2<{Son's Tragedy}>2

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Hello, just a reminder I will be switching POV's back and forth and maybe sometime, add a side story. ⭐️ • ⭐️ By the way, have any ideas, ( for more Stories), go ahead.

Prince Joana's POV 

" How can I not be angry?" I whispered under my breathe. I was getting irritated and paranoid. Hello, My name is Prince Joana Ranance Castillo. Seventh Prince of The Castillo Empire. I'm an 14 year old boy,

 [Black midnight hair and red ruby eyes,] as people describe me, who had just been introduced to the Royal family.

I'm the Illegitimate child of the Emperor because of my 

mother's grave mistake. A selfish one, at that.

 I mean, I'd like 

to lecture mother and tell her " WOMAN, THERES A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LOVE AND LUST." But I'm not really in the mood.

 Especially, when she passed on. Long ago, she  was the daughter of a baron. She became a maid at the royal palace one day, in account of her poor family.

 The young emperor took a great liking to her right away and decided to have me.

My mother had thought she also loved the young emperor, but it was mistaken for lust. After she had me, mother became a concubine. 

Upon a beautiful spring morning, The Daylight knights guarded Pregnant mother as usual, knights who served the emperor,

 known for their pure hearts. They usually take mother to visit the emperor, 

 But today was different....

Warning Warning... F L A S H B A C K !!

" Mother!! No!" I cried, trying to push through The Nightmare Knights, the knights that were cold hearted and sincere. 

I tried to get through to the executor, but I was grabbed by Some of the DayLight knights. I shook them off like leaves.

" Betrayer! Bastard!" I spat. But then I focused my attention toward the stage, the Executor slightly held the rope. 

" Any last words?" I heard the emperor say, as if to mock my mother of her innocence and naive, not to mention foolishness.

A girl beside him smiled at my dirtied hurt pregnant mother. A smile like saying ' I won his love and you lost it!'

 Her grayish brown curls dangled behind her shoulders as she pretended to look upset. " We don't have to do this, Navian, it's okay." 

The emperor put an arm around the girl. " She deserves this for harassing you, look at that scar on your cheek, she slapped you."

 I wanted to yell out ' Your so dumb emperor! Her cheek would be swollen!' But I said nothing. ' And how could you love her? She looks like a grandma who died her hair blonde!'

Instead, I cried. The whole crowd of villagers stopped throwing food at mother and stared at me, so did the emperor and the girl. 

And... mother.

I had caught everyone's attention. Mother wept with me but a smile bloomed her lips. Tears still streamed, but she answered the Emperor's question. " I do, your highness, but these words are not for you.. but my son." 

She smiled sadly, gazing at me, i leapt up the stage so mother could touch my cheek. " Oh my son, remember that I will always be there right beside you, even though I'm gone." She coughed blood. 

" And when your unhappy, try to remember all the good memories about me and your unborn baby sister." " Noo, mother!

I don't care! Even if the whole world turns against you, I will always be by your side!" 

" Goodbye my son." Some knights pulled me away and I tried to hold mother's hand, but they simply slipped past each other.

 Then the Emperor snapped his fingers and the executioner let go of the rope.

" Goodbye my son."

" Noooooo!!"

I'm literally screaming and crying inside. It was painful, what he went through, though Joana was only 8.

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