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Im so sorry i haven't updated in sooooo long but i will keep my promise and make another chapter.


I walk through the forest and i remembered something. I face-palmed myself. Time is different here then in the heavens........ Crap. I bet the war is long gone now. I could go back home but its not often i leave so i guess ill stay here for awhile.

I start running to the closest village that i know as the Leaf village. I REALLY need the cookie. i don't need everyone dieing because of Jashin. I speed up to s speed that only a god can go at. 'DEATH BAD, COOKIES GOOD' i kept repeating in my head.

I made it to the gates of the village and i just walked through because the guards were asleep. I don't know there names because i don't this arc of time. maybe when i get my report i will know everything but, not now. I walk straight into a bakery and bought cookies. Then i ate a cookie and walked to the hokage building before i get attacked by ANBU members.

That wouldnt be nice. I took the monstrous long walk up the stairs. I made it halfway before I got lazy that i just levitated up the last half of the stairs. When i made it to the door i was out of breath.

"Wow, for a good training exercise." i huffed out.

I walked in without knocking and all of a sudden many ANBU were standing in front of the Hokage, all in fighting positions.

"Woah, thats fast I barely walked in." i said playfully.

I took a step forward but then all the the ninja's got ready for a attack. I gave them a look that said 'really?' I guess i still look like a treat even tho im a 9 year old girl. Well, i guess they need to protect there Hokage at all cost necessary.

" Hey, calm down. I just wanna talk to the Hokage." I said putting my hands up in defense smiling a closed eye smile.

"Stand down and let her talk." A powerful (old) voice says. I open my eyes to see that the Hokage talked.

"thank you" i thanked " My name is Maki and i wanna stay in your village." I said right after. I take out my bag of cookies as all the ANBU still in the room tense up and start at the bag like its a weapon. I look out a cookie and started munching on it.

"hmmm.. May i ask why?" the Hokage responded.

"Sure, but it has to be a secret. ok?" I said putting my pointer finger in front of my mouth in a hushing manner.

" Alright, Do my ANBU need to leave?" he asked

"nah, its fine" i said. Then i walked up to the Hokage and again all the ANBU members put there guards oh high. I just kept walking because i already know that i can take them all down. When i made it to his desk i asked him to lean forward. He did so and i poked his forehead and sent him a message saying that i am a god and i need to watch over the world but im stuck in this body of a child.

"ok, you can stay." he said as he seem to understand" but im gonna have some ANBU watch over you so i know your telling the truth."

"ok im fine with that. just not when im in the bathroom or i will stab a bitch" I said dead serious. " can i have the keys to my appartment and i would like to attend the ending class of the academy."

"sure" Hokage said and gave me keys and some cash. " school tomorrow"

I took my keys and left for my new apartment.


sup guys thanks for reading and i kept my promise and updated. The picture on the top is the hokage (obliviously)

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