Not Now... (Draco)

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The dining table was long, several seats sat vacant between me and the Malfoy's. Well, more like there was space between his parents and us. Draco had taken the seat right beside me. I had seen the small smile placed on Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy's lips as they watched the two of us interact. I was beginning to think they had a different idea about mine and Draco's relationship but I wasn't quite sure. Maybe I'll ask Draco about it later. Perhaps he said something to them... I ate my dinner as I listened to their conversations. I felt uncomfortable and tired if I'm being honest. I didn't talk much and I couldn't help but stare at this one green pea resting on my plate. It didn't move. It just sat there, watching me. Great, now I'm over thinking about my food. I went to grab it with my fingers to end this weird trance I was in once and for all. Before I could grab it I felt a hard kick on my shin. I looked over my shoulder to see Draco glaring at me. I guess I wasn't using my best table manners. I could feel the heat slowly rising to my face once I realized Draco's father had asked me a question.

"Draco, why don't you take Ms. (L/n) to her room. I'm sure you both are exhausted after today." Mrs. Malfoy piped in. Draco swiftly nodded as he stood. After excusing myself I followed him out of the dining room. As soon as we rounded the corner I felt his hand clasp mine. He squeezed me tightly as he pulled me harshly behind him. I lost my balance as I tried desperately to keep my feet underneath myself. Thankfully, I didn't fall on my face.

"What's going on?" I yanked my hand away from his tight grasp.

"Stop it. I want to show you something." Draco took hold of my arm again, this time I obliged and walked by his side. I felt his touch loosen but he didn't remove his hold on me. There really was no reason for us to be holding hands and I wasn't sure why he hadn't let go. I wasn't uncomfortable though so I didn't mind it. It actually felt... nice. I don't know why I am stressing over this? It's not weird, is it? I forced the thought's away as we walked through the back doors and into a garden. There where cherry trees lining the grey pavement and there were elves cutting the hedges. It was a garden.

"I figured you needed some fresh air," Draco said as I stared at my surroundings. I was in awe by the sight. The air smelled as sweet as candy. I'm going to be living here for a while and I have a feeling this is going to be my new reading place. It was quiet as we both listened to the chirping song of the birds around us. I dropped my hand from him, feeling like it didn't need to be there anymore. The last thing I want right now is for things to get weird between Draco and me.

"Sorry." He muttered as he took a step away from me. I instantly regretted my actions but shook the quilt away as I stepped up to a white rose bush that was only a few feet ahead.

"No worries." I smiled as Draco's relieved expression as he plucked the flower I had rested my eyes on. My shoulders relaxed and for the first time since I have been here, I actually feel... okay.

"Pick a color."


"Stop asking questions and just pick a color," Draco smirked as he stared at me. I genuinely returned it with a small smile as I hummed in response.

"I guess black."

"Any color... and you choose black?" I nodded as I watched the once white petals seep into grey before finally resting with a pitch as night black. The setting sun turning the edges a deep blue.

"It's beautiful..." I watched Draco scratch off the one thorn that stuck out of its small stem before handing it to me.

"Only the best for someone as beautiful as you..." His voice softens to a deep tone as he spoke. He looked down at me as I saw the sunset reflecting off of his silver eyes. There was a small flutter in my chest as I caught myself glancing at my best friends plump, pink lips. The thought of regret passed through my mind as I watched him slowly move those lips closer to my own. I closed my eyes, seeing night orbs in my mind, black silky hair and for a moment I thought I caught a small aroma of potions.


I felt soft lips barely touch my own. He didn't kiss me, he was waiting for my move. I didn't want this. Well, I do. But not when I'm thinking about him... Not like this.

"Draco..." My voice shook as I felt my lips move across his own. He didn't move.

"Yes, (Y/n)?" He whispered as his nose lightly pressed against my own.

"Not now..." My voice was so quiet, I could barely hear myself. The cool breeze brushed my skin at Draco's sudden distance.

"I'm sorry- I... Yellow?" I followed his gaze to my hands. The rose he had given me had changed an intense buttercup yellow, Severus's favorite... I watched realization cross over Draco's features as a sad smile found its way to his cheeks.

"Come on... I'll walk you to your room."


Sorry for the long wait!!

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