3<{Double Deck of Friends}>3

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Hello, me again!! I want to make an important announcement before I start. I might not update daily because of writing other stories and publishing the chapters and so please don't get mad. P.s. This is the chapter before the male lead meets the girl.

Neko's POV 

Oh Heck no! Don't tell me I'm in the novel The strings of Fate! Don't tell me that person I just saw was that mad emperor!

I read in a book that the emperor killed many people. Aaaaaah! ToT Why!! The emperor stared at Neko with a cold glare.

 " What's your name?" He said at last, breaking the silence. She gulped but, held her head tall. " Katuri Sakura-Neko, I don't mean to be rude but..." She acted as if I had never seen a Palace before. " Where am I?"

" You are at the Royal Palace of Averon, the ritual must've worked." 

" What ritual?" My heart was pumping in fear. " Nakakapagpabagabag!" She blurted, she covered her mouth, afraid of what his reaction might be. The nobles and Aristocrats murmured.

" Pardon, But what did she say?"

" What Insolence! It's pride, I tell you."

" Such Rudeness! "

" Does she understand Archaic language?"

Finally the Emperor responded with a shallow look. " Naka— what? Are you speaking your language, Saintess?" 

The emperor stared at her and then ordered the maids to take Neko to her room and wait until she calmed down.

I Definitely Don't Need calming Down! I Was just So Nervous I Blurted Something Out!

A gold chandelier, big bed with silk curtains, ancient scroll tales, soft carpet, and marbled sculptures of foxes outside the bedroom

. It looked as if the two foxes were guarding the room, or should I say... Chambers.

I was still confused on how I ended up in a novel I read. A novel I didn't finish reading

. All I knew was that I was going to probably stay here for the rest of my life or locked away from the world, that was what the emperor, Navian Alexander Castillo, would do.

His true nature was revealed when the late empress died. He found a girl and made her his mistress. 

He was also said in th novel to be obsessive and extremely cold at times. Ugh! And I still don't know what character I am!

I thought I had died, but now I have to live away in the darkness... Forever.... But that wasn't what I had wanted. This was too depressing for me. To lurk in the shadows and never be allowed out of the palace. 

I shouldn't think about the past too much, it aches my heart. Maybe if I stay here, I could start a new life. Maybe I could change....

The maids bowed down to me as she brushed the covers of the soft bed and sat down.

 " We've been given orders as to bathe you, dress you, and serve you in whatever task." The brunette haired maid nodded respectfully at me.

 But then the hazeled hair girl smiled brightly and took my hands in her's. " Welcome to The Royal Palace!" She cheerfully went on and pointed at herself. 

" I'm Ari, nice to meet you, your grace." The brunette-haired pulled Ari away from Nemo. " What are you doing in front of her grace? 

We will get in trouble." She scolded. " I know Maya, but it's been a while since we've had a guest here." Maya sighed and bowed down to me once more.

" I apologize for my twin sister's behavior. It was very unnecessary and foolish  to do that in front of her grace." She might've said that, but Neko wasn't listening.  Ugh, why! Just as I was lost in thought....

These maids looked like looked like the maids that helped the heroine in the story. Maybe this is my chance to do something great and prove that I can change; finding the Heroine!

But I still don't know who the protagonist is. How will I find her if I don't know what she looks like or who she is. Then, suddenly a though popped up in Neko's mind. 


Wait, Neko. Aren't you thinking too much? Don't you think you should be thinking about what's happening about yourself and what situation you've gotten yourself into? 

Maybe, you, are the saintess! I mean, think about it:

1= People keep on calling you Your Grace, Angel, and Saintess

2= In the book, The sainted was someone from a different world

3= Didn't the author of the book give you a spoiler/ The Heroine Will Have Pale Skin And Hair Like Rays Of Sunshine, And As Like The Blue Sky

Aissh! I was so dumb to see it myself! Maybe I really am the Saintess. " Your grace?" Neko felt a hand pat my shoulder. 

It was Ari. Oh! I forgot, back to reality. " Your Ari and your Maya, am I correct? You two seem so much older than me."

 Maya stared at me surprised, probably because nobles and aristocratics would only call maids and servants ' Hey You!' Or ' Peasant!' 

" Older?" Ari repeated. She shook her head several times, as if to try to remember something.  " Aah, Maya HERE is 13, and I'm also 13,

 but I DEFINITELY DO NOT act grouchy." Maya made a frightening face and Ari whimpered. It looked as if she was going to attack her sister, but slapped Ari's back gently.

 " Okay, Okay that's enough. We have to start bathing her—"  Katuri Neko- Chan." Maya blinked. " Can you repeat that again?" 

" Katuri Neko- Chan, is my name. I'd like you to call me that." She smiled, blinking small tears. 

" My friends used to call Me Sakura-Neko. Since I loved the blooming Sakura flowers in Spring or Neko-Chan if we were best friends." 

The two sisters gazed calmly into Neko's Ocean Blue eyes and smiled; as if the two had something to say. Whatever they did have to say, Maya went first.

" Well then, Neko-Chan, I would once more like to say ' Welcome'."

 " W-why are you calling me that...!"

" Because from now on, We would like to be Best Friends!"

Joana's POV 

" Further ado,  Why should we become alliances?" Prince Joana asked, not paying any attention, but clearly irritated. Duke Aglenine bowed down lower than before.

 Yes bow down. 

" Because we found out the location of the Fallen Angel, Your Highness."  " You have?"   " Y- yes." He was seated on the emperor's throne,

 staring darkly into the Duke's fearful eyes. " Well then, the alliance is made." He paused briefly. " But Keep Your Promise or else...." 

He smiled Mockingly at the Duke, a finger on his lips.

" ... Lets just say....You'll  be erased from the world, eh? So keep it you promise." The prince then threw four bags of gold at the kneeling Duke Aglenine. " Keep the gold."

" Y- yes!"

When he was finally alone, he threw the sword at Knights' armor. " Too tiring, better than that Castillo Empire." He threw a dapper at the floor. " Psssht." 

" Now I can finally get revenge."

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