Chapter Thirteen: Not Again . . .

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Chapter Thirteen

Not Again . . .


            A few months later, Kakashi and Rin were sent to Kirigakure while Minato and I were to stay on guard in Konoha. Kakashi and I were and had been preparing to become ANBU for some time now and were always excited when we came to talk of it. We were always training, talking, and meeting together that people started to think that we were together. Not true, as you can see. Kakashi and I were just . . . good friends. I knew that Rin had quit her feelings for Kakashi and had moved on to remember only Obito.

            I had been having these strange feelings for Kakashi lately, like a little missing thump of my heart or sudden yearnings to see Kakashi. We were still just fourteen. Our birthdays had passed some time ago and it was quite moderate temperature here in Konoha even though it was pretty much still winter. And to say that it was only a few months ago that Obito died . . . Tragic.

            Minato and I were currently taking the places of some entrance guards who took a break for the month. Kakashi and Rin were sent away for about over a week now, and Minato and I were getting quite anxious. Where on earth were they?

            “Minato, when do you think they’ll be back?” I asked, tilting my head to the side.

            “Hm . . . I actually don’t know, Sayaka,” Minato answered honestly.

            “Ah, I see . . .” I responded.

            “So . . . I do believe that our shift is over, so . . . shall I treat you dinner at my place? Kushina would love to have you over some time . . . She hasn’t seen you since the funeral . . . of . . . you know . . .” Minato trailed off.

            “Sure, what is it? Ramen?” I rolled my eyes at sensei playfully.

            “Ah . . . maybe,” sensei winked. “I don’t really care what it is as long as it’s Kushina’s cooking.”

            “So you . . .” I sighed as two other guards came to take their shift.

            “Later, Karai, Shugizu,” Minato waved to the guards as we left the front, main gate.

            “Well, when should I come over?” I asked sensei.

            “How about in an hour . . . at six,” Minato suggested.

            “Sure,” I beamed in return. “Well, then, I’ll just go home and get ready before I come over. Um . . . awkward question . . . should I just wear something casual or ninja attire?”

            “Just something you usually or normally wear,” Minato waved it off. “Later, then . . . Sayaka.”

            “Bye, sensei,” I smiled back as I returned home to shower.

            So, I showered and changed into my regular black T-shirt with the same-old, same-old words, “Keep Calm and Ninja On,” and some black sport shorts with white linings at the ends. I combed my black hair up in a high ponytail, and put some green tea and lavender smelling lotion on my skin.

            Suddenly, I felt an instantaneous surge of fear and worry. This feeling was like the feeling I detected when Obito was to die. This could not be good.

            It was now 5:45, and I told myself to go over to Sensei’s house a little early to talk to him about it. Also, it can’t hurt to be early, dattebane. So Kushina-like, huh?

            “Konnichiwa, Minato-sensei,” I greeted my sensei once he opened his door.

            “Hello, Sayaka,” Minato smiled as he let me in.

            “Mm . . . what smells so good?” I asked Sensei after I had sniffed the air.

            “You’ll just have to see for yourself,” he semi-smirked as I followed him into the kitchen.

            There on the dinner table lay three respective bowls of ramen. Ha, what else would you have expected from the Red Hot Habanero . . . or was it the other way around . . . Hot Red Habanero . . . Whatever, you get the point. Also on the wooden birch table were spicy sauce, tea, cups for four people, napkins, chopsticks, a spoon, and a book?

            “Who else is coming, Minato-sensei?” I asked.

            “My old sensei, Jiraiya—one of the legendary Sannin,” Minato smiled.

            “Oh, I see,” I responded simply before I actually realized who he was. “Jiraiya! The pervert!”

            “Something like that,” Minato scratched the back of his head.

            “How about really so, Minato,” Kushina rolled her eyes, coming to the kitchen table.

            “Heheh . . . Kushina . . .” he whined.

            “Mhmm,” she hummed as she set all the bowls of ramen on the table neatly. “And knowing Jiraiya . . . he’s probably coming right about . . . now.”

            Right on cue, Jiraiya opened the door and strolled into the kitchen to have his meal with Minato-sensei, Kushina, and me.

            “Oh, heya, Minato, Kushina . . . and who do we have here?” Jiraiya greeted us . . . just like that.

            “Ah, this is my apprentice, Sato Sayaka,” Minato smiled as we began to eat our dinner.

            “Ah, nice to meet you, Sayaka,” Jiraiya bellowed as he dug into this food.

            “Same here,” I smiled as I ate politely, sweat dropping at the sight of Jiraiya’s . . . unmannerly eating,

            “Mm . . . Mi mad mu ma m momo,” Jiraiya said jibberish while food was still in his mouth. “Ma mu?”

            “Um . . . pardon?” I asked with a sweat drop.

            “Jiraiya! Don’t talk with your mouth full, baka-sensei!” Kushina shotued with fired eyes.

            “H-h-hai!” Jiraiya replied after he had swallowed, scared out of his mind for Kushina’s punches.

            “So, as I was saying impolitely before, I heard you were promoted jonin with Kakashi recently. How was it?” he asked, while gathering up his noodles to place in his mouth.

            “Good, I guess,” I replied before taking a sip of my ice-cold water.

            “Hahaha, a girl like you should’ve just been passed instead of retaking it! Hahaha!” Jiraiya guffawed. “Now weren’t you just too bad of a ninja to be jonin, eh? Just kidding. Hm . . . I should say that Kakashi surely has gotten a pretty young lady with him, eh?”

            “Jir . . . ai . . . ya!” Kushina scolded him boisterously once more.

            Heheh . . . it was hilarious!

            “Now, now, now . . . how was my book of Icha Icha Paradise, eh, Minato?” Jiraiya asked after he completely consumed his dinner in what could have been five minutes.

            “It was pretty good, sensei,” Minato smiled his usual smile.

            “Ugh . . . I can’t believe that Jiraiya got him into those pervert books of his . . .” Kushina slumped in her chair, exasperated.

            “What can you say, Kushina . . . he’s one whole pervert in mind and heart,” I said with a straight face (-.-).

            “Any news of Kakashi and Rin’s returns yet, Minato, Kushina?” Jiraiya asked them.

            “Not yet . . . but I think that they’ll come soon,” Minato responded his estimation as he finished his bowl of ramen.

            “Anyone want dessert?” Kushina asked with a smile as she stood up.

            “What kind, Kushina?” Jiraiya asked, patting his stomach. “This belly of mine can only fit something good right now.”

            “Geeze . . .” Kushina sighed in annoyance and discontent. “Green tea dango . . .”

            “Okay!” Jiraiya shouted out from nowhere as Minato and I jumped in static from our bamboo seats. “That will do!”

            “Oh, my . . . how by Kami did my husband have a sensei like Jiraiya . . .” Kushina slapped her face as she walked towards the kitchen to prepare the dango.

            “So, Sayaka . . . what do you plan on doing now?” Jiraiya asked, facing me directly.

            “I plan on becoming an ANBU,” I replied respectfully.

            “Hahaha . . . that is a smart idea,” he smiled as he and Minato soon turned into their own conversation about the recent happenings in the war.

            “Here are your dango,” Kushina smiled as she gave us each a plate consisting three sticks of three dangos on each.

            “Yes . . . now’s the time to-“ Jiraiya licked his lips as an ANBU suddenly came out of nowhere, frantic.

            “Minato . . .” the ANBU looked down hard at the floor. “There are . . . some news . . . awaiting you at the Hokage’s office. It is urgent.”

            After that being said, the ANBU disappeared with a puff of smoke.

            “Sayaka, we’re going,” Minato said grimly. “Jiraiya, stay here with Kushina. Keep her safe.”

            “Hai,” I replied softly as I got up to follow Minato-sensei.


            The Hokage sighed, “Minato . . . Sayaka . . . let me just tell you both this . . . quickly . . . yet on the point . . .”

            “Yes, Hokage-sama,” Minato replied seriously.

            “Hai,” I responded respectfully.

            “Rin . . . was killed in action.”


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