Chapter Twenty-Four: The ANBU Mission (Part VII)

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Chapter Twenty-Four

The ANBU Mission: Part VII


Sayaka’s Point of View


            Although he was right at my face, I still didn’t budge and continued to stay silent.

            “Hm . . .” Kyou sighed as he trudged out of the room in full thought. “I could have sworn I could have forced her out of here once I had yelled out something. I guess that means that she’s really not in here . . .”

            I suddenly felt the something prick my back. I felt my back to see if anything was felt or anything was there but of no avail.

            “Kage Koibito,” I heard Kyou whisper as he walked carelessly through the wall.

            After five minutes had passed, I recited the chant, “Kage Koibito.”


            I walked through the wall and came out to the dim hallway.

            Screech. Thwack. Bam! Boom!


            I immediately sprinted to where the racket was coming from. Wherever it was . . . danger was creeping gradually into my mind.

Kakashi’s Point of View


            “Chidori!” I shouted as I collided with the hooded figure.

            He chuckled, “Ha! Katon: Roar of the Fire Dragon!”

            A spiraling wave of fire was shot at me. I tried to gather enough chakra to make a clone, but the man kept swerving at me from all directions.

            “Suiton: Tidal Wave!” I shouted as a giant wave of water appeared out of thin air.

            “Futon!” the hooded figure yelled. “Tornado Swerve!”

            A massive vent of air was hurled at me from all directions.

            “Wh-wh-what . . . is this?” I gasped for air as I was lifted up from the ground.

            “Tornado Swerve,” the man smirked as the wind guided me gracefully towards his open, outstretched arm.

            I tried to clear myself from his grasp, but of no avail since my neck was tightly gripped.

            “Maybe I can use that ice clone jutsu. Make it invisible. And grasp free,” I thought as I made an invisible ice clone.

            I manipulated the clone with my open Sharingan and used it to punch the hooded man. Once I was free, I slammed my fist upon the ground, controlling the puppet so that I could unmask the hooded figure. However, he was so agile that he quickly maneuvered himself to dodge my attempts.

            “Five Sense Loss Jutsu!” I heard a sudden shout as the man was brought down to his knees.

            “Sayaka!” I shouted, aghast that my friend was still alive.

            Just as I had just mentally celebrated, the hooded figure disappeared into black mist and was gone through the air vent.

            “You’re . . . alive,” I gasped as I hugged her ever so dearly.

            “Of course, I am,” she laughed before rolling her eyes. “I don’t die off that easily, you know.”

            “Heh,” I smirked as I still kept her close. “So, what happened to you?”

            “You could say that I was locked up in one of those chakra-prisons and Kyou almost found me and . . . That’s pretty much the summary of it,” she chirped. “How about you?”

            “Unconscious after you were gone . . .” I started. “Took me an hour or so to wake up again . . . and . . .”

            Suddenly, Sayaka had blood splattered all over her back. A kunai straight at her heart. She fell straight into my arms, limp.

            Behind me was the hooded man from before. Sayaka was gone—gone in smoke. Shadow clone.

            “Tell me again, who you are,” I snorted at the man as I took a kunai out from my pocket.

            The man laughed, “I guess I have the time to spare.”

            He took his hood off. And . . . there . . . in front of me . . . stood . . . None other than . . .

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