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This is a looooong chapter


Adrien walked into the bakery at nine and smiled at Sabine and Tom. "Hello Adrien!" She smiled and Adrien smiled back.

"Hi is Marinette here?"

"She's upstairs in her room." She smiled and Adrien walked upstairs and to her room. He opened the trapdoor and smiled at her and Manon as they played with dolls.

"Hey girls," he smiled and Manon gasped and hugged him. He nervously laughed and hugged her back. Marinette smiled and kissed his cheek. She let go and smiled at him. "What're you two doing?"

"Playing dolls!" Manon smiled and Adrien smiled and sat on the floor with him. Marinette leaned on him and they both blushed. Adriens phone rang a few minutes later and he answered.

"Adrien, Nathalie pissed. The interview starts in like, ten minutes and you're not here!"

"I-I'll be there soon," Adrien hung up and looked at the two girls. "Why don't you two come with me for an interview." He smiled.

"Okay!" Manon smiled and the three left and went to his interview. He was asked questions and soon it was done. He talked with his band and smiled when he saw Marinette and Manon walk over. "You did great Adrien!" Manon smiled and he smiled back, ruffling her hair.

"Thanks." He smiled.

"Okay we have the photoshoots in two hours. I'll call you twenty minutes before and they're both at the park." Alya smiled and he nodded. They went back to the bakery and played. Adrien smiled as Marinette played with the small girl.

"Marinette, I know you're busy but can you help me in the bakery?" Sabine asked and opened the trapdoor.

Marinette looked at Manon and Manon shook her head. "I'm sorry Maman but I have to watch Manon. Maybe Adrien can help you."

Sabine grabbed his arm and he looked at Marinette, wounded. "Come on pretty boy." Adrien sighed and went down to the bakery with her. He helped knead dough, bake croissants and cupcakes, make macaroons and work the cash register.

Adrien smiled as his band walked in, it soon dropping when he saw them laughing. "Dude, you got a job?" Nino laughed and Adrien rolled his eyes.

"I didn't get a job, I'm just working down here while Marinette takes care of Manon." Adrien leaned on the counter and Alya smiled at him.

"Well, I'm proud of you," Alya smiled. "Can we get four croissants?" He nodded and she paid and he gave them to her.

Marinette kissed Adriens cheek and he blushed. "Thanks for doing this. Me and Manon are going to go to the park, wanna come?"

"Go on Adrien. Thank you for helping us." Sabine smiled and Adrien smiled back at her. They walked out of the bakery and to the park next door. He smiled as Marinette put Manon on the Mary-Go-Round.

It started going around and he smiled every time the two girls appeared. The ride ended and they got off, Manon hugging Adriens leg and Marinette kissing his cheek. He hugged her and Manon giggled. "Marinette! Push me on the swing!" She grabbed her hand and pulled her over to the swing set. Marinette put her on the swing and started pushing her. Alya and the boys walked into the park and smiled at them as Adrien watched Marinette push Manon.

"Adrien!" Nino yelled and he turned to them and smiled. "The shoot starts in ten!" Adrien held a thumbs up and sighed, looking at his girlfriend.

"I uhm, kinda have to go." He scratched the back of his neck and Marinette sweetly smiled at him.

"That's fine. Do what you need to do, we'll stay here." Marinette smiled and he smiled back and ran to his band. They took a few pictures and Adrien smiled at Marinette and Manon, bursting out laughing in the middle of a picture when they made silly faces at him.

"Senior Adrien, we are trying to work here!" The photographer glared at him and he calmed down, wiping away a fake tear.

"S-Sorry," Adrien smiled and they took more pictures. After a few more he looked over at Marinette and smiled then laughed again when she tripped, then running to her and helping her up. "You okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine," she smiled and he sat her down on a bench and looked at her knees. Manon sat next to her as he sat on the ground. "What're you doing?"

"Manon, what's the best medicine?" He asked her.

She thought about it. "Kisses make everything better!"

"Really. Well let's test that theory," he smiled and kissed Marinettes scrapped up knees. She blushed as he gently pressed his lips to her knee, then moved to the other one. He smiled up at her. "Feel better?"

"Yes thank you!" She blurted out and tried to cover her blush with her hands.

he moved her hands and she blushed more. "It looks like you've got a fever," he smiled at her and she blushed more. He kissed her forehead and Manon gaged. "What?"

"Boys have cooties!"

"You have cooties!" Adrien teased back and Manon stuck her tongue out. He laughed and felt a hand on his shoulder. he jumped and sheepishly smiled at the photographer.

"Senior Adrien, you can't-a just run off-a like that-eh," Adrien stood up and scratched the back of his neck, blushing in embarrassment. He looked at Marinette. "Is this-a your girlfriend?"

"Y-yes sir." Adrien answered and Marinette blushed with him. They were still, very, very weird about dating. Marinette had never had a boyfriend before and Adriens only had Chloe but they were never officially a couple.

He held his hand to his chin. "Can I-a get some-a pictures of-a you two," the both sheepishly smiled and nodded. "Perfecto!" He smiled and they did the poses he said and took pictures. "Magnifico! Hold it there!" Adrien was holding her waist as she rested her head on his chest. "Perfecto! These will do nicely for both magazines!" They nodded and he walked away.

Adrien kissed Marinettes knuckles and Manon yawned. "Marinette, I'm tired." The two teens nodded and took her back to the bakery and put her to sleep on the couch. She curled up into a ball and the two teens walked up to her room. Adrien smiled at her and she smiled back. They sat on her chaise. He kissed her cheek and she giggled. She rested her forehead on his.

"Adrien, we can't do this right, now," she bit her lip as he kissed her neck. The heat between them was unbearable. "A-Adrien," she moaned lightly. He looked at her and she parted her lips. He gently kissed her. "My parents are downstairs," he kissed her again. "And Manon might wake up." She wrapped her arms around his neck, running her fingers through his hair while he held her hips.

He kissed her softly, wanting to savor her taste. He rested his foreheads on hers and looked down at her. "I love you Marinette." He kissed her again and she giggled.

"I love you too." She kissed him again and he smiled. His phone rang and he groaned.

"Hello?" He got off of Marinette.

"Adrien, we have to film our music videos." Adrien sighed and Nathanael rolled his eyes.

"Have Nathalie call me." He hung up and soon Nathalie called him.

"Adrien I am very busy, why aren't you at the film set."

"Come to the bakery and then we'll film the music videos."

"I've had enough of your childishness Adrien. You will do as I say and come to the film set."

"You've seen our old videos-"

"They were trash! Udder garbage!"

"Well others seemed to like it. Let us film them or, you don't have a top charted band to manage anymore." He hung up and looked at Marinette, falling down and crashing his head into her lap. He mumbled something into her legs.

"What? I couldn't hear you."

Adrien lifted his head and looked at her. "I hate this life. I get no time to myself and I never get the right about of sleep anymore."

"Oh Adrien," she played with his hair and he soon fell asleep on her lap. She giggled and kept playing with his hair until Alya, Kim, Nino and Nathanael bursted through her trapdoor, Manon on Alyas hip rubbing her eyes. She held a finger up to her lips. "He's sleeping." She smiled and whispered and they all groaned.

"I could use a nap right now." Nino yawned and lied down on Marinettes floor and soon fell asleep. She giggled as all of the boys one by one fell asleep on her floor. Lila bursted through her door and was about to yell but saw the boys.

"What happened to them?"

"We don't get enough sleep and they just, collapsed." Alya yawned and Lila nodded. Manon walked over to Marinettes desk and colored some sheets Marinette kept for her. Marinette played with Adriens hair and pointed to her bed. Alya nodded and she lied down on it and fell asleep.

Nathalie bursted through the trapdoor, waking all of the band members up from the much needed sleep. "Adrien I have very important work to do that's more important then your temper tantrum. What in the world do you need?" She growled.

"Do you think if I tell my father how your acting he'd fire you?" Adrien yawned and curled up on Marinettes lap. Nathalie tensed and the band chuckled. Gabriel ran the record company she works for so if he had a complaint they would get a new manager.

"Why would you do that?"

"Because you treat us band," Nino yawned. "Alix did better," Nathalie growled. "And we all agree with Adrien, we should film the videos."

Nathalie argued and they argued back. After countless minuted of fighting, she said yes."Fine but I have to run them over." She stormed out of the room and the band groggily cheered.

"Okay so what song is the first video?" Lila smiled.

"Bad Kids," Adrien yawned. "It's easy, me and Alya just have to change from good kids to bad ones. Kim will be bad, Nathanael will be bad and so will Nino and then Alix and some other people can be good," Adrien yawned. "But first nappies." The band collapsed and fell asleep again.

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