Chapter 9: EVEN MORE SKYS!?

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Sorry for the late update! I went on a two-day vacation and the weekend after that I was just being lazy, playing Sims and watching Pewdiepie be an idiot. So, PLEASE PUT YOUR HANDS TOGETHER FOR... *drum roll*... CHAPTER NINE!


Jason's POV

I'm scared.

What if we fail epicly and Evil-Sky wins? What if everyone still believes that Evil-Sky is Sky? Technically, we have no proof, since the real Sky is...

No. Don't think about that, Jason.

I take a deep breath and sneak a glance at Ty. He's not taking any of this well. Maybe he should try what I'm doing and pretend Sky isn't dead, even though he is.

Darn it, Jason!

This is gonna be a long day.

Ty's POV

I have this weird feeling, like maybe I should run back to Seto and beg him to reopen the portal. What if Sky did survive, and we just left him there? But no, he was in the building when the creepers blew up. Sky is gone.

I swallow and look at Mitch and Jerome. Jason is walking behind me. "So, does anyone know where Evil-Sky is?" I ask.

"Not really. I was thinking we'd get a few more friends to help us out, and then we could search for him," Mitch replies.

"What will we do when we find him?" Jason asks, walking faster to catch up to us.

"I don't know. I guess just run him out of town," Jerome replies.

"He deserves to die," I say bitterly. Everyone looks at me with wide eyes. "Sorry," I mumble. "I guess that's a little extreme."

"No," Jason says, "you're right, he deserves it."

"Guys, no, we are not permanently ending someone's life. He definitely deserves it, but..," Mitch trails off.

"If we kill him, then we're just as bad as him," Jerome finishes.

"But Sky got to kill Evil-Ty," I whine. "Plus he blew up the entire evil-dimension!"

"Okay, as for the Evil-Ty thing, that was self-defense. And for the mass-murder explosion thing, he killed himself in the process," Mitch says.

"They were all evil! If he hadn't killed them, they would have kept hurting people! Don't you dare try to say that he was just as bad as them!" Jason shouts.

Everyone is silent until we find the others. Then we explain everything, from the day we chose the wrong Sky in the clone test to a few hours ago when Sky died. Not one person doubts our story, and I'm glad. If one of them had, I probably would have blown a fuse.

"I think Sky – or Evil-Sky – was looking for you guys. He's probably at one of your houses," Quentin says.

"Not my house, I still don't have one," I say.

"So either Jason's, Mitch's, mine, or -" Jerome's phone cuts him off. "One second." He pulls his phone out of his pocket. "Hello-"

It's not on speakerphone, but Seto yells it so loudly that we hear it. "HELP! HE'S HERE!"

"We're coming, Seto!" Jerome shouts.

We all sprint to Seto's house. When we get there, the door is knocked down. "SETO!" I call. There's a crash from one of the bedrooms. I run towards the noise and freeze when I see Seto and Evil-Sky about to have a fight with their magic. Seto's swirls around him in purple wisps, whereas Evil-Sky's is a very dull yellow with strands of crimson red.

Evil-Sky snaps his head around to look at me, and he growls. "You." He blasts me against the wall and I groan and sink to my knees. Seto gasps and fires at him, but he easily dodges. Then he casts a spell that traps Seto in a clear bubble. While Seto blasts differently colored orbs at the inside of the bubble in an attempt to escape, Evil-Sky walks over to me. I can hear the others running through the house, trying to find us. They don't know this house as well as I do. Evil-Sky laughs. "I thought I told you not to try to save him! Oh well. Doesn't matter, he's dead now." He towers over me. "Ha, isn't this funny? I had the other Ty torturing Sky, and now I'm going to torture you!" I gulp and close my eyes.

"TY!" Mitch shouts. I open my eyes to see Evil-Sky putting up a barrier between the others and us. But it doesn't form fast enough. Jason dives over to our side before it can finish developing. He holds an iron sword in his hand.

"Really?" Evil-Sky asks. "Well, I was planning on killing you off one by one, but two at a time is fine." Jason swings his sword, but it misses its mark by a mere millimeter. Evil-Sky blasts the sword out of Jason's hands, but I jump up and grab it. Then I shove it forward, toward Evil-Sky's heart, but he dodges at the last second and swipes the weapon from my hand. I gasp and he snickers. "Say goodbye," he says to Jason and me as he charges a powerful spell meant to end us.

Then someone yells out, "ACK! We're gonna crash into Seto's house!"

I know that voice.

Sky's POV (Yay!)

(Go back in time a bit...)

I've spent the last two hours just playing around with the command block. I've made a note block choir, replicated all of TC with blocks, and spawned squids at the top of Jerome's head just to watch them die from fall damage. Oh... OH. I JUST GOT AN AWESOME IDEA!

And it's not related to squids or fall damage in any way, shape, or form. I'M GOING TO BEAT THE VOID! I'll program the command block to constantly be healing me, and then I'll jump into the void. But first I'm gonna give myself a jet pack in case I fail and have to abort the mission.

"Woo! ULTIMATE YOLO!" I yell. I jump into the hole I made and cheer more as I fall. "Woo! Falling with styl- oh, wait, budder, I want to mine you!" I pause to mine the precious ore, and then I continue falling. When I hit the void, an icy coldness overwhelms me, and I shiver. I'm not dying, though, so I guess that's good. I allow myself to keep falling. Eventually, I land on a platform of messy cobblestone. I see something in the shadows and scream, "AHH! The night owl!"

The creature sighs. "Chill out, I won't hurt you. I'm just here to help you select the right dimension."

"Select the- Wait, you mean you'll help me travel between dimensions?" He nods. "YES!" I yell. He covers his ears. I whisper loudly, "Sorry!" Then I start to tell him to help me find my home dimension, but I stop. Think about this, Sky. You can go to any dimension you want...

This will be fun.


An hour later, I'm back at the platform with 39 other versions of myself. A few of them are girls, one of them has budder infused in his blood. He's pretty cool. They all look like me, except for the eyes. I am the only one whose eyes are red. Eh, whatever.

All the mes (as in the plural of 'me') are decked out in budder or diamond armor and equipped with some kind of budder weapon. We are totally ready to go eliminate every single squid from my dimension. "Alright, dude, take us to my dimension."

"Sure thing," the night owl replies. "Would you like the softer landing?"

"Yeah," I reply, and he sends us all through a portal. We step through it and scream. The portal took us to my dimension, but... we're in the clouds. We start to fall and I see a house directly below us. "ACK! We're gonna crash into Seto's house!"

Ty's POV

"ACK! We're gonna crash into Seto's house! He's gonna hate me!" he shouts.

Then a girl calls out, "Look, budder!"

Sky yells with a British accent, "It's mine!"

"Correction!" Sky calls in his normal voice. "It's mine. Now, does anyone have a budder gun we can use to blast us away from Seto's house?"

"I did," Sky says with a deep voice. "But I ate all the ammo. I REGRET NOTHING!"

"Really!?" Normal Sky yells as he crashes through the ceiling with a bunch of other Skys. Sky slowly get to his feet and groans. "How is that the 'softer landing?'" he asks. Then he sees Seto trapped in the bubble, Jason and I about to be killed by his evil self, and the rest of Team Crafted flipping out behind the barrier. "Um... Okay..."

Evil-Sky stares at the Skys in awe. "How?"

"I'm just that awesome," Sky replies, and Jason smirks.

"...You know what? It doesn't matter. This... This will still work. You don't have magic," Evil-Sky says. At that moment, Seto finally breaks out of the bubble, and Sky laughs and sticks his tongue out.

"We do now," says one of the others Skys, looking at Seto.

Evil-Sky is starting to panic He aims a bolt of magic at Jason and me and says slowly, "If any of you try to stop me, I'll kill them."

Worry flashes across Sky's face but quickly disappears. He shrugs. "I don't really care if you kill them."

Jason, Evil-Sky, and I all say, "What?"

Sky smiles, seeing Evil-Sky put his hands down, and yells, "NOW!" All the Skys, except for the original, rush Evil-Sky and pin him to the ground. (Imagine thirty-nine Skys all dogpiling another Sky.)

One of them sniffs and pretends to gag. "This guy smells like squids," he says. The others nod and laugh.

Sky walks over to Jason and me. "Sorry for saying that. I know how it feels... but I needed to distract him. Sorry," he says quietly, looking down at his feet.

Jason and I gape at him. "Are you kidding? I mean, you gave us a bit of a scare, but... You saved our lives, Sky!" Jason says.

"Sorry for what you had to go through in that dimension," I mumble. Pain flashes in his eyes, but quickly disappears, and he just shrugs and waves it off. "Hey, you're not wearing your sunglasses!"

Sky's eyes widen and he reaches a gloved hand up to his face. "I'm not? Oh, darn it, I'm so sorry, I have extras at my house, I'll be right back-"

"Sky, it's not a bad thing, it's great!" I say, stopping him.

He grins widely. "Awesome."

"Hey, wait, how are you... alive?" Jason asks.

"I'll explain later. Right now, we need to deal with Evil-Me," Sky replies, glancing at the pile of Skys.

"Right. I guess we could send him back to his dimension," I suggest.

"No, he'd just come back."

"Can we send him home with one of the good Skys?" Jason asks.

"Hmm... Maybe." He turns toward the Skys, who have started chanting "We want budder" over and over. "Shaddup!" he shouts.

"Make us!" the British one replies.

Sky rolls his red eyes and pulls a squid spawn egg out of his backpack. I can tell by the look in his eyes that he'd never in a million years spawn it, but the others Skys just start freaking out and shushing each other. "Okay," Sky begins. "One of you gets to take Evil-Sky home."

There are several groans, but a girl-Sky with cat sunglasses shouts, "I want him!" Then she blushes tremendously.

Sky laughs. "Then you can have him."

Seto breaks down the barrier, and all of TC plus a few friends run over to Sky and attack him with hugs. He splutters out a "hi" and the others start asking questions. "We thought you were dead!"

"How come there's more than two of you?"

"OHMYNOTCH, the girl you is so ho- I'll shut up now." We all turn to look at the fish, who blushes.

"Does the fishy have a crush?" asks one of the Skys.

"Sorry," says one of the girl-Skys. "I have a boyfriend. Although, he is identical to you."

"I date Quentin in your dimension?" the real Sky yells. We all laugh as girl-Sky nods, smiling widely. "Well, then," Sky says quietly. "That's awkward."

We all laugh harder. "It's good to have you back, Sky," I say to him. "Good to have you back."


Now don't go flipping out and thinking this is the last chapter. It's only the second-to-last chapter. I have an epilogue to type up, and then the bonus chapter, which will actually be the prologue for the sequel, which already has five chapters written... Heh, I'm getting ahead of myself. Maybe I should stop writing ahead on the Evil Clone series and go write Remind Me instead. Oh, by the way guys...

THANK YOU FOR, LIKE, 1,938 (EDIT: Now it's 3 thousand three hundred something!) READS ON THIS STORY! YOU MAKE MEH HAPPEH! :3

And Remind Me has, like, three thousand something (EDIT: Try 5,659!) reads. BRILLIANCE, PEOPLE. Again, thanks. Bai, my Rulers!

(the reads thing is only on fanfiction.)

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