Chapter Twenty-Two: The ANBU Mission (Part Five)

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Chapter Twenty-Two

The ANBU Mission: Part V

Kakashi’s Point of View

            I always thought that ANBU missions nowadays would be easy. No worries. Just the constant reminder of death. Please note my sarcastic moments.

            In any case, the pathway was empty, dark, vacant, black, nothing. Just blank.

            “Kashikoi?” I called for Sayaka.

            “Hai?” she replied softly.

            I turned behind me to glance at her, “I can sense that behind that door is some fifty shinobi. We need to raid there, if not, avoid it.”

            “Why don’t we split up?” she asked.

            I paused, “Not so sure.”

            “Alright,” she replied as I opened the door.

            In there were the approximate fifty shinobi I sensed, all waiting for someone to defeat or kill.

            “Kashikoi,” I snapped her name as I gathered my chakra to form the chidori.

Sayaka’s Point of View

            As I saw Kakashi use his chidori on some five shinobi, I gathered my five-sense loss jutsu into my hand and released it accordingly so that all the shinobi in the room lost their senses. All except Kakashi that is.

            “Nice,” he nodded his head approvingly at me before guiding me to the following door.

            I stopped to feel the ground for any traces of chakra. Kakashi stopped walking, waiting for me to find any evidence.

            “There’s something massive in chakra a few floors down. This is a pretty deep hideout considering that this is their plot against Konoha.

            “I know . . .” Kakashi agreed with me, a distant look in his eyes.

            “However . . .” I paused. “There are a few . . . obstacles along the way down.”

            “As always,” he sighed as he and I continued to walk cautiously down the pathway to what could be the last mission of our lives.

Kakashi’s Point of View

            I used a fire jutsu to light the way down the spiraling stairs of eerie darkness. The center of the stairs was an empty abyss. Darkness was surrounding the both of us. Suddenly, I heard Sayaka shiver in either fear or the cold. I immediately took my black cloak off myself and placed it over Sayaka. I placed my extra cloak on myself afterwards. I gave her mine instead of my extra because it was warmer and contained heat more quickly than my extra.

            “Arigato, Surudoi,” she smiled contently, blushing slightly.

            “It’s fine,” I smiled as I wrapped my arm around her for a few moments before continuing onwards down the dark stairs.


            At the end of the pitch-black stairs, both Sayaka and I tensed at the hearing of a wicked laughter.

            “Ah . . .” a creepy, deep, raspy voice growled. “Looks like I will be able to have some interesting events finally unfurl.”

            “Who are you?” I snarled aimlessly at a nobody.

            A hooded figure wearing warm gray clothes appeared before us out of thin air.

            “I am Samurai Kurai,” the man nodded his head evilly with a corrupt smirk. “And . . . I cannot let you two pass. Gomenasai.”

            “Then we will have no choice but to defeat you . . . perhaps . . . even permanently,” I responded in a definite tone.

            “Hm . . .” the man thought aloud in a villainous notion.

            There was a short intermission, and only the soft breeze moving the crackling fire torches around the ring of stairs and arena was heard. Suddenly, Sayaka and I moved quickly in swerving motions to defeat the man before us.

            “Raikiri!” I shouted as I dashed towards the man, who dodged my jutsu with ease.

            It was as if he was a ghost. A mere untouchable, intangible . . . ghost.

            “Aura pulse!” I heard Sayaka shout as she ran at him.

            Again, the man dodged effortlessly.

            “You can never defeat me!” he yelled evilly. “You are all mere children who are weak and young! I am the great Samurai Kurai!”

            “Then, why don’t you use a sword?” I asked, trying to provoke him intentionally.

            It is better to know all of your enemy’s tactics than have him go easy with tricks up his sleeve. That is why, in the ninja world, we tend to provoke the enemy.

            “Alright, then,” he smirked as he summoned his sheathed sword. “Kai!”

            A bright beam of white light was released from the sword and was shot out in all directions.

            “I summon thee!” the man chanted the words from heart. “Kage Hiryuu! The Shadow Dragon!”

            “Summoning jutsu!” I shouted as my ninken gathered around me. “Distract the dragon while I go after the man!”

            They all nodded in response as I dashed towards the hooded figure. I threw a few kunai and shuriken at him, but he just caught it with his hands, blood dripping down his bare hands as it was nothing.

            As we engaged in a kunai battle, my mind started to drift to where Sayaka was. Once we landed on the ground safely, I took a 360-degree view of my surroundings for my love. However, where was she?

            “Hn,” the man snickered maliciously. “You are probably looking for your partner.”

            “Where is she?” I snapped at him rudely.

            “Here,” he informed me vilely as he flashed his cloak around him open to reveal an unconscious Sayaka, who was dripping wet in fresh, red blood.

            “Sayaka!” I shouted, reaching out my hand to grab her only to be hit back with an amazing chakra force down straight into the ground.

            “Hahaha!” he smirked sinisterly.

            “No!” I shouted in frustration as he disappeared, leaving me in the dust . . . defeated.

            Sayaka . . . I will come after you . . . Just don’t die on me . . . I don’t want to loose another loved one . . . especially the one who has always been there for me . . . no matter what . . . through all the good and bad . . . Obito . . . Rin . . . Father . . . Mother . . . Please watch over her for me until I come to find her.

            After those thoughts were thought, I succumbed to the weariness, tears . . . dripping . . . fogging my vision . . . Sayaka . . .


This is one of the saddest chapters yet . . . well . . . in my opinion . . . if you imagine it thoroughly . . . it is . . . :(





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