Chapter Twenty-Eight: The ANBU Mission: The Last Straw

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

The ANBU Mission: The Last Straw


Kakashi’s Point of View


            “Oh, Kami, you worried me so much,” I said as I hugged Sayaka dearly in my arms, my voice was slightly muffled from the closeness between ourselves.

            “I know,” she replied, tears falling down and melting into my flak jacket. “I’m so sorry to put you into all this trouble, but while I was here and along the way, I learned a few things about how to rid of Kyou and his father.”

            We pulled apart from our embrace, staring directly into each other’s eyes.

            “How?” I simply asked.

            “Here, stay low, and let me tell you.”


Third Person Point of View


            “Father, when shall we begin our attack against the Fire Country?” Kyou asked, face lifted up into a smirk.

            “For all I know,” the father began. “It will most likely be the day after the morrow.”

            “All this . . . this . . . planning is all mind-blowing,” Kyou wiped his brow of sweat. “Psychologically speaking, it puts my mind in a state of weariness and stress, something a leader like me should not be experiencing.”

            “Truth be told,” the father launched into his tedious lectures. “That stamps a nice impression upon citizens. It makes you look and seem hard working and that you are not a bad, but a good and benevolent monarch. For example, the king of the Ivy Forest Nation provided me his secrets of his monarchy. He stole money from the rich while he gave them monumental amounts of wine and sake to drink to no end. Once any person hit a big strike of money, he took interest and took his tabs on him. Even those who know of his devilish plans find it difficult to refuse him. His offers sound so great and everlasting that not many can deny. However, he had a cardiac arrest and experienced a near-death occurrence. Fortunately, his aches and pains subsided before they could get any more fatal. Orochimaru healed him or something of the sort. You know how these things are, don’t you, son?”

            “Yes, Father,” Kyou nodded his head in obedience before a sudden clash of crashes sounded.

            You could hear the vibrations in the earth as it trembled you to death’s door. The reverberations were echoing endlessly as the two men had to cover their ears to stand firmly onto the quivering terra firma. Because it rang for a troublesome total of three hours, everyone was soon drop-dead onto the ground.

            Both the son and the father lay motionless upon the earth’s surface. Their underground hideout was still trembling slightly as it quavered gradually slower, thinning out by the second.

            The sole door to the room creaked open upon one woman’s earth element ninjutsu. A young man and woman entered the room, in cautious stances in case anyone would attack them out of the nowhere.

            Scattered across the hideout’s floor contained content of a definite invasion of the Twister Country, led by none other than that of Kyou himself, with the assistance of his respected father.

            “Kakashi,” Sayaka called her ‘partner in crime.’ “These scrolls probably contain some important information.

            Kakashi, who was handcuffing the criminal men quickly with his rock-solid ninjutsu training, took only a matter of seconds to stand by her side.

            “Most likely, if we’re not mistaken,” he replied simply.

            “If we’re going to get back to the Konoha festival in time, we’d better get going,” Sayaka muttered, although Kakashi apparently heard her clearly.

            He was like a hawk intent on gathering all the information about her as he could.

            His reply was rather curt, “Gather all the scrolls and anything you deem that is important and could be of importance. Remember, every detail counts.”

            “Hai,” she replied as she rushed herself from shelf to shelf and floor to floor, gathering anything required of Kakashi’s instruction.

            Collecting some syringes from his handy pack strapped around his left knee, they contained some solution of the sort, fizzing and of a pale cerulean color. He injected Kyou and the father of the chemical, and the two seemed more at ease and not in pain.

            “What did you inject them with, Kakashi?” Sayaka asked, after had gathered all the supplies needed from the room.

            “Coma serum,” he answered effortlessly.

            “You did what?” Sayaka raised her voice slightly.

            “Coma serum,” he repeated his answer.

            “Why didn’t you do the regular sleep serum?” she questioned, dropping the supplied onto the ground and coming up at his face.

Kakashi’s Point of View


            “Why not?” I said calmly, trying to mask my utmost anger at her.

            “The coma serum isn’t to be used unless they are very evil criminals and are psycho, baka!” Sayaka shouted softly, eyes looking at me as if I was mentally ill or like I was a little boy who just broke his mother’s favorite glass vase. Which one, I do not know.

            Truth be told, I was angry. Not exactly angry at her . . . yet I was . . . she just had to mention the Konoha dance yet again . . . My rants inside my head began to increase in heat and measure.

            What was so special about Genma that was not in me? Was I not there for you when you cried your eyes out? In times when you failed an ANBU test, who was there for you? Me. Who helped you study in those times? Me. Who helped you manage to become and ANBU? Me. Yet you still say yes to Genma.

            Though, now that I think of it, it is true that I killed Rin . . . That I pretty much caused the death of Obito . . . And that I pretty much screwed our lives because of it . . . but was I not better than Genma who did nothing in you life as significant as I did? What am I to you?

            I turned my head to the side, my eyes were shaded by my drooping hair, “These men are criminals, they don’t deserve the sleep serum. What if they break free of it? There are notices of counter-solutions to our drug. The coma drug keeps them asleep longer and deeper. Since it just recently came out, they cannot escape from it, even if they tried. You see? This is the best solution right now, and it can only be undone if you have the counter-serum. Gather the items you found around here, I’m going to keep it in my scroll for the time being until we get back to Konoha.”

            “Are we going to get these two back to Konoha as well or no?” she asked nervously, seemingly ashamed of her asking and outburst.

            “Sayaka,” I paused after saying her name. “What do you think? Where’s your common sense?”

            “You-“ she halted right there before seemingly mentally waved it off. “Fine.”

            I transported all the items into my scroll as Sayaka transferred Kyou, his father, and a few of the guards around there into her scroll. Usually, you couldn’t transfer people into scrolls, but Minato-sensei gave us special ones, in case we encountered any criminals that needed interrogation.

            On the way back, we did not say a single word to each other and neither said good night when we camped under the starry sky.

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