Chapter 4: The Fight

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A/n: Ello readers! Just a quick note. Narrator is one of my O.Cs. You can find her in my description. She talks like in first person mode. So you'll see some "i" or "my". But she's not in the story, though. Or is she? That's it. So let's go on to the reading!

•~Narrator's P.o.v~•
Y/n and Black☆Star were in position to fight. Even though this fight is for Black☆Star to feel good about himself, they were going all out. I'm just hoping Y/n doesn't use her magic. When she's angry, She's angry.

Stein was at the stairs near the door, preparing to watching the fight. Maka was in between them, counting to three. When she reach the starting number, she yelled go and stepped out of the way.

Black☆Star started charging at Y/n, while Y/n was staying still. Y/n was getting hit but she had a blank face.

"Aren't you going to fight?" Black☆Star said, hitting Y/n.
"Wait....we started?" Y/n said, Smirking.

Y/n then started to dash away from Black☆Star. Black☆Star was shocked by her speed, but shook it off and ran back to her. Y/n transformed her arm into a (F/c) Kunai. She jumped back a little to avoid Black☆Star's attack. Then she charged back at him to attack, and succeeded. Black☆Star stopped, focusing on a huge cut on his arm.

You would use thought that she stopped fighting. But no.

She charged back to him with her blade in the air. Black☆Star avoided the attack, but holding his arm. Y/n went back to attack but froze midway as if something told her not to fight no more.

She started running again but tripped. Natalie and Nick were on the side. Natalie yelled out if she was fine while Nick just looked worried.

"I'm....fine... Just a few bumps and scratches." Y/n said, straining her voice.
Y/n got just and faced Black☆Star. Her hair covered her eyes but she had a noticeable bored expression.

"I don't want to fight anymore."
She said, stretching.

Everyone looked her, shocked. Even I was shocked. And I'm just reading my script. She seem so calm after she almost sliced Black☆Star's arm in half. Something was up. First she froze, now she doesn't want to fight. Eh I'll figure it out later.

"What do you mean you don't want to fight?" Black☆Star said, still holding his arm.

"I don't want to fight. I got better things to do. Also, you might want to take care of that arm." She said, pointing at Black☆Star's arm.

Black☆Star's hand was covered in blood. Y/n started to walk away. Nick and Natalie followed.

"That was awesome!" Natalie said, walking down the stairs with the group.

"Pretty impressive skills you got there, Y/n." Nick said. Nick was on the left of Y/n while Natalie was on the right.

•~Back on top of the stairs~•
Everyone was still shocked on how Y/n walked away with no argument. Black☆Star was angry. But he was also very interested in this new student.

"Black☆Star. Are you ok?" Tsubaki asked with a worried voice.

" I'm...I'm fine. That girl. I think I'm starting to like her. She's interesting." Black☆Star smirked. Kid was on the side with his partners, watching Y/n walk home. Soul looked a little jealous. Seems that he has some new competition.

"Black☆Star. We should get your arm checked." Maka was concerned for the guy.

"A great star like me can hand- I feel dizzy." At that moment, Black☆Star past out. It did look like he lost a lot of blood.

Kid and his partner were already walking down the stairs, not knowing Black☆Star had just past out.

'I'm confused. Why can't I freak out about her not having any symmetricalness. During class, I freaked out about Liz and Patty but I can't freak out about Y/n. She's very.......... interesting' Kid thought.

He made a few small hand movements which made the sisters look at him weirdly.

Black☆Star was at the nurse's office getting his arm stable. He was going to have a scar on his arm for a while.

Soul and Maka started heading home while Tsubaki stay with Black☆Star.

•~Back to Y/n~•
The three friends were on their way to Y/n house.

"So are you guys heading home?" Y/n asked the two partners.

"Yea. We just wanted to walk you home first. Then-"

"Back to Natalie's brother's place." Nick finished Natalie.

"Natalie, you have a brother?" Y/n asked with her hands behind her back.

"Yeah. When he found out he was a weapon, he got sent here by my mom. I came along wanting to discover something and then I realized I'm Meister. His name is Arthur."

"And you both live with him?"
"Sadly, yes. I moved in with Natalie when I became her weapon. My mom has been trying to kick me out and Nat said it was fine."

"Hmm. I'd like to meet this brother of yours, Nat." Y/n tried out the nickname that Nick gave her.

"Sure. I guess he'll be fine with me bringing a friend over."

'Looks like today-'
'-We're going to meet a new kid.'

A/n: Yes! I finished chapter 4. This chapter is a little shorter than the others. But in the next chapter we learn a little more about Natalie and Nick. I hope the fight was good enough. I was worried I wouldn't be able to make it imaginative for you, readers.

So in the next chapter we'll meet Arthur, the brother of Natalie. I'll explain more about him in the next chapter. Well I got to go and sleep. Bye ~ Daydreamer•Iris

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