Chapter Eighteen: The ANBU Mission (Part One)

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Time Skip: Five Years Later . . .

Kakashi: Age Nineteen

Sayaka: Age Nineteen


Chapter Eighteen

The ANBU Mission: Part One


            Kakashi and I were now successful ANBU. On the usual, we would pair up and perform assassination missions and little by little . . . the tension from before was lifted. Occasionally, Gai would ask me to go out with him and I would agree . . . if I felt like it . . . it was not like I had anything else to do anyway . . . aside from training with Kakashi. Like now . . .

            “Sayaka! Would you go out with me, my youthful princess?” Gai yelled this statement in his thumbs-up pose as he ran through the crowds of Konoha.

            Kakashi sighed, “Oh, here we go again.”

            “Ah . . .  hn . . .”I giggled. “Sorry, Gai, I have a mission with Kakashi today. Maybe next time.”

            “Kya!” he cried endlessy as Kakashi and I laughed while dashing to the Hokage’s dome.

            The Third Hokage had retired a year ago and gave his duties to Minato-sensei. I had to admit, he was the best Hokage ever . . . rivaling even the First as well as the Second. One of his reasons for retiring, I believe, was because he failed to change Orochimaru back to the good side. Now, I doubt that he will turn from his evil ways.

            “Minato-sama?” I asked as I entered the door.

            “Hm?” he looked up from his paperwork with a smile. “Ah, I see you came. Well, I need you to escort the daimyo’s son to the Land of Twisters (Kurigoto).”

            “Sounds simple enough, Minato-sama,” Kakashi replied. “Aside from the constant tornadoes, that is.”

            “True,” I rolled my eyes as Kakashi did the same. “However, since this is an ANBU mission, I do believe, if I do say so myself, that there is some catch.”

            “Ah, yes, there is,” Minato beamed his usual warm smile, but it soon turned grim. “The Konoha council, the Third, the Sannin, apart from Orochimaru, and I believe that in the Land of Kurigoto, there are some conspiracies against Konoha. Therefore, during your mission to guard the prince, you are to ascertain these schemes. Got it?”

            “Hai,” Kakashi and I replied as we transported away to our respected homes to gather our supplies we needed.

            “Ready to go?” I smiled at Kakashi as he walked out his door.

            “As I’ll ever be,” he smiled in return as we teleported ourselves to the front gates.

            There was a young man dressed in fancy clothing like a royal. That must be the daimyo’s son . . . who else would it be . . .

            “Hello, are you the daimyo’s son?” I asked through my mask of a leopard.

            “Hai,” he snorted in return. “I am, and you and the man next to you must be my escorts, no?”

            “Yes, we are,” replied Kakashi, slightly annoyed with the man’s tone.

            “Good,” the royal snapped at Kakashi. “I only want the girl escorting me, not you . . . baka-teme.”

            “Hn,” Kakashi growled. “I was and am assigned on this mission according to the direct orders of the Fourth Hokage, and I will fulfill the mission till the end.”

            “Ahodara,” the royal snorted. “I am the great and almighty Kyou. Don’t you dare disobey me.”

            Kakashi sighed, trying to keep his cool, “If you wouldn’t mind having a talk with the Hokage, I suggest you let us both guard you.”

            “Hn,” Kyou wrinkled his nose in disgust. “Fine.”

            “Alright, then shall we go,” Kakashi smiled, irritating the poor Kyou.

            “Fine,” he snorted before turning calmly to me. “I’m so sorry, my dear, to disturb you with my suggestion. My, he started it and wouldn’t let me have my way. I was going to have you and I have ourselves some time . . . alone. Why don’t you take your mask off? I am sure you have a beautiful face.”

            Kakashi twitched in vexation.


            I rolled my eyes from under my mask, “I am sorry, but my duty is my duty, and I have no other choice but to complete it at my best.”

            The moment the words “at my best” slipped out of my mouth, I instantly regretted it. Looks like he’s going to counter it right back at me.

            “If you want it at your best, why don’t you accept to become my wedded wife,” he wooed. “I am and can be a fine husband. Besides, you can have all the fine luxuries in the planet. Also, you can have all the fine riches you can wish for. Hm?”

            This guy was exasperating me already. Fine husband. Fine luxuries. Fine riches. Seriously? Does he really believe that I desire such things?

            “Gomen, I do not want to do so,” I replied as calmly as I could although I was pretty much ticked off . . . apparently . . .

            “Ah . . . but you’ll change your mind,” he flirted, puffing his chest up a little more than the usual as he took a step in his carriage, carried by his guards.

            Once he was in his private carriage, Kakashi immediately whispered this in my ear, “Man, he’s annoying.”

            “Hn,” I laughed, ending in a closed eye smile. “You could say that again.”

            “Shall we get going, then?” Kakashi asked me as he rose from leaning on the tree.

            “What else do we do all day, baka?” I rolled my eyes as we started our long journey across the Twister plains.

            As they all say . . . “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

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