3 - I Can Never Get a Break... WHY IS LIFE SO CRUEL?!

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No one's POV

It's now the next morning, and we see Y/n laying in her bed, crying her eyes out about what happened yesterday.

Y/n: Dammit... Why did this happen...? How did this happen?

Suddenly, the phone in Y/n's room starts ringing and Y/n picks it up.

Y/n: Hello?

God: Hey, it's me! The God that sent you-


God: Hey, take deep breaths kid. I'll explain everything, but you need to calm down first.

Y/n then starts taking some deep breaths, and stops.

Y/n: Okay... So what is it?

God: I did give you no powers. But right when I was about to transfer you... Well, you can say that a few of my colleagues blew up an area, and I had to fix it. Then a young goddess, whose mentality is literally that of an infants, came in and messed with your character, thinking I was playing an RPG.

Y/n: I think I get it, but just in case... Give me a good summary of it.

God: Someone else gave you your OP abilities the second I turned my back to reincarnating you.

Y/n: So... Everything that happened to me was because of one stupid goddess?!

God: I'm very sorry for the problems that have arisen within you.

Y/n: *sigh*

God: Look, I'll try and see if I can-

Y/n: Don't. *Image Below* It's already to late. The life I dreamed of has already died. No point in trying to change things now... since everyone knows how OP I am.

God: O...kay then... If... that's really what you want...

Y/n then hangs up, and starts bawling again, upset by her misfortune.


Location: Union Academy

We see the school known as Union Academy, where the headmasters, faction leaders, and kingdom rules are discussing what to do with Y/n.

Ozpin: Thank you all for coming. Now I'm sure many of you are already aware of why this meeting has been called.

Azazel: Let me guess, it's the girl known as Y/n?

Ozpin: That... is correct. How did you figure this out so quickly, Azazel?

Azazel: One of my fallen angels was there at the time of the Spear Hero's humiliating, yet very deserving, defeat.

Nezu: Even if it was well deserved, it does concern for the people.

Sirzechs: It is troublesome. If our enemies manage to get a hold of this young girl, we might be faced with destruction ourselves.

Ironwood: Then wouldn't our best interest to capture this girl?

Makarov: That would the worst idea, Ironwood. If that does fail, though it might happen, that girl will not trust anything we say afterwards!

Mirellia: I think it would be to try and negotiate with the young girl. That way, we can see what she wants, and attend Union, willingly.

Sirzechs: That would be our best in this matter.

Makarov: We should also tell the students not to fight this girl until we've not only set up negotiations, but figured out if she'll attend or not.

Ozpin: Nezu, will you be able to make the announcement for us? We'll plan on working on negotiations.

Nezu: Yes, of course!

Meanwhile, within the halls of Union Academy, many of the students are talking about what had happened to Motoyasu, with many of them, mostly the girls, laughing at what had happened, when Nezu's voice goes through the speakers.

Nezu(Through Speaker): Students of Union Academy, may I have your attention please.

Every student stops talking and Nezu resumes talking.

Nezu(Through Speakers): As many of you are already aware, a young girl with tremendous powers and abilities has been found within the village of Luton. We are planning to form negotiations with this girl, so as one of your many headmasters, we are hereby placing a strict order onto all of our students. Do NOT go to her and challenge her to a fight. If we learn that anyone has broken this rule, it will not matter who you are, what your have done for us, or your status in life. You will be severely punished for that action. That is all.

Nezu then stops the announcement, and while everyone is willing to agree with it, as they don't want to be punished for their actions, two people, who are both in Union's Lunch Hall, think differently about the order.

Rias: Come on everyone.

Kiba: Rias, where are we going?

Rias: To get a new Peerage member.

Xenovia: Rias, I'm sorry, but I'm not going with you for this.

Rias: Why not?

Xenovia: Did you not hear what Mr. Nezu said?! As much as I do wish to fight her, I'd rather not sully our school's reputation just to try and get stronger.

Rias: Fine then! Everyone, let's move out!

As Rias and her peerage, minus Xenovia, walks away, Irina walks up with a bento in hand.

Irina: Hey Xenovia, where's Rias going?

Xenovia: *sigh* Most likely to try and get that girl with the crazy amount of powers.

Irina: What?! Did she not just hear what was said?!

Xenovia: She did, and I try to give a subtle warning about what her actions could do, but in the end it didn't work.

As Irina and Xenovia sigh at Rias's actions, another boy, who thought the same thing as Rias, stands up.

Shun: Hugo, were are you going?

Hugo: Ain't it obvious? I'm gonna go beat that white haired bitch!

Fei: Wow, and I thought you couldn't get any dumber. Wonders never cease with you.

Hugo: Oh shut up! You're only saying that because you became a dragon!!

Fei: Dragon or not, I'm not stupid like you!

Karnatia: Fei is right here, Hugo. Think of the ramifications that could happen if you do lose, and are found out by the teachers.

Hugo: That's why I'm going to make sure they never find out!

Hugo then leaves, and as he does, a young elf girl name Filimos walks in.

Filimos: Where is Hugo going?

Karnatia: To try and challenge that crazy OP chick, without being found out by the teachers.

The other group then sighs, as they all understand how stupid their actions are.


Location: Y/n's House

We see Y/n in her house, eating a delicious hand made meal she made for herself, when she hears a knock on her door.

Y/n: *sighs in sadness*

Y/n then gets up and walks to the front door, opening it to show Rias and her Peerage, minus Xenovia of course.

Y/n: Aw, great. She's here.

Y/n: Hello... What can I do for you?

Rias: You are Y/n right? I'm Rias Gremory, heir to the Gremory family. I've heard that you have incredibly-

Y/n: Oh no! Don't tell me that you want me to join you?

Rias: Well, that makes things easier.

Y/n: Dammit! Why the hell does my life suck! How many people have been told that story about me having every power in the world gotten to?!

Y/n: Listen, I have no intention of ever using my powers. I want to be like Yoshikage Kira, *mumbles* minus the hand fetish *back to normal*, and live a quite, peaceful live. I WILL NOT be joining you.

Rias: Then how about a bet?

Y/n: What kind of bet?

Rias: Win, and we'll leave you alone, for good. Lose, and you join my Peerage.

Y/n: What a devilish pain in my ass!

Y/n: *groans in annoyance* Fine. But on two conditions! One! You are not to damage my house! Two! If I'm not as powerful as you've heard, then the bet is off, and you'll make sure people know this!

Rias: Deal. Issei-

Hugo: Hey what the hell?! Don't steal my fight, you tomato bitch!

Rias turns around to see Hugo with sword in hand.

Rias: Mind your own bu-

Y/n: Hey!

Rias: *groans in anger* Hugo, you can help me! All we have to do is win-

Hugo: Yeah, I got it!

Hugo then goes full blazing, trying to hit Y/n, but she manages to dodge every hit with ease.

Hugo: Stay still!

Y/n: How about no?

Kiba then summons his sword and goes to attack, but Y/n keeps dodging it as well, shocking Rias.


Y/n then launches an ice blast at the group, and manages to freeze Gasper, thus taking him out of the fight. Akeno goes for a lighting attack, but Y/n avoids them, while she accidentally hits Hugo.

Akeno: Aw~, and I was hoping I'd get to hear you scream~.


Y/n then shoots the attack at Akeno, and manages burns off all of her clothes, while also melting Kiba's sword. Y/n grabs Kiba and tosses him aside, taking him out of the fight as well.

Issei: Let's do this!


Issei then gets covered in a powerful armor, and goes to punch Y/n, and as his fist makes contact, a giant cloud of smoke is formed, and as it dies out, Issei is shocked to see Y/n had caught his fist with her bare hands.

Y/n then lets go of Issei's arm, as Hugo rushes in, shooting fire spells at Y/n.


Y/n then shoots a water spell at Hugo, dousing him in water, and also putting him out of the fight.

Issei: This is it!

Y/n turns to see Issei's armor now has two cannons on it, and so Y/n does get out of the way, but right before Issei fires the blast, Y/n gets right onto the cannons.


Y/n then freezes the cannons, and Issei tries to blast them, but he turns around, and faces Y/n's house, while doing so.

Y/n: Wait, no! Don't blast my house, do you hear me?! I swear, you better not-

However, Y/n's pleas are in vain, as Issei breaks the ice with the blasts, which do break, and the blasts hits Y/n's house, leaving the house totally wrecked, as Issei collapses to the ground, deactivating his balance breaker.

Y/n: You...

Rias and Asia: Issei!

Rias and Asia then runs towards Issei, and Asia starts to do some healing on him, and finishes not long after.

Rias: Issei, are you arlight?!

Issei: DOn't worry president. I'm-

Y/n: *angry tone* Oi. I thought I made my conditions perfectly clear... That rule one...

Y/n then goes for a punch right into Issei's jaw, but the force was so powerful that it broke a bit of it, and as Issei goes flying, Y/n finishes her statement.


Rias: Issei!

Before Rias can go to Issei, Y/n grabs Rias's shoulder and looks at her with an angry smile on her face.

Y/n: *Image Below* Hey, little miss Heir to the Gremorys. Your servant wrecked my house, so what are you going to do about it? You better have some compensation money, because I'm going to make sure this comes out of your wallet!

Rias: You dare insult-

Asia: Wait, please!

Y/n stops and looks at Asia, whose looks very sorry.

Asia: I'm deeply sorry that my friends destroyed your home. Our school did tell us to not engage in battle with you, but Rias and Hugo were dead-set on doing this!

Y/n: I see... Well, I'm glad you apologized. So can you grab this "Hugo" person for me?

Asia then goes, grabs Hugo, who is slowly recovering form Y/n's attack.

Y/n: So Rias and Hugo... You defied your school's own orders just for this? You two are going to head back and you both will pay me compensation money for repairs!

Hugo: *grunts in anger* Fine.

Rias: *sigh* Alright.

Hugo: Why the hell should I listen to-

Y/n: Good. But... If I find out that you bailed on your promise, well...

Y/n then shows her most pissed off face, which makes Rias and Hugo scream in pure fear, with Hugo actually fainting out of fear.


Rias then makes a magic circle and disappears, along with the fainted Hugo. Y/n then looks back at her house and sighs.

Y/n: Great... As if my day wasn't already bad... Now I've got to find a place to stay for the night...

Y/n then walks up into town, very upset, which one of the children notices.

Young Boy: Y/n-nee, what's wrong?

Everyone then turns to see the upset Y/n.

Woman: Oh my! What's got you upset? This isn't like you at all!

Y/n: *sigh* Some kids from Union picked a fight with me. I won, but at the cost of my house being destroyed. Do you mind if I crash here until my home gets repaired.

Man: Of course you can! Luton's become more well known due to your efforts, so it's the least we can do!

Y/n: Thank you.


Location: Union Academy

We see Rias, her peerage, and Hugo getting healed back up in the nurse's office, and as this happens, Sirzechs walks in, with an angry look on her face.

Sirzechs: Rias. You and Hugo better have a good explanation for why you broke an order from the school.

Rias: Look, I thought that if I got the girl on our side then-

Sirzechs: I don't want to hear that as your reasoning! Hugo's family, as well as our own, now have to pay Y/n for the damage that Issei caused her! Xenovia knew what you were doing was a mistake, and I'm glad she actually didn't go with you!

Rias: But brother-

Sirzechs: I don't want to hear it. Me, Ozpin, Nezu, Mrs. Melromarc, and few of the teachers will be going to apologize to Y/n for the actions you and Hugo caused against her. And you, as well as Prince Hugo and your peerage, minus Xenovia, will be on house arrest until further notice!

Rias then looks down in shame.

Sirzechs: I'm glad you understand.

Sirzechs then leaves, and Hugo, who has now recovered, walks out of the medical ward, with a pissed off look on his face, but he gets even more upset due to the rumors that are being spread around.

Union Student 1: Hey, did you hear? Apparently Rias and Hugo broke the order from the headmasters, and now they have to pay the girl compensation for wrecking her house!

Union Student 2: No way, really?

Union Student 1: Yeah! Not only that, they're on house arrest until further notice because of their actions.

Union Student 2: Wow.

Union Student 3: Guess that's what Instant Karma can do to you.

Hugo's rage gets so big after hearing this that he breaks one of the windows in rage, making the other Union Students run away.

Hugo: You little bitch... You're going to pay for what you've done... with your life...!


Location: Luton Office Quarters

We now see Y/n in the room within the Luton Office, and as she looks around, she looks back at the man.

Y/n: Hey, um, are you sure about this? I'd be fine staying at-

Man: Oh no! Your appearance of power, whether you wanted it or not, is what allowed us to finally be able to have commerce in our little village. This is the least we can do!

Y/n: I guess... I can accept it... just this once...

Y/n then goes into the bathroom and changes into her pajamas and falls to sleep.

Y/n: *sigh*

Y/n: I wonder what will happen to me now...

Y/n then stops thinking about it, and goes to sleep, wondering what tomorrow will bring.


We now see Y/n slowly getting up, and doing her routine stretches, which gets her body up and ready for the day.

Y/n: Alright. A new day, so let's get to work!

Y/n then hears someone knocking on her door.

Y/n: What is it?

Man: Ms. L/n, there's some important people who would like to have a word with you. Best to not keep them waiting.

Y/n: Tell them I'll be there as soon as possible!

Man: You got it!

Y/n then does a few more stretches and heads to the meeting area in the office, and as Y/n opens the door, he's meet with Sirzechs, Grayfia, Ozpin, Nezu, Mirellia Melromarc, Chifuyu Orimura, Shota Aizawa, and Makarov.

Sirzechs: You're Y/n, am I correct?

Y/n: Um, yeah. That's me. May I ask why you are here?

Y/n: Why do they want to speak with me?

Ozpin: We would like to apologize on not only the behalf of our students, but for our school, on what happened yesterday.

Y/n: Wait... That thing with Rias and Hugo?

Nezu: Yes, that is. We had ordered our students to not interact with you and try to challenge you, but two students thought that they weren't part of that rule.

Y/n: I see...

Y/n then walks over and sits down.

Y/n: So why are you all here?

Makarov: First, we'd like to give you the compensation for the damages that were caused.

Y/n: Wait, seriously?

Sirzechs simply nods and Grayfia places down the cash for Y/n.

Grayfia: The compensation, as you've requested. This has come from both the Gremory household, and from the Renxandt Empire.

Y/n: Thank you. Now, is there anything else you'd like to discuss with me?

Aizawa: There is one thing, however, we've decided to try and talk it over with you.

Y/n: Okay... What is it?

Aizawa: Put it simple, we would like for you to attend Union Academy.

Y/n: I'd like to know why before I make any rash desicions.

Mirellia: Allow me to answer this, Mr. Aizawa. As you've already noticed, several people are wanting to have your power for themselves. I know that our request makes us sound greedy, but there is a good reason for it.

Y/n: The reason being...?

Mirellia: Before we knew of your existence, there was a boy who had no powers at all, and was bullied constantly for it. At the time, we turned a blind eye, as his injuries were always recovered before classes.

Y/n: What happened to this child.

Chifuyu: They... took their own life...

Y/n: Holy shit!

Makarov: It does make us seem like the bad guys, but it was because of this boy that we were able to grow, and punish those who were greedy.

Y/n: Okay, I think I kinda get your reasoning, but I've got a farm and everything. If I'm having to live somewhere else, I'm not going to be able to keep up with my farm.

Nezu: I see your point. Then how about we give you some time to think about it?

Y/n: Hmmm?

Nezu: Think about this choice, and if it's really something you want to do! We promise to try and abide any type of request you have!

Y/n: This could work... I mean, it's bad they've got a kid who committed suicide, but they were able to notice the faults of their actions. You don't see that much with people. After all, as the saying goes, "A Leopard Never Changes it's Spots." I guess that can't applied here. Well, from what I'm seeing, that is.

Y/n: Okay. I'll take some time to think about it. If one of you has a phone, I'd like to exchange phone numbers. This way, I can tell my demands, if I do decide to join Union Academy. And maybe you can have some people fix my house. I'd like to have a nice place to make my demands.

Ozpin: I think that would work for us.

Makarov: I see no problems with that.

Everyone then agrees with Y/n's little deal, and they shake hands. Y/n then exchanges phone numbers with Nezu, and Y/n starts heading up to her farm, while the others leave.

Y/n: I've got a long day ahead of me now. Need to make sure I pull out my entire list of demands.

To Be Continued...

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