouncing around and yelling" ROADTRIP!!!"

It was terrible until I got Shadow, Kiba's little brother. He shut her up quickly. You see Jadie has a crush on Shadow soooo , she go flusterd that her crush was in the same room as her. Shadow is a completely black wolf pup worth red eyes and small wings. So FINALLY i could finally get some sleep,afterwards.

I had no sleep because my alarm went off right after that. STUPID SCHEDULES!!!!!!

So i got up to get ready when Shadow and Jadie came in the room jumping up and down.

Wow, they seem energetic today. It is kind of annoying. They might be annoying, i still love them. I smile at their adorableness.

But somehow I felt like something bad was going to happen. I shrugged off the feeling, it can't be that bad right?

"Mommy!Mommy! Can we go now!? I wanna go to Earthland! I wanna go! I wanna go!" Jadie said jumping all around. Mommy? Thats a first.:-)

I couldnt help myself as my smile widened. " ok.ok. Just like me say buy to Roxal and Kiba."

"OK IM GONNA SAY BY TO EVERYONE AT THE ACADEMY!" She says jumping all around then running out the door with shadow.

I sigh to myself as i watch the two pups together. They are to cute.

I start to walk to the giant double doors but before I get there I see Kiba in his human form bursting through the door breathing heavily.

"Your leaving today!?!?!?!" Kiba yells. Didn't he know?

"Yeah..." i say watching him carefully." ...You didn't know?"

"No!" He yells. Then he stomps over to me and he did something unexpected...




















He hugged me!?!

"U-Ummmm?" I question as i feel my face heat up as i feel his chin on the top of my head."w-w-what are y-you doing?" I stutter.

"Please dont leave yet, milady." He said lightly, holding me tightly to him.

"Dont worry i'll be fine. And its not like ur never gonna see me again. You are viseting weekly to give me the information that has been happening in the other dimensions" I said smiling as he slowly let me go.

"Oh...ok... well dont get into to many fights and try not to let Jashin out ok?" He said worriedly.

I nodded my head once, smiling. Next the doors open up to see Roxal also in his human form. It must be a full moon if two of my wolves are in human forms.

"Oh there you are,...and Kiba's here too." He said happily getting slower and more bored and irritated at the end.

"What are you doing here,stalker?" Roxal says darkly.

"Im here because milady wants me here. What are you doing here flame-brain?"

"I came to see Maki, so get out so i can talk to her. Nobody wants you here, emo" Roxal replied angerly.

They had lightning sparks coming out of there eyeballs and meeying half way.

"Guys, Guys stop fighting, no need for unnecessary violence." I tried to stop the fight.

They both humfed and looked away from each other.

" So Maki, I heard that your leaving today. Is that true?" Roxal asked.

"Yeah... Its true. I was about to say goodbye to both of you." I replied sadly.

"Huh" they both say at the same time.

"Yeah, I am gonna be gone for quite a long time so I was gonna say that I trust you guys with the heavens and my dimensions and I don't like saying goodbye so I'm going to say 'see you later alligator'." I said.

Next thing I know, i was being crushed in two hugs like a sandwich by Kiba and Roxal. My face flares red.

"see you later alligator(milady)" They said at the same time. I felt a tear slip out of my eye. I was crying.

"Hey, what are these, tears?" Kiba said wiping your tear on your cheek.

"you know we don't like tears." Roxal said wiping the other tear.

"Thank you, guys. I gonna miss you guys a lot. Remember to visit and don't fight to much." I stated getting out of their hug." Dont kill each other."

I walked out of the room and see Shadow and Jadie hugging in human form. AWWWWWWW they're so cute.

"Ok love birds, stop hugging we gotta go." I said to them smiling.

"WHA" They scream/gasp and pull away.

They both turned away, blushing. Shadow kept mumbling under his breath while Jadie has her hands on her cheeks with wide eyes.

" Good-bye Shadow, take care of things for me. Come on Jadie." I said as i grab Jadie's hand and walk away.

"Bye guys! See you soon!" Shadow yelled.

"Bye!" Jadie yelled back.

We arrived at the portal, and we jumped right in. It is an amazing sight to see. I would go to Earthland every day to see this view ,but there is one flaw to doing soo...









It takes ALOT of magic power or Chakara in this world.

I land on the surface of the world with Jadie by my side. I kneel down and start breathing hard and panting. Jadie stands there perfectly fine looking at me like im weird, but no im not weird it take a lot of magic power from only humans. It just changes jadie back into a wolf again.

Lucky dog.

Then i get up after 10 minutes and see something wrong. My hight difference, it seems that i have gotten ALOT shorter.

Jadie looks at me again and starts laughing soooo hard.

"Whats wrong, Jadie?" I ask. It also seems that i have a different voice. It has gotten lighter.

I walked up to a stream to see that...






I LOOK LIKE A CHILD!?!?!?!?!!!!!????? °0°


Sorry it took so long to update.

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